pk304301 发表于 2022-5-4 23:25:57

jin 发表于 2022-5-4 18:53
我单机使用,没有组mesh。看管理员说,可能是切换信道了就掉线重连不上了。你可以试试固定信道,别让路由 ...
我把调制模式改了之后然后在手机上WIFI上面有个MAC地址的那个我把那MAC地址改成了使用随机MAC地址我看看还不会出现之前的问题主要是我这边有两台不一样 如果官改又要去找两个不同的包(可能) 我还是用官方的看看是啥问题讲道理应该是没啥问题的   主要也不是很懂现在那些调制那些   那就不用1024的调制了 用802.11ac 这个兼容性应该好点吧 应该性能差点

Dr.Antenna 发表于 2022-5-9 17:20:44

pk304301 发表于 2022-5-4 23:25
我把调制模式改了之后然后在手机上WIFI上面有个MAC地址的那个我把那MAC地址改成了使用随机MAC地址我看 ...


mmxxx 发表于 2022-5-18 14:35:35


at1580 发表于 2022-5-19 12:25:35

断流很玄学。。可能还是固件的问题。。我的AC86U之前也是5G wifi会断。。断的时间不定。。基本上每隔几天就断。。或者有时候你一重启它就开始。。断的时候时间很固定。。都是每隔10分钟瞬间断一下自己就连上。。如此往复。。但这时候2.4G是好的。。各种设置都改过。。各种固件都刷过。。官方,官改,ML改。。每刷一种固件就恢复设置。。如此一番折腾下来都没用。。

枫林 发表于 2022-5-19 12:47:52


mmxxx 发表于 2022-5-21 17:43:22

384.18 384的最后一个版本,今天发现5G-1信道为空0,首页显示无线图标半边绿、半边灰,重启后解决了

May 21 06:31:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:31:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:31:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:31:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 06:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:43 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:31:43 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:31:43 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:31:43 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:31:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:31:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:31:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:31:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:00 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:32:00 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:32:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:32:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:32:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:32:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:32:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:33:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:33:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:33:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:33:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:33:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:33:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:33:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:34:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:34:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:34:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:34:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:34:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:34:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:29 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:29 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:34:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:34:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:34:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:34:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:34:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:34:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:34:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:34:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:35:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:35:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:35:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:36:33 Mastiff: Got AAE_SIG_EULA_FLAG_SIGNED
May 21 06:36:33 rc_service: httpd 634:notify_rc restart_time;restart_httpd;restart_ddns
May 21 06:36:33 ntpd: Stopped ntpd
May 21 06:36:33 dropbear: Early exit: Terminated by signal
May 21 06:36:34 syslogd exiting
May 21 06:36:34 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.25.1
May 21 06:36:34 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.25.1 (2020-07-03 18:17:51 CST)
May 21 06:36:34 dropbear: Running in background
May 21 06:36:34 RT-AC5300: start https:8443
May 21 06:36:34 RT-AC5300: start httpd:80
May 21 06:36:35 hour_monitor: daemon is starting
May 21 06:36:35 hour_monitor: daemon terminates
May 21 06:36:35 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May 21 06:36:35 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May 21 06:36:35 start_ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM, wan_unit 0
May 21 06:36:36 inadyn: In-a-dyn version 2.7 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
May 21 06:36:36 inadyn: Update forced for alias, new IP#
May 21 06:36:37 inadyn: Certificate verification error:num=10:certificate has expired:depth=3:/O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3
May 21 06:36:37 inadyn: Updating cache for
May 21 06:36:45 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/detector with major 190
May 21 06:36:45 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_max = 8000
May 21 06:36:45 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_timeout = 300 sec
May 21 06:36:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:36:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:36:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:36:53 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:36:53 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:36:57 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.1 d32a874
May 21 06:36:57 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.18 r3508378
May 21 06:36:57 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
May 21 06:36:57 kernel: IDPfw: IDPfw is ready
May 21 06:36:57 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 192
May 21 06:36:57 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 3
May 21 06:38:07 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
May 21 06:38:07 kernel: mod epilog takes 0 jiffies
May 21 06:38:07 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
May 21 06:38:07 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
May 21 06:38:07 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/detector with major 190
May 21 06:38:08 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May 21 06:38:08 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May 21 06:39:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 06:39:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:39:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:39:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 06:39:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 06:39:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 06:39:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 06:39:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:39:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:39:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 06:39:54 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 06:39:54 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 06:39:54 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 06:40:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:40:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:40:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:40:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:40:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:40:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:40:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 06:40:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:40:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:44:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:44:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:44:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:44:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:44:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:44:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:44:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:44:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:44:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:44:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:44:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:44:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:44:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:44:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:44:23 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 06:44:23 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 06:44:23 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 06:44:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:44:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:44:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:44:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:44:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:44:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:45:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: 4-way handshake timeout (f)
May 21 06:45:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:45:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:45:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:45:05 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:45:05 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:51:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:51:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:51:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:51:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:51:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:51:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:51:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:51:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:00 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:52:00 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:52:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:52:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:52:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:52:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:52:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:53:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:53:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:53:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:53:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:53:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 06:53:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:53:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:53:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:54:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:54:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:54:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:54:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:54:56 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 06:54:56 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 06:54:56 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 06:55:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:55:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:55:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:55:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:56:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:56:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:56:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 06:56:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 06:56:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:56:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 06:59:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 06:59:24 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 06:59:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 06:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 06:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 06:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:00:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:00:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:00:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:00:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:00:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:00:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:00:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:00:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:00:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:27 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:01:27 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:01:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:01:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:01:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:02:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:02:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:02:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:02:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:02:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:02:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:02:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:02:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:02:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:02:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:02:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 07:02:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 07:02:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 07:02:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 07:03:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:03:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:03:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:04:02 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/detector with major 190
May 21 07:04:02 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_max = 8000
May 21 07:04:02 kernel: tdts: tcp_conn_timeout = 300 sec
May 21 07:04:14 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.1 d32a874
May 21 07:04:14 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.18 r3508378
May 21 07:04:14 kernel: Init chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
May 21 07:04:14 kernel: IDPfw: IDPfw is ready
May 21 07:04:14 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 192
May 21 07:04:14 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 3
May 21 07:04:26 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
May 21 07:04:26 kernel: mod epilog takes 0 jiffies
May 21 07:04:26 kernel: IDPfw: Exit IDPfw
May 21 07:04:27 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/idpfw with major 191
May 21 07:04:27 kernel: Exit chrdev /dev/detector with major 190
May 21 07:04:28 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May 21 07:04:28 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May 21 07:05:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:05:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:05:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:05:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:05:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:05:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:05:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:05:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:07:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:07:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:07:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:07:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:07:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:07:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:07:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:08:00 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:08:00 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:08:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:08:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:08:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:08:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:08:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:08:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:09:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:09:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:11:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:11:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:11:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:11:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:12:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:12:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:12:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:12:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:14:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:15:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:15:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:15:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:15:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:15:07 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 07:15:07 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 07:15:07 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 07:15:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:15:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:15:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:32 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:32 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:15:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 07:16:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:16:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:16:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:16:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:17:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:17:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:17:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:17:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:19:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:19:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:19:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:19:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:20:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:20:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:20:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:20:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:22:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:22:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:22:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:22:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:22:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:22:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:22:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:22:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:22:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:24:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:24:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:24:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:24:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:25:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:25:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:25:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:25:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:27:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:27:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:30:29 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:30:29 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:30:29 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:30:29 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:30:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:30:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:30:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:30:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:30:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:30:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:30:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 07:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:31:09 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:31:09 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:31:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:31:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:31:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:32:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:32:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:32:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:32:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:32:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:32:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:32:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:32:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:33:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 07:33:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:33:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:33:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:33:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:33:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:35:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:35:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:35:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:35:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:36:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:36:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:36:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:36:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:38:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:38:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:38:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:38:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:39:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:39:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:39:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:39:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:40:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:40:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:40:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:40:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:40:02 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:40:02 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:40:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:41:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:41:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:41:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:41:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:42:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:42:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:42:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:42:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:42:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:43:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:43:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:43:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:43:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 07:49:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:49:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:49:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:49:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:49:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:49:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:49:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:49:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:50:05 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 07:50:05 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 07:50:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:50:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:50:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:50:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:50:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:50:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:50:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:50:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:50:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:50:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:50:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:50:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:52:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:52:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:52:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:52:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:52:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:52:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:52:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:52:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:52:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:52:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:53:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:53:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:53:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:53:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:54:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:54:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:54:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:54:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:54:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:54:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:54:18 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:54:18 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:55:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:55:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:55:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:55:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:55:02 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:55:02 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:55:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:55:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:55:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:55:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:56:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 07:56:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 07:56:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:56:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:56:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:32 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:57:32 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:57:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:45 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 07:57:45 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 07:57:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 07:57:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:57:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:57:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:58:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:58:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:58:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:58:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:58:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 07:58:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:58:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 07:58:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:01:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:01:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:01:41 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 08:01:41 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 08:01:41 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 08:01:41 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe22a (44/80) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
May 21 08:06:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:06:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:06:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:06:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:06:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:06:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:06:45 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:06:45 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:09:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:09:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:16:30 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:16:30 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:19:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:19:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:19:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 08:19:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 08:19:36 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 08:19:36 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 08:19:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:19:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:19:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:19:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:17 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:21:17 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:21:17 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:21:17 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe02a (36/80) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
