iphone8 发表于 2014-10-27 14:59:16

Asuswrt-Merlin - build 376.48 beta1 & beta2 发布咯!

本帖最后由 iphone8 于 2014-12-31 09:17 编辑

ASUSWRT-Merlin 10月18日与10月26日 发布固件版本 v3. beta1 & beta2
* RT-N16
* RT-N66U
* RT-AC66U
* RT-AC56U
* RT-AC68U
* RT-AC87U

376.48 Beta 2 (26-Oct-2014)
- NEW: Added logo to the webui header
- CHANGED: Samba 3.6 will now use libiconv to handle
            charset conversion (will resolve CP850
            warnings amongst other things)
- CHANGED: Updated miniupnpd to 20141023 code from Github.
- CHANGED: Updated dropbear to 2014.66.
- CHANGED: Reverted NTP update code to GPL 2678 in hopes of
             resolving the few cases where it didn't work anymore.
- FIXED: minidlna is once again able to use inotify for updates.
         A temporary workaround has been implemented where
         minidlna will be staticly linked with a threadsafe
         build of sqlite3, while BWDPI will continue to use
         the shared non-threadsafe library. (Asus bug)

376.48 Beta 1 (18-Oct-2014)
   - NEW: Merged with Asus 376_2769 AC87 GPL
   - NEW: Enabled numerous modules in net-snmp (based on the list
          used by OpenWRT)
   - NEW: Added postconf and custom config support for snmpd.conf
   - NEW: Added HID support to ARM kernel (AC56,AC68,AC87)
   - CHANGED: Reverted NAT loopback code to Asus', since our own
            code is currently broken by recent FW code changes.
   - CHANGED: Updated openssl to 1.0.0o, resolving a few security issues.
   - CHANGED: Disabled SSLv2 and SSLv3 support for https access to the
            router webui.IE6 users, your time is up - upgrade.
            TLS 1.0 is now the only supported method.
   - CHANGED: upgraded main Samba server from 3.0.x to 3.6.24.This might
            cause a slight drop in performance, but should improve
            both reliability and security.
   - FIXED: DNSFilter client list dropdown would sometime be empty.
   - FIXED: DNS queries run on the router were forwarded to upstream
            nameservers instead of dnsmasq
   - FIXED: Re-added the USB HID kernel module needed for UPS monitoring
            (patch by ryzhov_al)
   - FIXED: Incorrect top margin on some pages such as AiCloud, and
            stretched font on the progress splash (Asus bug)
   - FIXED: URL and keyword filtering wasn't working under certain
            situations when CTF was enabled
   - FIXED: Mac Filtering wasn't working with Guest networks
            (Asus bug) (Patch by saintdev)
   - FIXED: Chosing a client on the MAC Filter page wasn't properly
            filling the Name field.Also reorganized layout a bit.

官网固件下载URL:https://www.mediafire.com/folder ... erlin#bkfq2a6aebq68

有事您说话 发表于 2014-11-7 15:24:59

针对Merlin 376.48 beta 1与 beta2 刷机使用,然后翻译如下。部分信息可能不妥,请多包含啊!! ^-^

376.48 Beta 2 (26-Oct-2014)
- NEW: Added logo to the webui header
             WebUI注销按钮左侧新增 Merlin Logo,同时点击此Logo会超链接至Merlin的网址。
- CHANGED: Samba 3.6 will now use libiconv to handle charset conversion (will resolve CP850 warnings amongst other things)
                      Samba 3.6.24将采用libiconv编码来处理字符集的转换。(解决CP850编码的的一些其他警告)
- CHANGED: Updated miniupnpd to 20141023 code from Github.
                      升级GitHub miniupnpd包到20141023。
- CHANGED: Updated dropbear to 2014.66.
- CHANGED: Reverted NTP update code to GPL 2678 in hopes of resolving the few cases where it didn't work anymore.
                     退回NTP Code到2678 GPL,去解决少数情况下NTP无法工作的情况。
- FIXED: minidlna is once again able to use inotify for updates.A temporary workaround has been implemented where minidlna will be staticly linked with a threadsafe
         build of sqlite3, while BWDPI will continue to use the shared non-threadsafe library. (Asus bug)

