挨踢农民 发表于 2022-10-6 14:09:05



Oct4 12:00:51 kernel: thermal cooling_device1: turn off CPU#1
Oct4 12:00:51 kernel: IRQ6 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct4 12:00:51 kernel: IRQ28 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct4 12:00:51 kernel: IRQ29 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct4 12:00:51 kernel: IRQ30 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct4 12:00:51 kernel: CPU1: shutdown
Oct4 12:00:54 kernel: process 8895 (dcd) no longer affine to cpu1
Oct4 12:00:54 kernel: process 8887 (dcd) no longer affine to cpu1
Oct4 12:01:04 kernel: process 8888 (dcd) no longer affine to cpu1
Oct4 12:01:05 kernel: process 8890 (dcd) no longer affine to cpu1
Oct4 12:02:02 miniupnpd: remove port mapping 10000 UDP because it has expired
Oct4 12:03:17 kernel: thermal cooling_device1: turn on CPU#1
Oct4 12:03:17 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
Oct4 12:03:17 kernel: Detected VIPT I-cache on CPU1
Oct4 12:03:17 kernel: IRQ6: affinity change from 0 to 1

挨踢农民 发表于 2022-10-6 14:58:35


Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: thermal cooling_device1: turn off CPU#1
Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: IRQ6 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: IRQ28 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: IRQ29 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: IRQ30 no longer affine to CPU1
Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: CPU1: shutdown

paldier 发表于 2022-10-6 22:57:50

Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: thermal cooling_device1: turn off CPU#1

挨踢农民 发表于 2022-10-7 16:14:12

paldier 发表于 2022-10-6 22:57
Oct6 14:55:03 kernel: thermal cooling_device1: turn off CPU#1
温度过高关核了事,目测cpu已经坏了 ...


趣玩路由 发表于 2022-10-12 14:19:59

挨踢农民 发表于 2022-10-7 16:14
今晚回去上个风扇试试,保内,不行就返修,就是折腾,因为有很多设置要重搞了 ...


挨踢农民 发表于 2022-10-12 23:21:47

趣玩路由 发表于 2022-10-12 14:19

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