May 21 08:21:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 08:21:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:21:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:21:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:21:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:21:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:22:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:22:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:22:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:22:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:22:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:22:13 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:22:13 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:22:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:22:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:22:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:22:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:24:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:24:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:24:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:24:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:24:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:24:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:24:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:24:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:24:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:26:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:26:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:26:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:26:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:26:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:26:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:26:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:26:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:26:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:26:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:27:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:27:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:27:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:27:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:27:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:27:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:27:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:17 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:28:17 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:28:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:28:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:29:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:29:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:29:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:29:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:29:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:29:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:30:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:30:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:30:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:31:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:31:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:31:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:31:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:35:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 08:35:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:35:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:35:57 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 08:35:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 08:35:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 08:36:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:36:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:36:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:36:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:36:18 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:36:18 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:36:18 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:37:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:37:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:37:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 08:38:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:38:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:38:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:38:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:38:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:38:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:38:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:38:22 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 08:38:22 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 08:38:22 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 08:38:22 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 08:38:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:38:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:39:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:39:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:39:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:39:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:39:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:39:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:43:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:43:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:43:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:43:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:43:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:43:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:43:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:43:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:43:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:43:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:44:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:45:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:45:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:45:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 08:45:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:45:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 08:45:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:45:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:45:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:45:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 08:45:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 08:45:48 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:48 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:52 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:45:52 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:02 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:02 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:02 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:02 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:02 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:02 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:46:03 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 08:49:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:49:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:49:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:49:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:49:25 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 08:49:25 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 08:49:25 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 08:51:20 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:51:20 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:51:20 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 08:55:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:55:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:55:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 08:55:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 08:55:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 08:55:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:55:53 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 08:55:53 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 08:56:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:56:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:56:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:56:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:56:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 08:56:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 09:00:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:00:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:00:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:00:09 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:00:09 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:00:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 09:00:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:00:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:00:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:00:31 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 09:00:31 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 09:00:31 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 09:00:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 09:00:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 09:04:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:04:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:04:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:04:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:04:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 09:04:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:04:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:04:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:06:21 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 09:06:21 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 09:06:21 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 09:09:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:09:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:09:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:09:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:09:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:09:33 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 09:10:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:10:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:10:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:10:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:10:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:10:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:10:22 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:10:22 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:10:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:10:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:12:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 09:12:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:15:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:15:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:15:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:15:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:15:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:15:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:15:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:20:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 09:20:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:20:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:20:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:20:49 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 09:20:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 09:20:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 09:21:23 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:21:23 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:21:23 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:21:23 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe22a (44/80) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
May 21 09:21:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:21:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:21:27 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 09:21:27 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 09:21:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 09:21:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 09:22:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:22:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:22:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:22:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:23:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 09:23:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:23:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:23:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:23:57 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 09:23:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 09:23:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 09:25:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:25:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 09:26:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 09:26:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:28:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:28:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:28:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:28:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:29:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:29:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:29:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:29:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:29:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:29:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:29:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:29:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:29:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:29:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:29:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:29:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:30:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:30:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:30:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:30:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:30:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:30:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:30:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:30:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:30:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:30:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:30:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:30:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:30:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:35:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:35:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:35:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:35:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:35:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:35:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:36:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:36:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 09:38:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth C0:D2:F3:FA:01:61, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:38:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth C0:D2:F3:FA:01:61, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:38:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc C0:D2:F3:FA:01:61, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:38:25 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) c0:d2:f3:fa:01:61
May 21 09:38:25 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) c0:d2:f3:fa:01:61
May 21 09:38:25 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) c0:d2:f3:fa:01:61
May 21 09:38:25 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) c0:d2:f3:fa:01:61 android-93716f3342da28c3
May 21 09:38:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:38:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:38:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:38:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:38:38 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:38:38 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:38:38 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:39:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:39:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:39:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:39:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:39:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:39:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:39:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:39:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:39:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:42:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:43:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:43:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:43:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:34 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:43:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:43:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:43:42 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:42 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:42 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:43:42 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 09:45:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:45:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:45:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 09:45:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Class 2 frame received from nonauthenticated station (6)
May 21 09:45:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:23 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:45:23 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:45:24 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 09:45:24 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0 zhangyandeMBP
May 21 09:45:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:31 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:31 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:45:51 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:51 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:59 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:45:59 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:50:28 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:50:28 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:50:28 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:50:28 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:51:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:51:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:51:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:51:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:23 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 09:51:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:51:38 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:51:38 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:51:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:51:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:52:31 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:52:31 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:52:35 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:52:35 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:52:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:52:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:53:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:53:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:53:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:53:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:53:42 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:53:42 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:53:42 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe22a (44/80)
May 21 09:53:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 09:53:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:55:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:55:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:55:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:55:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:55:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:55:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:55:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:55:47 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:55:47 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:55:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:55:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:55:59 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:55:59 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:05 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 09:56:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May 21 09:56:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May 21 09:56:19 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:19 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:20 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:20 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:56:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 09:56:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 09:56:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 09:56:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:56:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:56:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:57:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 09:57:50 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:59:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:59:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 09:59:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 09:59:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:00:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:00:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:00:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:00:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0 zhangyandeMBP
May 21 10:00:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:00:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:00:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:01:47 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:01:47 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:01:51 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:01:51 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:01:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:02:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:02:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:02:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:02:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:02:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:02:21 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:03:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:04:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:04:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:04:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:04:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:06:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:06:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:07:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:07:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:09:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:09:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:11:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:11:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:11:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:11:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:12:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:12:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:12:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:12:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:15:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:15:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:15:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:15:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:15:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:15:11 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:15:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:15:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:15:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:15:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:15:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:16:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:16:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:16:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:16:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:17:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:17:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:17:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:17:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:17:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:17:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:17:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:17:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:18:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:18:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:18:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:18:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:18:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind C0:D2:F3:FA:01:61, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 10:18:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc C0:D2:F3:FA:01:61, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:19:01 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:19:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:19:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:19:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:19:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:19:03 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 10:19:03 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 10:19:03 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May 21 10:19:03 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe02a (36/80) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
May 21 10:19:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May 21 10:19:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May 21 10:19:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:19:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:30:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:30:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:30:13 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:30:13 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 10:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:30:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:30:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:30:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:30:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May 21 10:30:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May 21 10:33:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:33:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:33:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:33:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:33:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:33:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:34:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:34:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:34:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:34:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:34:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:34:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:34:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 10:35:03 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 10:35:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:11 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May 21 10:35:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May 21 10:35:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:35:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:35:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:35:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:35:47 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:35:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:35:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:36:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:36:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:37:33 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:37:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:37:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:37:54 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:37:54 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:38:03 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:38:03 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:38:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 10:38:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:38:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:38:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:38:06 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 10:38:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 10:38:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 10:38:07 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:38:07 miniupnpd: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( Connection timed out
May 21 10:38:07 miniupnpd: upnpevents_processfds: 0x2c3f8, remove subscriber uuid:f395bafd-0730-4dfc-9766-1b93ee17cde7 after an ERROR cb:
May 21 10:39:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 10:39:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:39:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:39:13 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:39:13 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 10:39:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 10:39:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 10:40:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:40:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:40:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:40:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:40:41 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:40:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 10:40:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 10:40:50 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:40:50 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 10:40:50 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 10:40:50 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e helpmetkiiPhone
May 21 10:41:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:41:06 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 10:41:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:41:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:41:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 10:41:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 10:41:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:41:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:41:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:41:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:41:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:41:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:43:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:43:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:43:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:43:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:43:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:43:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:44:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: 4-way handshake timeout (f)
May 21 10:44:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:44:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:05 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:44:05 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:44:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:44:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:44:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:44:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:44:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:44:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:44:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:44:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 10:44:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e helpmetkiiPhone
May 21 10:44:39 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 10:44:39 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e helpmetkiiPhone
May 21 10:44:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:44:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:45:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:45:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:45:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:45:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:45:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:45:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:45:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:45:36 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:45:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:45:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:45:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:47:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:47:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:47:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:47:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:47:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:47:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:48:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:48:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:50:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:50:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:50:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:50:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:50:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:50:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:50:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:50:38 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:50:41 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:52:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:52:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth2: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:52:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:52:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:52:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:52:54 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:53:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:53:02 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:53:26 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 10:53:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:53:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:53:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:53:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:53:35 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:53:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:53:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:54:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 10:54:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:59:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:59:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:59:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:19 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:19 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 10:59:19 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 10:59:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 10:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:59:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 10:59:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 10:59:58 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:00:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:00:03 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:00:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:09 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83
May 21 11:00:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 56:f2:3c:a4:ad:83 YantekiiPad
May 21 11:00:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 11:00:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:00:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:00:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:01:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:01:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:01:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:01:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:01:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:01:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:01:21 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 56:F2:3C:A4:AD:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:01:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:01:37 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:01:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May 21 11:01:37 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May 21 11:01:53 rc_service: httpd 31008:notify_rc reboot
May 21 11:01:53 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May 21 11:01:53 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May 21 11:01:53 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May 21 11:01:53 pppd: Terminating on signal 15
May 21 11:01:53 pppd: Connect time 672.3 minutes.
