




查看: 5459|回复: 15

[已解决] 有线回传的时候苹果设备断流,无线回传正常









Rank: 3Rank: 3

发表于 2022-9-4 23:54:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
机型名称: RT-AX68U









Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-5 00:02:55 | 显示全部楼层
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 100a
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is e29b
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd0a5,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server:  wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart acsd for AVBL update
Sep  3 12:19:33 rc_service: cfg_server 2423:notify_rc restart_acsd
Sep  3 12:19:33 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100d (13) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  3 12:19:37 kernel: sched: RT throttling activated
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 12:19:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: A9C565C9FB5C1B9A07F8019F7DB43E234118C04828EA0606D59DDEB51158B37A
Sep  3 12:19:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A62:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A62:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A62:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 12:19:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5060FC5136500AF429540227FE59EE90BED37CA34D550CE338952142B4DCB2D9
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-44
Sep  3 12:19:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: F774CD2ECD0CAD53465C0164A263BB38FB4A007582700A95683D6ED9E719D5DC
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-74
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-44
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-37
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:516:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-60
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-45
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-74
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-37
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:516:4F, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-60
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-45
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: E19E26B5107D8257184302E636F96ADD97015229D6040831C8D3EA1DA017AB5F
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1D381D1EB0BACAA1697A020D722C5A8035E3F9C4D2DD0BD6ED25C8EBB871FFF2
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0175BC77EFA48350708300106D3DDD49ABCCD19726090A61E3115F45AD3D69B1
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: E0BA9A9ED3FBA3C92C1503CDA17B7CB04CA05C4DC40E0BC510C34C10C920F46C
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 09EE79FA3B35FFAC55800289ED697E7E64F345BD153C07C622EF5863C348583B
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: DCB5F02E4D4197246FF902946ABD16C37186672E14630B91429ED9901C44796B
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:516:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind C2:903:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind C2:903:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 42A60A6522A2D9D6649801973520828DE6FC6BFC79B4078313616D7C56B6A8E7
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: FAD2AD63ADA92DFD39FB01C430D9F333B7FE06BC3661047D96AEF91073A9FB48
Sep  3 12:19:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: C0198E6991694C3A0A8A03F4D4DD439C687FEA5A38120482C008F7F6C6466369
Sep  3 12:19:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: 74EFCA15AF70E921105202090E79BDD37EEA264071FE087301445078C377B260
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc C2:903:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:47 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1D39A77E5D9A17B031A302DF472BA1338064411432400658BC11E2FFC53CE649
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-59
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-59
Sep  3 12:19:47 kernel: wl0: random key value: 27450687B72C3EA748A8025236C53A85307D6474C91C0FBF529A171CF1BF4191
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8B:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:48 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4FD1CC9B6984D33650E500428B747EABE9E38C32E4700DB5D3A1B82ACA6C987E
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-56
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-56
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-40
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-40
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: 031F10875FD2DAF42579008A22371D930CBFCC09F25C0E040F0684EC1031383A
Sep  3 12:19:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: CB970295F31A29893B0E00214CFD0324313F95D701480AAF5929A14C226C4C5A
Sep  3 12:19:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: 70667C5BCF9638BD751A010602E2DFB13C356F6BAB7201CEF6EA3DCC24A6FF78
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 12:19:50 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7968C99FBABB2CEA1AAC0248836716EFB648C12299EB08F93331FE18C3DE2804
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:51 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6CA08578D400DCC91221033D6590FA4E02D299A9443F08CA69FA63FD0610CC4A
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:53 kernel: wl0: random key value: DE631912EE04CB35360300109C451C1C962C18A526DE0B380D35E51EB9A4B9E9
Sep  3 12:19:53 kernel: wl0: random key value: 144A5DBE884505C226BA02FA2108A40B842EACA545070951C42865CFD9090E28
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-76
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-76
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-49
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-49
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-46
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-46
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: 36E9D61AC7651F7A558E00854B054D425B87DA57B3FA0976F5335675FCEAA852
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: CCF7E524AD24260842B302F90D4E39C5F90E54D1DDC70AE91486175E7FA02D76
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: 41D9B7C891B2FB881F9A01A8832BA8145AA42B38C4110B06AE4FF0B7A463E372
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: A1089407DE7FDE59123B01E1155BDF30932991AC3D92003BB6AF379B8CD90961
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: D506D917F6CF43B14F80028D996CCF9C194879EEFFC701AA4D73DE71735BEA01
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: F1EE3247CE02162F77C000E751142A1AEB1123935C4B0AA2EB3E3C191496549D
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-77
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 62:FF:19:78:6F:70 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 62:FF:19:78:6F:70 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 62:FF:19:78:6F:70 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link DOWN.
Sep  3 12:19:59 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 12:20:00 kernel: wl0: random key value: EFB0F4999B2F03791962034CCC2FED148D2EB841C1480A34F82A2099F677B0A2
Sep  3 12:20:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 12:20:03 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