376.48 Beta 1 (18-Oct-2014)
   - NEW: Merged with Asus 376_2769 AC87 GPL
             包入华硕官网RT-AC87U 固件376_3769 GPL。
   - NEW: Enabled numerous modules in net-snmp (based on the list used by OpenWRT)
   - NEW: Added postconf and custom config support for snmpd.conf
   - NEW: Added HID support to ARM kernel (AC56,AC68,AC87)
   - CHANGED: Reverted NAT loopback code to Asus', since our own code is currently broken by recent FW code changes.
                      因我们修改固件产生一些错误,所以恢复NAT loopback到华硕固件。
   - CHANGED: Updated openssl to 1.0.0o, resolving a few security issues.
   - CHANGED: Disabled SSLv2 and SSLv3 support for https access to the router webui.IE6 users, your time is up - upgrade.TLS 1.0 is now the only supported method.
                     禁用了HTTPS SSL v2和V3访问路由器FW页面。IE6浏览器需要升级。TLS 1.0是目前唯一支持的方法。
   - CHANGED: upgraded main Samba server from 3.0.x to 3.6.24.This might cause a slight drop in performance, but should improve both reliability and security.
                     Samba服务器从3升级到3.6.24 。这可能因为性能略有下降,但应提高可靠性和安全性。
   - FIXED: DNSFilter client list dropdown would sometime be empty.
   - FIXED: DNS queries run on the router were forwarded to upstream nameservers instead of dnsmasq
   - FIXED: Re-added the USB HID kernel module needed for UPS monitoring (patch by ryzhov_al)
               重新加入USB HID内核模块的UPS监控的需要(补丁ryzhov_al)
   - FIXED: Incorrect top margin on some pages such as AiCloud, and stretched font on the progress splash (Asus bug)
   - FIXED: URL and keyword filtering wasn't working under certain situations when CTF was enabled
   - FIXED: Mac Filtering wasn't working with Guest networks (Asus bug) (Patch by saintdev)
                修正了访客网络 MAC过滤不异常(华硕虫)(补丁saintdev)
   - FIXED: Chosing a client on the MAC Filter page wasn't properly filling the Name field.Also reorganized layout a bit.
               修正了Wireless MAC Filter页面MAC存取控制名单选择Client时,Name栏位不出现信息。

zoroli 发表于 2014-10-28 08:33:05


iphone8 发表于 2014-10-28 09:45:11

zoroli 发表于 2014-10-28 08:33


sgamin1001 发表于 2014-10-28 21:22:50


iphone8 发表于 2014-10-29 08:42:40

sgamin1001 发表于 2014-10-28 21:22

增加了Merlin Logo,借鉴了Openwrt的net-snmp一些内容等等。此次所有的更新部分在History都列出来了。详细内容可以参见里面的。

zgyqw 发表于 2014-10-29 10:17:14


iphone8 发表于 2014-10-29 10:52:14

zgyqw 发表于 2014-10-29 10:17


zgyqw 发表于 2014-10-31 17:00:40

iphone8 发表于 2014-10-29 10:52
Merlin固件是在保持华硕固件原有的WebUI以及整个功能分布基础上新增一些功能,修正一些华硕固件的问题而 ...


有事您说话 发表于 2014-10-31 18:11:24

zgyqw 发表于 2014-10-31 17:00
要是论坛的大能能对固件一些通用功能做些注释就好了,毕竟新手玩家还是不懂的。 ...

1.DNS Filtering:主要是为User提供可以选择与设定的DNS Server,保护访问网络安全。
2.Tools:包含Sysinfo、Other Settings。
             Sysinof:主要记录路由器的名字、版本信息、运行时间与日期、运行的2.4G & 5G 温度 &有些还有CPU温度。CPU、RAM情况等等
             Other Settings:对LED、硬碟、TCP/IP方面设置。
3.Site Survey:扫描周边无线信号信息。
4.NFS Exports:USB存储设备的挂载存取。
5.Performance tuning:2.4G、5G & CPU运行数值与波形图之类的。

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