May 21 11:01:53 pppd: Sent 869458669 bytes, received 720878490 bytes.
May 21 11:01:53 miniupnpd: Failed to get IP for interface ppp0
May 21 11:01:53 miniupnpd: SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification: cannot get public IP address, stopping
May 21 11:01:54 pppd: Connection terminated.
May 21 11:01:54 pppd: Sent PADT
May 21 11:01:54 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May 21 11:01:54 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May 21 11:01:54 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface ppp0 doesn't exist
May 21 11:01:54 pppd: Exit.
May 21 11:01:54 iTunes: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:54 FTP_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:54 Samba_Server: smb daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:54 kernel: gro disabled
May 21 11:01:55 Timemachine: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:55 WEBDAV_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_mbim
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_ncm
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver qmi_wwan
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_wdm
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver rndis_host
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_ether
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver asix
May 21 11:01:55 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_acm
May 21 11:01:55 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/services-stop
May 21 11:01:55 ntpd: Stopped ntpd
May 21 11:01:56 A.QoS: set_qos_off, ret=65280
May 21 11:01:56 WEBDAV_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:56 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
May 21 11:01:56 Mastiff: Select error
May 21 11:01:56 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
May 21 11:01:56 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
May 21 11:01:57 iTunes: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:57 FTP_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:57 Samba_Server: smb daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:57 kernel: gro disabled
May 21 11:01:57 Timemachine: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:01:57 disk_monitor: Finish
May 21 11:01:57 miniupnpd: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May 21 11:01:59 dnsmasq: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
May 21 11:01:59 avahi-daemon: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
May 21 11:01:59 avahi-daemon: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
May 21 11:01:59 avahi-daemon: avahi-daemon 0.7 exiting.
May 21 11:02:00 dropbear: Early exit: Terminated by signal
May 21 11:02:02 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May 21 11:02:02 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May 21 11:02:02 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering forwarding state
May 21 11:02:02 kernel: device fwd0 left promiscuous mode
May 21 11:02:02 kernel: device fwd1 left promiscuous mode
May 21 11:02:03 kernel: device eth0 left promiscuous mode
May 21 11:02:03 kernel: LACP lacp_proc_exit(298): MSG:lacp all Proc Entry Removed!
May 21 11:02:03 kernel: LACP fsm_deinit(1655): MSG:Port 1 uninitialize
May 21 11:02:03 kernel: LACP fsm_deinit(1655): MSG:Port 2 uninitialize
May 21 11:02:04 kernel: device vlan1 left promiscuous mode
May 21 11:02:04 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering disabled state
May 21 11:02:04 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Hooks already unregistered
May 21 11:02:04 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Hooks already unregistered
May 21 11:02:04 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface br0 doesn't exist
May 21 11:02:07 kernel: nvram: consolidating space!
May 21 11:02:08 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface br0 doesn't exist
May 21 11:02:08 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface br0 doesn't exist
May 21 11:02:08 FTP_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:02:08 Samba_Server: smb daemon is stopped
May 21 11:02:08 Timemachine: daemon is stopped
May 21 11:02:08 syslogd exiting
May5 13:05:09 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.25.1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.25.1 (2020-07-03 18:17:51 CST)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Memory: 512MB = 512MB total
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Memory: 514896k/514896k available, 9392k reserved, 0K highmem
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   vector: 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   fixmap: 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   DMA   : 0xf7e00000 - 0xffe00000   ( 128 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   vmalloc : 0xa0800000 - 0xf0000000   (1272 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   lowmem: 0x80000000 - 0xa0000000   ( 512 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   modules : 0x7f000000 - 0x80000000   (16 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:       .init : 0x80008000 - 0x80050000   ( 288 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:       .text : 0x80050000 - 0x80410000   (3840 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:       .data : 0x8042a000 - 0x8044f440   ( 150 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
May5 13:05:09 kernel:         RCU-based detection of stalled CPUs is disabled.
May5 13:05:09 kernel:         Verbose stalled-CPUs detection is disabled.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NR_IRQS:256
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE GIC init
May5 13:05:09 kernel: External imprecise Data abort at addr=0x0, fsr=0x1c06, pc=0x8000f9d8 lr=0x8000f9cc ignored.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE Global Timer Clock 700000000Hz
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Calibrating delay loop... 2798.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=13991936)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE Private timer setup CPU0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Calibrating local timer... 699.868MHz.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: L310: cache controller enabled 16 ways, CACHE_ID 0x410000c8, AUX_CTRL 0x7a130800
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE Private timer setup CPU1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Brought up 2 CPUs
May5 13:05:09 kernel: SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (5596.77 BogoMIPS).
May5 13:05:09 kernel: devtmpfs: initialized
May5 13:05:09 kernel: atomic64 test passed
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 16
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Found a AMD NAND flash:
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Total size:128MB
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Block size:128KB
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Page Size:   2048B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: OOB Size:    64B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Sector size: 512B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Spare size:16B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ECC level:   8 (8-bit)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Device ID: 0x 1 0xf1 0x80 0x1d 0x 1 0xf1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CCA UART Clock Config: Sel=1 Ovr=1 Div=48
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CCA UART Clock rate 125000000Hz CCB UART Clock rate 125000000Hz
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ACP (Accelerator Coherence Port) enabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Switching to clocksource mpcore_gtimer
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 196608 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP reno registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: no core
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: no core
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: scanning bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE1 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE1 switching to GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE1 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:01:0000: ASMedia UpPort mem_base 0x08000000, mem_limit 0x09ffffff
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0018: ASMedia DownPort mem_base 0x0b000000, mem_limit 0x0cffffff
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0018: ASMedia DownPort Link speed is GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0018: ASMedia DownPort Link status 0x7012
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0038: ASMedia DownPort mem_base 0x0e000000, mem_limit 0x0fffffff
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0038: ASMedia DownPort Link speed is GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0038: ASMedia DownPort Link status 0x7012
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus2: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 3
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus3: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 4
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus4: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 2: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 2: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 4: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 4: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 0: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 0: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 2: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 2: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 4: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 4: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 0: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 0: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE2 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE2 switching to GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE2 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 2: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 4: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 4: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 0: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE3 link=0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
May5 13:05:09 kernel: fuse init (API version 7.15)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: msgmni has been set to 1005
May5 13:05:09 kernel: io scheduler noop registered (default)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: io scheduler deadline registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: io scheduler cfq registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: serial8250.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x18000300 (irq = 117) is a 16550
May5 13:05:09 kernel: console enabled, bootconsole disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: serial8250.0: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x18000400 (irq = 117) is a 16550
May5 13:05:09 kernel: brd: module loaded
May5 13:05:09 kernel: loop: module loaded
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pflash: found no supported devices
May5 13:05:09 kernel: bcmsflash: found no supported devices
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Boot partition size = 524288(0x80000)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: lookup_nflash_rootfs_offset: offset = 0x200000
May5 13:05:09 kernel: nflash: squash filesystem with lzma found at block 30
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Creating 4 MTD partitions on "nflash":
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "boot"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x000000080000-0x000000200000 : "nvram"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x000000200000-0x000004000000 : "linux"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x0000003c2ae8-0x000004000000 : "rootfs"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPP MPPE Compression module registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 24
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPTP driver version 0.8.5
May5 13:05:09 kernel: === PPTP init ===
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Mirror/redirect action on
May5 13:05:09 kernel: u32 classifier
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   Performance counters on
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   Actions configured
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (8045 buckets, 32180 max)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP cubic registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 15
May5 13:05:09 kernel: L2TP core driver, V2.0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <>
May5 13:05:09 kernel: All bugs added by David S. Miller <>
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Registering the dns_resolver key type
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Northstar brcmnand NAND Flash Controller driver, Version 0.1 (c) Broadcom Inc. 2012
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xf1 (AMD NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Spare area=64 eccbytes 56, ecc bytes located at:
May5 13:05:09 kernel:2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Available 7 bytes at (off,len):
May5 13:05:09 kernel: (1,1) (16,2) (32,2) (48,2) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0) (0,0)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Scanning device for bad blocks
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Options: NO_AUTOINCR,NO_READRDY,BBT_SCAN2NDPAGE,
May5 13:05:09 kernel: _ Reboot message ... _______________________________________________________
May5 13:05:09 kernel: <4>dhd_detach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:89 tï¾Uªnated OK
May5 13:05:09 kernel: <4>dhd_detach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:85 terminated OK
May5 13:05:09 kernel: <4>dhd_detach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:81 terminated OK
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ____________________________________________________________________________
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ### LACP: Jun 21 2020 01:59:53 version (r666427)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_get_lacp_ports_config(1484): MSG:lacpports 1 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1585): MSG:fsm_info->ports_mask 0x6
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1595): MSG:Port 1 initialize
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1595): MSG:Port 2 initialize
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1622): MSG:lastport 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP lacp_proc_init(277): MSG:lacp_msg_level 0x0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP lacp_proc_init(279): MSG:lacp created
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device fwd0 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device fwd1 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device vlan1 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May5 13:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May5 13:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May5 13:05:10 kernel: br0: topology change detected, propagating
May5 13:05:10 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering forwarding state
May5 13:05:10 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering forwarding state
May5 13:05:10 nat: apply redirect rules
May5 13:05:11 dropbear: Running in background
May5 13:05:12 dnsmasq: started, version 2.81-32-g93cb543 cachesize 1500
May5 13:05:12 dnsmasq: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
May5 13:05:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May5 13:05:12 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:12 RT-AC5300: start https:8443
May5 13:05:12 RT-AC5300: start httpd:80
May5 13:05:13 disk_monitor: be idle
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Found user 'nobody' (UID 65534) and group 'nobody' (GID 65534).