Sep  3 12:20:04 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:20:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-39
Sep  3 12:20:08 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link DOWN.
Sep  3 12:20:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
Sep  3 12:20:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 12:20:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-67
Sep  3 12:20:20 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:20:39 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:39 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: C2:90:D3:AF:53:50 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 00:5F:67:0B:62:22 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: D8:28:C9:69:26:B9 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 64:52:99:B7:5D:52 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:21:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:21:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:21:10 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:21:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:21:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:22:18 kernel: 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:23:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:23:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:23:54 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 12:24:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:24:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  3 12:27:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:27:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:27:24 kernel: wl0: random key value: 08EC1215723B48C10E1700D8A8EA8B7941AB7EB789F30634F7ECC9FEF03A3E3F
Sep  3 12:27:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:27:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-72
Sep  3 12:34:14 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1E98769988911C9764960181358D63FB73FC55264B9E051A95B5DFAF88F7B8FF
Sep  3 12:34:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:34:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:37:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: EA0351CF019D404345E602DA3CA41D1DE00B107A872B03005BDD77E19A31FA22
Sep  3 12:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:46:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:46:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:47:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 250A665751A2A85F721E03B75802626E7369E9157F6C08EF48F045FB95B0E098
Sep  3 12:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 12:57:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9B30ED163C4CD90A0CBD00D392543AC0D8C7543438D70BE8BB35D7E7F83F9EDB
Sep  3 12:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-07-02 11:39:23 CST)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Linux version 4.1.52 (gitserv_asus@tpbuildsvrvu01) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 2 12:56:21 CST 2022
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Kernel command line: root=ubi:rootfs_ubifs ubi.mtd=0 rootfstype=ubifs coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe rootwait
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdffff0000   (   247 GB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmemmap : 0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     7 GB maximum)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:               0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbe00e00000   (    14 MB actual)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc040000000   (  1024 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .init : 0xffffffc000730000 - 0xffffffc00076a000   (   232 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00072f2a4   (  6845 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .data : 0xffffffc00076b000 - 0xffffffc00093d100   (  1865 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Do not need to create mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for rdp1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000b400000 virt 0xffffffc00b400000 size 0x02c00000 for rdp2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000a900000 virt 0xffffffc00a900000 size 0x00b00000 for dhd1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: pmc_initMC using DQM mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: cfe-v^A: 1.0.38-163.231
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU2: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU3: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Logger v0.1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: skb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34mBLOG v3.0 Initialized^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom GBPM v0.1 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: >>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as UBIFS <<<<<
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and UBIFS for vmlinux filesystem
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 2 name misc3 nvram configured size 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc3 configured size 0x00100000 offset 0xF600000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 1 name misc2 nvram configured size 47
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc2 configured size 0x02f00000 offset 0xC700000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 0 name misc1 nvram configured size 8
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc1 configured size 0x00800000 offset 0xBF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating 11 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "rootfs"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "rootfs_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f700000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "image"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "image_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f600000-0x00000f700000 : "misc3"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000c700000-0x00000f600000 : "misc2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000bf00000-0x00000c700000 : "misc1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: Last RESET due to POR reset
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 20
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 21
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 22
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 23
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 0 (ffffffc00098d7e8) (bpGpio: 0000801f, bpExtIrq:00000000 (0))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:0, gpioNum:31 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 1 (ffffffc00098d8a8) (bpGpio: 00008002, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:2 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 2 (ffffffc00098d968) (bpGpio: 00008036, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:54 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: genirq: Flags mismatch irq 34. 00000000 (brcm_34) vs. 00000000 (brcm_34)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: request_irq failed for irq=34 (brcm_34) retval=-16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_mem_pool_buf_alloc: tot_mem_pool=2487 mem_idx:2487^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_buf_pool: buf_top_idx:57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_skb_pool: skbs pool inited total 57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attaching mtd0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 95 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: good PEBs: 759, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1853048298