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Successfully dropped root privileges.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: avahi-daemon 0.7 starting up.
May5 13:05:13 hour_monitor: daemon is starting
May5 13:05:13 hour_monitor: daemon terminates
May5 13:05:13 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1003 (3)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1003 (3)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1003 (3)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1003 (3) for reason APCS_INIT
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Loading service file /tmp/avahi/services/alexa.service.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Loading new alias name RT-AC5300.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: New relevant interface br0.IPv4 for mDNS.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: New relevant interface lo.IPv4 for mDNS.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Network interface enumeration completed.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on br0.IPv4.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
May5 13:05:13 avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
May5 13:05:13 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May5 13:05:13 httpd: Generating SSL certificate...8443
May5 13:05:13 Mastiff: init
May5 13:05:13 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May5 13:05:13 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe02a (36/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May5 13:05:14 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May5 13:05:14 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May5 13:05:14 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May5 13:05:14 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: could not open either /etc/os-release or /usr/lib/os-release
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Server startup complete. Host name is RT-AC5300-BAB0.local. Local service cookie is 3590103432.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Alias name "RT-AC5300" successfully established.
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: lsb_release information not available
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: created chroot directory /var/run/lldpd
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: protocol LLDP enabled
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: protocol CDPv1 disabled
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: protocol CDPv2 disabled
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: protocol SONMP disabled
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: protocol EDP disabled
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: protocol FDP disabled
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: libevent 2.0.21-stable initialized with epoll method
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May5 13:05:14 lldpd: cannot get ethtool link information with GSET (requires 2.6.19+): Operation not permitted
May5 13:05:14 lldpcli: lldpd should resume operations
May5 13:05:14 WAN_Connection: Fail to connect with some issues.
May5 13:05:15 avahi-daemon: Service "RT-AC5300-BAB0" (/tmp/avahi/services/alexa.service) successfully established.
May5 13:05:16 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/services-start
May5 13:05:16 admin: [软件中心]-: /koolshare/init.d/
May5 13:05:16 admin: [软件中心]-: skipd进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:16 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
May5 13:05:16 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
May5 13:05:16 kernel: usbcore: registered new device driver usb
May5 13:05:17 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May5 13:05:17 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
May5 13:05:17 kernel: cdc_acm: v0.26:USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
May5 13:05:17 syslog: module ax88179_178a not found in modules.dep
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
May5 13:05:17 kernel: cdc_ncm: 14-Mar-2012
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
May5 13:05:17 admin: [软件中心]-: httpdb进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
May5 13:05:17 wan: ==
May5 13:05:17 kernel: cdc_mbim: loaded
May5 13:05:17 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_mbim
May5 13:05:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:17 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:17 pppd: Plugin loaded.
May5 13:05:17 pppd: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.11 compiled against pppd 2.4.7
May5 13:05:17 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af
May5 13:05:17 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af RootdeAir
May5 13:05:17 pppd: pppd 2.4.7 started by admin, uid 0
May5 13:05:17 pppd: PPP session is 20966 (0x51e6)
May5 13:05:17 pppd: Connected to 00:00:5e:00:01:48 via interface eth0
May5 13:05:17 pppd: Using interface ppp0
May5 13:05:17 pppd: Connect: ppp0 <--> eth0
May5 13:05:17 pppd: Remote message: 0;User( Authenticate OK, Request Accept by
May5 13:05:17 pppd: PAP authentication succeeded
May5 13:05:17 pppd: peer from calling number 00:00:5E:00:01:48 authorized
May5 13:05:17 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:17 pppd: localIP address
May5 13:05:17 pppd: remote IP address
May5 13:05:17 pppd: primary   DNS address
May5 13:05:17 pppd: secondary DNS address
May5 13:05:17 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:17 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:17 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:17 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/wan-start (args: 0)
May5 13:05:17 admin: [软件中心]-: /koolshare/init.d/ start
May5 13:05:17 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May5 13:05:17 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May5 13:05:17 admin: [软件中心]-: skipd进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:17 admin: [软件中心]-: httpdb进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:18 kernel: nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
May5 13:05:18 kernel: nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
May5 13:05:18 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:18 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:18 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:18 wan: finish adding multi routes
May5 13:05:18 rc_service: ip-up 829:notify_rc stop_ntpd
May5 13:05:18 rc_service: ip-up 829:notify_rc start_ntpd
May5 13:05:18 rc_service: waitting "stop_ntpd" via ip-up ...
May5 13:05:19 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May5 13:05:19 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May5 13:05:19 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:19 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:19 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:19 dhcp_client: bound via for 259200 seconds.
May5 13:05:20 WAN_Connection: WAN was restored.
May5 13:05:20 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:20 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:20 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:23 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: xHCI Host Controller
May5 13:05:23 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
May5 13:05:23 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: irq 112, io mem 0x18023000
May5 13:05:23 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: Failed to enable MSI-X
May5 13:05:23 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: failed to allocate MSI entry
May5 13:05:23 kernel: usb usb1: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
May5 13:05:23 kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
May5 13:05:23 kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
May5 13:05:23 kernel: usb2mode:
May5 13:05:23 kernel: ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
May5 13:05:23 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: EHCI Host Controller
May5 13:05:23 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
May5 13:05:23 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: irq 111, io mem 0x18021000
May5 13:05:24 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
May5 13:05:24 kernel: hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
May5 13:05:24 kernel: hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
May5 13:05:24 kernel: ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
May5 13:05:24 kernel: ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: OHCI Host Controller
May5 13:05:24 kernel: ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
May5 13:05:24 kernel: ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: irq 111, io mem 0x18022000
May5 13:05:24 kernel: hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
May5 13:05:24 kernel: hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
May5 13:05:24 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
May5 13:05:24 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
May5 13:05:24 kernel: USB Mass Storage support registered.
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Tuxera FAT 12/16/32 driver version 3015.1.29.5 .
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Built against headers #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 18:00:49 CST 2018 arm
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Running on kernel #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 3 18:22:16 CST 2020 armv7l
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Tuxera NTFS driver 3018.6.22d .
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Built against headers #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 18:00:49 CST 2018 arm
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Running on kernel #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 3 18:22:16 CST 2020 armv7l
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Tuxera HFS+ driver 3017.6.20
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Built against headers #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 18:00:49 CST 2018 arm
May5 13:05:24 kernel: Running on kernel #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 3 18:22:16 CST 2020 armv7l
May5 13:05:25 ntpd: Started ntpd
May5 13:05:26 miniupnpd: HTTP listening on port 40364
May5 13:05:26 miniupnpd: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May5 13:05:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May5 13:05:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May5 13:05:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e helpmetkiiPhone
May 21 11:04:15 ntpd: Initial clock set
May 21 11:04:15 rc_service: ntpd_synced 1091:notify_rc restart_diskmon
May 21 11:04:15 disk_monitor: Finish
May 21 11:04:16 start_ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM, wan_unit 0
May 21 11:04:16 inadyn: In-a-dyn version 2.7 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
May 21 11:04:17 disk_monitor: be idle
May 21 11:04:18 inadyn: Update forced for alias, new IP#
May 21 11:04:19 inadyn: Certificate verification error:num=10:certificate has expired:depth=3:/O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3
May 21 11:04:19 inadyn: Updating cache for
May 21 11:04:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:04:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:04:24 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:04:24 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:04:42 crond: time disparity of 2126759 minutes detected
May 21 11:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 11:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:05:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:05:52 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:05:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:05:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:05:58 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:05:58 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:07:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth2: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 11:07:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:07:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:07:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:07:20 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:07:20 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:07:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 11:07:31 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:07:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:07:32 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:07:32 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 11:07:32 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:07:32 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:10:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 11:10:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:10:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:10:40 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:10:40 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 11:10:40 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:10:40 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 11:11:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth2: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:11:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:11:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:11:43 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 11:11:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:44 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:11:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:13:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 11:13:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 11:13:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:13:45 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 11:13:45 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 11:13:45 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:25:56 rc_service: httpd 630:notify_rc reboot
May 21 16:25:57 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May 21 16:25:57 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May 21 16:25:57 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Hangup (SIGHUP)
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Connect time 207.4 minutes.
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Sent 602674498 bytes, received 3980995830 bytes.
May 21 16:25:57 miniupnpd: Failed to get IP for interface ppp0
May 21 16:25:57 miniupnpd: SendNATPMPPublicAddressChangeNotification: cannot get public IP address, stopping
May 21 16:25:57 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Terminating on signal 15
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Connection terminated.
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Sent PADT
May 21 16:25:57 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May 21 16:25:57 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May 21 16:25:57 pppd: Exit.
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface ppp0 doesn't exist
May 21 16:25:58 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May 21 16:25:58 iTunes: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:25:58 FTP_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:25:58 Samba_Server: smb daemon is stopped
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: gro disabled
May 21 16:25:58 Timemachine: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:25:58 WEBDAV_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_mbim
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_ncm
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver qmi_wwan
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_wdm
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver rndis_host
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_ether
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver asix
May 21 16:25:58 kernel: usbcore: deregistering interface driver cdc_acm
May 21 16:25:58 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/services-stop
May 21 16:25:58 ntpd: Stopped ntpd
May 21 16:25:59 A.QoS: set_qos_off, ret=65280
May 21 16:26:00 WEBDAV_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:00 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
May 21 16:26:00 Mastiff: Select error
May 21 16:26:00 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
May 21 16:26:00 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
May 21 16:26:01 iTunes: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:01 FTP_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:01 Samba_Server: smb daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:01 kernel: gro disabled
May 21 16:26:01 Timemachine: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:01 disk_monitor: Finish
May 21 16:26:01 miniupnpd: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May 21 16:26:01 lldpd: unable to send shutdown LLDPDU on eth2
May 21 16:26:02 dnsmasq: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
May 21 16:26:02 avahi-daemon: Got SIGTERM, quitting.
May 21 16:26:02 avahi-daemon: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
May 21 16:26:02 avahi-daemon: Leaving mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
May 21 16:26:02 avahi-daemon: avahi-daemon 0.7 exiting.
May 21 16:26:03 dropbear: Early exit: Terminated by signal
May 21 16:26:04 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May 21 16:26:04 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering forwarding state
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: device fwd0 left promiscuous mode
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: device fwd1 left promiscuous mode
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: device eth0 left promiscuous mode
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: LACP lacp_proc_exit(298): MSG:lacp all Proc Entry Removed!
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: LACP fsm_deinit(1655): MSG:Port 1 uninitialize
May 21 16:26:04 kernel: LACP fsm_deinit(1655): MSG:Port 2 uninitialize
May 21 16:26:05 kernel: device vlan1 left promiscuous mode
May 21 16:26:05 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering disabled state
May 21 16:26:05 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Hooks already unregistered
May 21 16:26:05 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Hooks already unregistered
May 21 16:26:06 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface br0 doesn't exist
May 21 16:26:09 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface br0 doesn't exist
May 21 16:26:09 kernel: EMF_ERROR: Interface br0 doesn't exist
May 21 16:26:09 FTP_Server: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:09 Samba_Server: smb daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:09 Timemachine: daemon is stopped
May 21 16:26:09 syslogd exiting
May5 13:05:09 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.25.1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.25.1 (2020-07-03 18:17:51 CST)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Inode-cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Memory: 512MB = 512MB total
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Memory: 514896k/514896k available, 9392k reserved, 0K highmem
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   vector: 0xffff0000 - 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   fixmap: 0xfff00000 - 0xfffe0000   ( 896 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   DMA   : 0xf7e00000 - 0xffe00000   ( 128 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   vmalloc : 0xa0800000 - 0xf0000000   (1272 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   lowmem: 0x80000000 - 0xa0000000   ( 512 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   modules : 0x7f000000 - 0x80000000   (16 MB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:       .init : 0x80008000 - 0x80050000   ( 288 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:       .text : 0x80050000 - 0x80410000   (3840 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel:       .data : 0x8042a000 - 0x8044f440   ( 150 kB)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: SLUB: Genslabs=11, HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Hierarchical RCU implementation.
May5 13:05:09 kernel:         RCU-based detection of stalled CPUs is disabled.
May5 13:05:09 kernel:         Verbose stalled-CPUs detection is disabled.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NR_IRQS:256
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE GIC init
May5 13:05:09 kernel: External imprecise Data abort at addr=0x0, fsr=0x1c06, pc=0x8000f9d8 lr=0x8000f9cc ignored.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE Global Timer Clock 700000000Hz
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Calibrating delay loop... 2798.38 BogoMIPS (lpj=13991936)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE Private timer setup CPU0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Calibrating local timer... 699.851MHz.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: L310: cache controller enabled 16 ways, CACHE_ID 0x410000c8, AUX_CTRL 0x7a130800
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May5 13:05:09 kernel: MPCORE Private timer setup CPU1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Brought up 2 CPUs
May5 13:05:09 kernel: SMP: Total of 2 processors activated (5596.77 BogoMIPS).
May5 13:05:09 kernel: devtmpfs: initialized
May5 13:05:09 kernel: atomic64 test passed
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 16
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Found a AMD NAND flash:
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Total size:128MB
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Block size:128KB
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Page Size:   2048B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: OOB Size:    64B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Sector size: 512B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Spare size:16B
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ECC level:   8 (8-bit)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Device ID: 0x 1 0xf1 0x80 0x1d 0x 1 0xf1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CCA UART Clock Config: Sel=1 Ovr=1 Div=48
May5 13:05:09 kernel: CCA UART Clock rate 125000000Hz CCB UART Clock rate 125000000Hz
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ACP (Accelerator Coherence Port) enabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Switching to clocksource mpcore_gtimer
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: IP route cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 16384 (order: 5, 196608 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 16384 bind 16384)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP reno registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: no core
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: no core
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: scanning bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE1 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE1 switching to GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE1 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:01:0000: ASMedia UpPort mem_base 0x08000000, mem_limit 0x09ffffff
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0018: ASMedia DownPort mem_base 0x0b000000, mem_limit 0x0cffffff
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0018: ASMedia DownPort Link speed is GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0018: ASMedia DownPort Link status 0x7012
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0038: ASMedia DownPort mem_base 0x0e000000, mem_limit 0x0fffffff
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0038: ASMedia DownPort Link speed is GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE 0001:02:0038: ASMedia DownPort Link status 0x7012
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus2: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 3
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus3: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 4
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus4: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 2: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 2: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 4: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 4: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 0: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:03:00.0: BAR 0: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:03.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 2: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 2: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 4: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 4: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 0: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:04:00.0: BAR 0: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:02:07.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:01:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0001:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE2 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE2 switching to GEN2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE2 link=1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus0: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: Fixing up bus 1
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCI: bus1: Fast back to back transfers disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0: BAR 8: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0: BAR 9: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 2: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 2: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 4: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 4: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 0: assigned
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:01:00.0: BAR 0: set to (PCI address
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0: PCI bridge to
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pci 0002:00:00.0:   bridge window
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE3 link=0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
May5 13:05:09 kernel: fuse init (API version 7.15)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: msgmni has been set to 1005
May5 13:05:09 kernel: io scheduler noop registered (default)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: io scheduler deadline registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: io scheduler cfq registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PCIE: Doing ASMedia switch Init...Test Read = 20010002
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 2 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: serial8250.0: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x18000300 (irq = 117) is a 16550
May5 13:05:09 kernel: console enabled, bootconsole disabled
May5 13:05:09 kernel: serial8250.0: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x18000400 (irq = 117) is a 16550
May5 13:05:09 kernel: brd: module loaded
May5 13:05:09 kernel: loop: module loaded
May5 13:05:09 kernel: pflash: found no supported devices
May5 13:05:09 kernel: bcmsflash: found no supported devices
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Boot partition size = 524288(0x80000)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: lookup_nflash_rootfs_offset: offset = 0x200000
May5 13:05:09 kernel: nflash: squash filesystem with lzma found at block 30
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Creating 4 MTD partitions on "nflash":
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000080000 : "boot"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x000000080000-0x000000200000 : "nvram"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x000000200000-0x000004000000 : "linux"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 0x0000003c2ae8-0x000004000000 : "rootfs"
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPP MPPE Compression module registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 24
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPTP driver version 0.8.5
May5 13:05:09 kernel: === PPTP init ===
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Mirror/redirect action on
May5 13:05:09 kernel: u32 classifier
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   Performance counters on
May5 13:05:09 kernel:   Actions configured
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (8045 buckets, 32180 max)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ctnetlink v0.93: registering with nfnetlink.
May5 13:05:09 kernel: xt_time: kernel timezone is -0000
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
May5 13:05:09 kernel: TCP cubic registered
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
May5 13:05:09 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 15
May5 13:05:09 kernel: L2TP core driver, V2.0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: PPPoL2TP kernel driver, V2.0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8 Ben Greear <>
May5 13:05:09 kernel: All bugs added by David S. Miller <>
May5 13:05:09 kernel: Registering the dns_resolver key type
May5 13:05:09 kernel: _ Reboot message ... _______________________________________________________
May5 13:05:09 kernel: <4>dhd_detach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:89 tï¾Uªnated OK
May5 13:05:09 kernel: <4>dhd_detach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:85 terminated OK
May5 13:05:09 kernel: <4>dhd_detach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:81 terminated OK
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ____________________________________________________________________________
May5 13:05:09 kernel: ### LACP: Jun 21 2020 01:59:53 version (r666427)
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_get_lacp_ports_config(1484): MSG:lacpports 1 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1585): MSG:fsm_info->ports_mask 0x6
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1595): MSG:Port 1 initialize
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1595): MSG:Port 2 initialize
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP fsm_init(1622): MSG:lastport 2
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP lacp_proc_init(277): MSG:lacp_msg_level 0x0
May5 13:05:09 kernel: LACP lacp_proc_init(279): MSG:lacp created
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device fwd0 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device fwd1 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device vlan1 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
May5 13:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May5 13:05:10 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May5 13:05:11 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May5 13:05:11 kernel: br0: topology change detected, propagating
May5 13:05:11 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering forwarding state
May5 13:05:11 kernel: br0: port 1(vlan1) entering forwarding state
May5 13:05:11 nat: apply redirect rules
May5 13:05:12 dropbear: Running in background
May5 13:05:14 dnsmasq: started, version 2.81-32-g93cb543 cachesize 1500
May5 13:05:14 dnsmasq: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
May5 13:05:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May5 13:05:14 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:14 RT-AC5300: start https:8443
May5 13:05:14 RT-AC5300: start httpd:80
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Found user 'nobody' (UID 65534) and group 'nobody' (GID 65534).
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Successfully dropped root privileges.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: avahi-daemon 0.7 starting up.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Loading service file /tmp/avahi/services/alexa.service.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Loading new alias name RT-AC5300.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface br0.IPv4 with address
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: New relevant interface br0.IPv4 for mDNS.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Joining mDNS multicast group on interface lo.IPv4 with address
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: New relevant interface lo.IPv4 for mDNS.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Network interface enumeration completed.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on br0.IPv4.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
May5 13:05:14 avahi-daemon: Registering new address record for on lo.IPv4.
May5 13:05:14 hour_monitor: daemon is starting
May5 13:05:14 hour_monitor: daemon terminates
May5 13:05:14 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May5 13:05:14 disk_monitor: be idle
May5 13:05:14 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1004 (4)
May5 13:05:14 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1004 (4)
May5 13:05:14 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1004 (4)
May5 13:05:14 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1004 (4) for reason APCS_INIT
May5 13:05:14 httpd: Save SSL certificate...80
May5 13:05:14 httpd: Generating SSL certificate...80
May5 13:05:15 avahi-daemon: Server startup complete. Host name is RT-AC5300-BAB0.local. Local service cookie is 3817142054.
May5 13:05:15 avahi-daemon: Alias name "RT-AC5300" successfully established.
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: could not open either /etc/os-release or /usr/lib/os-release
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: lsb_release information not available
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: created chroot directory /var/run/lldpd
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: protocol LLDP enabled
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: protocol CDPv1 disabled
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: protocol CDPv2 disabled
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: protocol SONMP disabled
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: protocol EDP disabled
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: protocol FDP disabled
May5 13:05:15 lldpd: libevent 2.0.21-stable initialized with epoll method
May5 13:05:15 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May5 13:05:15 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May5 13:05:15 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe02a (36/80)
May5 13:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe02a (36/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May5 13:05:16 Mastiff: init
May5 13:05:16 lldpd: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May5 13:05:16 lldpd: cannot get ethtool link information with GSET (requires 2.6.19+): Operation not permitted
May5 13:05:16 lldpcli: lldpd should resume operations
May5 13:05:16 WAN_Connection: Fail to connect with some issues.
May5 13:05:16 avahi-daemon: Service "RT-AC5300-BAB0" (/tmp/avahi/services/alexa.service) successfully established.
May5 13:05:16 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May5 13:05:16 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May5 13:05:16 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May5 13:05:16 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May5 13:05:17 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/services-start
May5 13:05:18 admin: [软件中心]-: /koolshare/init.d/
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new device driver usb
May5 13:05:18 admin: [软件中心]-: skipd进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_acm
May5 13:05:18 kernel: cdc_acm: v0.26:USB Abstract Control Model driver for USB modems and ISDN adapters
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver asix
May5 13:05:18 syslog: module ax88179_178a not found in modules.dep
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver rndis_host
May5 13:05:18 kernel: cdc_ncm: 14-Mar-2012
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ncm
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_wdm
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver qmi_wwan
May5 13:05:18 kernel: cdc_mbim: loaded
May5 13:05:18 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_mbim
May5 13:05:18 wan: ==
May5 13:05:18 admin: [软件中心]-: httpdb进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:18 pppd: Plugin loaded.
May5 13:05:18 pppd: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.11 compiled against pppd 2.4.7
May5 13:05:19 pppd: pppd 2.4.7 started by admin, uid 0
May5 13:05:19 pppd: PPP session is 27462 (0x6b46)
May5 13:05:19 pppd: Connected to 00:00:5e:00:01:48 via interface eth0
May5 13:05:19 pppd: Using interface ppp0
May5 13:05:19 pppd: Connect: ppp0 <--> eth0
May5 13:05:19 pppd: Remote message: 0;User( Authenticate OK, Request Accept by
May5 13:05:19 pppd: PAP authentication succeeded
May5 13:05:19 pppd: peer from calling number 00:00:5E:00:01:48 authorized
May5 13:05:19 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:19 pppd: localIP address
May5 13:05:19 pppd: remote IP address
May5 13:05:19 pppd: primary   DNS address
May5 13:05:19 pppd: secondary DNS address
May5 13:05:19 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:19 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:19 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/wan-start (args: 0)
May5 13:05:19 lldpd: removal request for address of, but no knowledge of it
May5 13:05:19 admin: [软件中心]-: /koolshare/init.d/ start
May5 13:05:19 admin: [软件中心]-: skipd进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:19 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May5 13:05:19 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May5 13:05:19 admin: [软件中心]-: httpdb进程准备就绪!
May5 13:05:19 kernel: nf_conntrack_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
May5 13:05:19 kernel: nf_nat_rtsp v0.6.21 loading
May5 13:05:19 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:19 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:19 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:20 wan: finish adding multi routes
May5 13:05:20 rc_service: ip-up 833:notify_rc stop_ntpd
May5 13:05:20 rc_service: ip-up 833:notify_rc start_ntpd
May5 13:05:20 rc_service: waitting "stop_ntpd" via ip-up ...
May5 13:05:21 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_ppp0_eth0)
May5 13:05:21 custom_script: Running /jffs/scripts/nat-start
May5 13:05:21 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May5 13:05:21 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May5 13:05:21 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:21 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:21 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:21 dhcp_client: bound via for 259200 seconds.
May5 13:05:24 WAN_Connection: WAN was restored.
May5 13:05:24 dnsmasq: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
May5 13:05:24 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:24 dnsmasq: using nameserver
May5 13:05:25 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: xHCI Host Controller
May5 13:05:25 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
May5 13:05:25 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: irq 112, io mem 0x18023000
May5 13:05:25 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: Failed to enable MSI-X
May5 13:05:25 kernel: xhci_hcd 0000:00:0c.0: failed to allocate MSI entry
May5 13:05:25 kernel: usb usb1: No SuperSpeed endpoint companion for config 1interface 0 altsetting 0 ep 129: using minimum values
May5 13:05:25 kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
May5 13:05:25 kernel: hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
May5 13:05:25 kernel: usb2mode:
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: EHCI Host Controller
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: irq 111, io mem 0x18021000
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ehci_hcd 0000:00:0b.1: USB 0.0 started, EHCI 1.00
May5 13:05:25 kernel: hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
May5 13:05:25 kernel: hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: OHCI Host Controller
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
May5 13:05:25 kernel: ohci_hcd 0000:00:0b.0: irq 111, io mem 0x18022000
May5 13:05:25 kernel: hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
May5 13:05:25 kernel: hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
May5 13:05:25 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May5 13:05:25 kernel: Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
May5 13:05:25 kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
May5 13:05:25 kernel: USB Mass Storage support registered.
May5 13:05:25 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:25 kernel: Tuxera FAT 12/16/32 driver version 3015.1.29.5 .
May5 13:05:25 kernel: Built against headers #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 18:00:49 CST 2018 arm
May5 13:05:25 kernel: Running on kernel #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 3 18:22:16 CST 2020 armv7l
May5 13:05:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:26 kernel: Tuxera NTFS driver 3018.6.22d .
May5 13:05:26 kernel: Built against headers #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 18:00:49 CST 2018 arm
May5 13:05:26 kernel: Running on kernel #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 3 18:22:16 CST 2020 armv7l
May5 13:05:26 kernel: Tuxera HFS+ driver 3017.6.20
May5 13:05:26 kernel: Built against headers #3 SMP PREEMPT Mon Sep 3 18:00:49 CST 2018 arm
May5 13:05:26 kernel: Running on kernel #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 3 18:22:16 CST 2020 armv7l
May5 13:05:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May5 13:05:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:27 ntpd: Started ntpd
May5 13:05:27 miniupnpd: HTTP listening on port 60867
May5 13:05:27 miniupnpd: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May5 13:05:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May5 13:05:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e helpmetkiiPhone
May5 13:05:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af
May5 13:05:28 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af RootdeAir
May5 13:05:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:39 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:42 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:05:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:05:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May5 13:05:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May5 13:05:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:05:44 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:05:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May5 13:05:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May5 13:05:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May5 13:06:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:06:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May5 13:06:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:06:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:06:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May5 13:06:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 16:29:39 ntpd: Initial clock set
May 21 16:29:39 rc_service: ntpd_synced 1231:notify_rc restart_diskmon
May 21 16:29:39 disk_monitor: Finish
May 21 16:29:40 start_ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM, wan_unit 0
May 21 16:29:40 disk_monitor: be idle
May 21 16:29:40 inadyn: In-a-dyn version 2.7 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
May 21 16:29:41 inadyn: Update forced for alias, new IP#
May 21 16:29:42 inadyn: Certificate verification error:num=10:certificate has expired:depth=3:/O=Digital Signature Trust Co./CN=DST Root CA X3
May 21 16:29:43 crond: time disparity of 2127083 minutes detected
May 21 16:29:47 inadyn: Domain already in use, suggested domain ''
May 21 16:29:47 inadyn: Fatal error in DDNS server response:
May 21 16:29:47 inadyn: 11062
May 21 16:29:47 inadyn: Error response from DDNS server, exiting!
May 21 16:29:47 syslog: Error code 48: DDNS server response not OK
May 21 16:35:04 rc_service: httpd 631:notify_rc start_lltdc
May 21 16:35:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:35:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:35:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:35:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:35:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:35:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:35:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:35:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:35:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:35:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:35:27 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:35:27 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:36:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:36:54 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:36:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:36:57 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth2: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:00 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth2: Disassoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:37:01 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:01 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPNAK(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90 wrong network
May 21 16:37:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:05 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:05 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90 HUAWEI_P10-3770ed42905f85
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: 03 aqmfifo_status 0x1
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 AQM agg params 0x3f3f maxlen hi/lo 0x0 0xffff minlen 0x0 adjlen 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 AQM agg results 0x5000 num 0 len hi/lo 0x0 0x0 BAbitmap(0-3) 0 0 0 0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 AQM agg rdptr 0 mpdu_len 0x78 idx 0x0 info 0x300
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 PC :
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 phydebug :
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 pktproc      0x0101 027292.137 pktproc      0x0101 027292.137 pktproc      0x0101 027292.137 pktproc      0x0101 027292.137
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027292.137 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027292.137 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027292.137 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027292.137
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 gpiosel      0x0000 027292.137 gpiolo       0x0001 027292.137 gpiohi       0x02f8 027292.137
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 gpiosel      0x0001 027292.137 gpiolo       0x0000 027292.137 gpiohi       0x0000 027292.137
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 psm stack_status : 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 psm stack_entries:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 wl1: wlc_dpc HAMMERING: MI_GP0 set
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.137 wl1: fatal error, reinitializing
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027292.138 wlc_ucode_download: wl1: Loading non-MU ucode
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.183 wl1: wlc_coreinit: ucode psmx did not self-suspend!
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.183 wl1: PSMx dump at 538 seconds. corerev 65 reason:suspend failure 027293.183 ucode revision 1128.13905 features 0x0406
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.183 psmxdebug 0x00ff8098 macctl 0x402 maccmd 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: psm_brc 0x0000 psm_brc_1 0x0000 MX_UCODE_DBGST 0x3
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.183 PC (psmdebug_x):
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.183 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.183 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 PC (psmdebug):
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8ec2 0x00ff8ec2 0x00ff8ec2 0x00ff8ebd
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x00ff8ebd 0x00c98ec0 0x00ec8ec0 0x00fe8ec0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 psmx stack_status : 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 psmx stack_entries:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 txe_vasip_intsts 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.184 wl1: CORE INIT : nfifo 32 mu_tx_enab 0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.185 wl1: CORE INIT : mode 2 pktclassify 1 rxsplit 0hdr conve 0 DMA_CT Enabled
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.199 wl1: link up (wl1)
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 wl1: PSM microcode watchdog fired at 539 (seconds). Resetting.
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 wl1: reason = psm watchdog at 539 seconds. corerev 65 027293.617 ucode revision 1128.13905 features 0x0406
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 psmdebug 0x00ec81b6 phydebug 0x40 macctl 0x4160403 maccmd 0x4
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: psm_brc 0x0000 psm_brc_1 0x0020 M_UCODE_DBGST 0x2
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 ifsstat      0x00af 027293.617 ifsstat1   0x00ff 027293.617 txectl       0x4992 027293.617 txestat      0x0405 027293.617
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 txestat2   0x0000 027293.617 rxestat1   0x41ac 027293.617 rxestat2   0x0540 027293.617 rcv_frmcnt   0x0000 027293.617
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 rxe_rxcnt    0x0033 027293.617 wepctl       0x0000 027293.617
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 aqmfifordy   0x3d50 027293.617 wepstat      0x0000 027293.617 wep_ivloc    0x0018 027293.617 wep_psdulen0x0078 027293.617
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.617 aqmfifordyL0x0008 027293.617 aqmfifordyH0x0000 027293.617 rxe_errval   0x0000 027293.617 rxe_errmask0x00ff 027293.618
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 rxe_status30x0100 027293.618
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 wlc_dump_aggfifo:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 psm_reg_mux 0xfff0 aqmqmap 0x303 aqmfifo_status 0x1
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 AQM agg params 0x3f3f maxlen hi/lo 0x0 0xffff minlen 0x0 adjlen 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 AQM agg results 0x5000 num 0 len hi/lo 0x0 0x0 BAbitmap(0-3) 0 0 0 0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 AQM agg rdptr 0 mpdu_len 0x78 idx 0x0 info 0x300
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 PC :
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00c981b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00fe81b6 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00fe81b6 0x00ec81b6 0x00c981b6 0x00c981b6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 phydebug :
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040 0x00000040
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 pktproc      0x0101 027293.618 pktproc      0x0101 027293.618 pktproc      0x0101 027293.618 pktproc      0x0101 027293.618
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027293.618 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027293.618 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027293.618 TxFifoStatus 0x0043 027293.618
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 gpiosel      0x0000 027293.618 gpiolo       0x0001 027293.618 gpiohi       0x02f8 027293.618
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 gpiosel      0x0001 027293.618 gpiolo       0x0000 027293.618 gpiohi       0x0000 027293.618
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 psm stack_status : 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 psm stack_entries:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 wl1: wlc_dpc HAMMERING: MI_GP0 set
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 wl1: fatal error, reinitializing
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027293.618 wlc_ucode_download: wl1: Loading non-MU ucode
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 wl1: wlc_coreinit: ucode psmx did not self-suspend!
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 wl1: PSMx dump at 539 seconds. corerev 65 reason:suspend failure 027294.664 ucode revision 1128.13905 features 0x0406
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 psmxdebug 0x00ff8098 macctl 0x402 maccmd 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: psm_brc 0x0000 psm_brc_1 0x0000 MX_UCODE_DBGST 0x3
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 PC (psmdebug_x):
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098 0x00ff8098
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 PC (psmdebug):
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00ff8ebd 0x00ff8ebd 0x00c98ec0 0x00ec8ec0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x00fe8ec0 0x00ff8ec2 0x00ff8ebd 0x00c98ec0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 psmx stack_status : 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 psmx stack_entries:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.664 txe_vasip_intsts 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.665 wl1: CORE INIT : nfifo 32 mu_tx_enab 0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.665 wl1: CORE INIT : mode 2 pktclassify 1 rxsplit 0hdr conve 0 DMA_CT Enabled
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027294.679 wl1: link up (wl1)
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 wl1: PSMx dump at 571 seconds. corerev 65 reason:watchdog 027325.679 ucode revision 1128.13905 features 0x0406
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 psmxdebug 0x00ff801e macctl 0x403 maccmd 0x4
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: psm_brc 0x0000 psm_brc_1 0x0000 MX_UCODE_DBGST 0x2
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 PC (psmdebug_x):
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8030 0x00ff801e 0x00ff8031
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 PC (psmdebug):
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff8023 0x00ff8042 0x00c98058 0x00c98095
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x00ff8023 0x00ff8041 0x00ff8057 0x00c98095
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 psmx stack_status : 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 psmx stack_entries:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 0x0000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 txe_vasip_intsts 0x0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 wl1: fatal error, reinitializing
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.679 wlc_ucode_download: wl1: Loading non-MU ucode
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: FWID 01-5fb509f6
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: flags 130005
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: TRAP 4(2ad094): pc 41884, lr 24647d, sp 2ad0ec, cpsr 68000193, spsr 68000033
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699   dfsr 1c06, dfar bbffe69f
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699   r0 41fe60, r1 2851f4, r2 208, r3 160, r4 0, r5 2853fc, r6 18001000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699   r7 4, r8 422e9c, r9 0, r10 4225b4, r11 420edc, r12 ffff
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE:    sp+0 0041fe60 18001000 00423164 00000000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699   sp+10 0024647d 00020000 00000050 0000000b
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE:
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+10 0024647d
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+20 0006efb5
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+50 00246849
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+70 00234697
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+98 00232a63
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+c8 0002880b
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+d8 00043f31
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+f0 00233f9d
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+130 00022d4d
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+134 00022d45
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+138 0001d72b
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+13c 0001d719
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+148 0020d6bd
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+168 0020d72f
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+170 0020d501
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: DUMP CONSOLE: 027325.699 sp+190 0027cbe1
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: dhdpcie_checkdied: msgtrace address : 0x00000000
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: console address: 0x0043FCF0
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: Assrt not built in dongle
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: TRAP type 0x4 @ epc 0x41884, cpsr 0x68000193, spsr 0x68000033, sp 0x2ad0ec, lp 0x24647d, rpc 0x41884
May 21 16:37:31 kernel: Trap offset 0x2ad094, r0 0x41fe60, r1 0x2851f4, r2 0x208, r3 0x160, r4 0x0, r5 0x2853fc, r6 0x18001000, r7 0x4
May 21 16:37:35 rc_service: restart_wireles 1855:notify_rc stop_obd
May 21 16:37:42 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1002 (2) for reason APCS_INIT
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
May 21 16:37:45 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May 21 16:37:46 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:46 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:46 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 16:37:46 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90 HUAWEI_P10-3770ed42905f85
May 21 16:37:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
May 21 16:37:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: 4-way handshake timeout (f)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: 0, reason: 4-way handshake timeout (f)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 26:7A:EB:74:6B:D7, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:48 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 16:37:48 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7
May 21 16:37:48 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 26:7a:eb:74:6b:d7 zhangrotsiPhone
May 21 16:37:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:37:49 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:37:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:37:49 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 58:7F:57:B6:25:1E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:37:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:51 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 16:37:52 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 16:37:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:53 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 18:3E:EF:C8:95:AF, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af RootdeAir
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 18:3e:ef:c8:95:af RootdeAir
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 16:37:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 16:37:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e
May 21 16:37:56 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 58:7f:57:b6:25:1e helpmetkiiPhone
May 21 16:37:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:37:57 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74 yaniPhone
May 21 16:38:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:38:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:38:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 16:38:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 16:38:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 16:38:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 16:40:09 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:40:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:40:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:40:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:40:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:40:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:40:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:41:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:43:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:43:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:43:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:43:08 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:43:08 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 16:43:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:43:08 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:22 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:23 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:47:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:48:25 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:48:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:48:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:48:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:48:26 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:48:26 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 16:48:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:48:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:48:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:48:56 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:48:59 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:49:10 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 16:51:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:51:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:51:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:51:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:51:13 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:51:13 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:51:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 16:51:14 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74 yaniPhone
May 21 16:51:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:51:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:51:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:51:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:56:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:56:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:56:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:56:05 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:56:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:56:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:56:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 16:56:18 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:56:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:56:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:56:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:56:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:56:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:56:55 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 16:59:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 16:59:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 16:59:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:59:10 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 16:59:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 16:59:10 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 17:00:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 17:00:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:00:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:00:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:00:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 17:00:12 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 17:01:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 17:01:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 17:01:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74
May 21 17:01:06 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) d2:a3:6b:4e:4b:74 yaniPhone
May 21 17:01:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:18 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 17:01:18 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 17:01:19 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 17:01:19 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:29 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:30 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:01:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:33 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:01:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:01:34 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 17:01:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:01:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:34 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:01:34 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 17:02:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:02:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:02:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:02:24 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc D2:A3:6B:4E:4B:74, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:02:49 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:05:35 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:06:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
May 21 17:06:55 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:07:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 17:07:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:07:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:07:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:07:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:07:16 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:07:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 17:07:16 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 17:07:17 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90
May 21 17:07:17 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 54:25:ea:4b:e0:90 HUAWEI_P10-3770ed42905f85
May 21 17:07:33 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:11:53 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:11:54 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 17:22:27 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:30:15 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:32:06 dropbear: Child connection from
May 21 17:32:06 dropbear: Exit before auth from <>: Exited normally
May 21 17:32:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc 54:25:EA:4B:E0:90, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:32:31 dropbear: Child connection from
May 21 17:32:36 dropbear: Password auth succeeded for 'admin' from
May 21 17:49:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 17:49:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:49:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:49:59 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:49:59 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 17:49:59 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 17:53:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 17:53:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 17:53:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:53:07 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 17:53:07 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 17:53:07 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 18:01:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 18:01:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 18:01:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 18:01:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:01:30 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:01:30 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 18:01:30 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 18:01:30 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 18:05:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 18:05:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:05:04 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth1: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:05:04 kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address
May 21 18:05:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 18:05:04 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 18:05:24 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 18:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 18:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:30:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth3: Assoc 8C:85:90:20:7E:B0, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:30:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 18:30:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 8c:85:90:20:7e:b0
May 21 18:31:12 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 18:33:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:33:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:33:20 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 18:33:20 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 18:33:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth1: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
May 21 18:33:20 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth1: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 18:33:22 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1006 (6)
May 21 18:33:22 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1006 (6)
May 21 18:33:22 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1006 (6)
May 21 18:33:22 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1006 (6) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
May 21 18:34:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(466): eth3: Deauth_ind DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
May 21 18:34:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(481): eth3: Disassoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
May 21 18:34:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth3: Auth DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:34:46 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(510): eth3: ReAssoc DC:F5:05:FB:D5:1F, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:34:46 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f
May 21 18:34:46 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) dc:f5:05:fb:d5:1f DESKTOP-524DCCD
May 21 18:48:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1005 (5)
May 21 18:48:24 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1005 (5)
May 21 18:48:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1005 (5)
May 21 18:48:24 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1005 (5) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
May 21 18:58:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:58:22 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc BC:CE:25:3F:1D:B2, status: Successful (0)
May 21 18:58:23 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 18:58:23 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 18:58:23 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 18:58:23 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) bc:ce:25:3f:1d:b2
May 21 19:01:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(500): eth1: Auth 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 19:01:14 syslog: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(529): eth1: Assoc 70:2C:09:09:83:32, status: Successful (0)
May 21 19:01:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPDISCOVER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 19:01:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPOFFER(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 19:01:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPREQUEST(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 19:01:15 dnsmasq-dhcp: DHCPACK(br0) 70:2c:09:09:83:32
May 21 19:01:15 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 19:01:16 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 19:01:16 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)
May 21 19:01:16 acsd: There are still associated scbs, avoid channel switch(txfail_thresh)

angela1087 发表于 2022-5-23 08:15:22

jin 发表于 2022-5-3 22:51
我就普通用的,没有组mesh,也没有整信道,默认3个ssid啊,设了密码什么的就好了。我已经救援模式重新刷 ...


pk304301 发表于 2022-6-17 19:11:28

我发现关闭漫游助手会好一点但是不开漫游助手手机感觉有时候不会切换到副路由器上也不知道还不会不会有更新的固件出来给我更新试试 主要两个路由器不是一个型号 一个RT 一个GT 固件都比较麻烦 如果刷一台的话另一台也没有刷的固件 喜欢继续出新的固件让我升级上去试试
页: 1 2 [3]
查看完整版本: GT/RT-AC5300 用着用着手机wifi会显示无信号