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 759, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 14
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs_ubifs", R/O mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 88883200 bytes (84 MiB, 700 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 6BCDBC12-693F-4A2A-84B3-12DD1C88290E, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attaching mtd2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attached mtd2 (name "data", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 70/50, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 464664342
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 169
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery needed
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery completed
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 6 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 275879 bytes (269 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F3B30E46-D5DC-40DE-B9D0-33CEA770AC3F, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMLIBS loaded...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bm_base_addr 0xffffffc00e000000, size 33554432, bm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000e000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fm_base_addr 0xffffffc00b400000, size 46137344, fm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RDP Physical address=0x82200000 Virtual address = 0xffffff8000c80000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: configure_runner: NATC keysize 0x100070 key element size 16 contextsize 0x400000 context element size 64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ++++Runner gso_desc_pool created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_key_ptr=0xffffffc00bd00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_context_ptr=0xffffffc00b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_context_cont_ptr=0xffffffc00b800000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FPM_BPM phy_addr 0x82c30000,virt_addr 0xffffff8000c5e000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  RDP PKT memory = 32MB : Max Possible Bufs <16384> of size <2048>; Allocating <15360> bufs; RDP enum <5>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v1.0 Registered<303>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES<16384>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FDB_ENTRIES<1024>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_DEV_ENTRIES<64>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_MAC_ENTRIES<32>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: npe_max_entries<32768>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Bind blog_notify_evt_enqueue_fn[<ffffffbffc4705d8>]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_evt task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: max_ent = 16384 intvl_msec = 10000 num_slices = 2000 num_ent = 9 period_msec = 5
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mTotal # of labels = 83^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized fcache state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<302>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_timer_task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;35m[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc48ae08]=0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[FHW]  fhw_construct: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mFcache Pathstats created^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Command List Driver v1.0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=0 SERDES:6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=1 GPHY:12
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 0 to ext_ep 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 1 to ext_ep 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Detecting PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 54991EL  B0 3590:5089 --> 0x1e
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into detected PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware version: Blackfin B0 v02-02-06
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into PHYs: map=0x40000000 count=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Halt the PHYs processors operation
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Upload the firmware into the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^M0%^M1%^M2%^M3%^M4%^M5%^M6%^M7%^M8%^M9%^M10%^M11%^M12%^M13%^M14%^M15%^M16%^M17%^M18%^M19%^M20%^M21%^M22%^M23%^M24%^M25%^M26%^M27%^M28%^M29%^M30%^M31%^M32%^M33%^M34%^M35%^M36%^M37%^M38%^M39%^M40%^M41%^M42%^M43%^M44%^M45%^M46%^M47%^M48%^M49%^M50%^M51%^M52%^M53%^M54%^M55%^M56%^M57%^M58%^M59%^M60%^M61%^M62%^M63%^M64%^M65%^M66%^M67%^M68%^M69%^M70%^M71%^M72%^M73%^M74%^M75%^M76%^M77%^M78%^M79%^M80%^M81%^M82%^M83%^M84%^M85%^M86%^M87%^M88%^M89%^M90%^M91%^M92%^M93%^M94%^M95%^M96%^M97%^M98%^M99%^M100%
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Reset the processors to start execution of the code in the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the processors are running: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the firmware has been loaded with good CRC: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware loading completed successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMENET: Enabling Software GSO for eth0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NOTE: Using Port Grouping for IMP ports : [ 0 --> 4 ] [ 1, 2 --> 5 ] [ 3, 7 --> 8 ]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: LAG/Trunking enabled <0x08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Setting SGMII Calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PLL_PON(8051): 0x0250; TX_PON(8067): 0x0048; RX_PON(80b2): 0x0980
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P0, Logical 00>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <IntSw P3, Logical 03>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port 10, CrossBar Port 1, PHY_ID <0x0007f00c:0x0c: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P1, Logical 01>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P2, Logical 02>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth1      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P0, Logical 08> PHY_ID <0x0007f008:0x08: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth2      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P1, Logical 09> PHY_ID <0x0007f009:0x09: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth3      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P2, Logical 10> PHY_ID <0x0007f00a:0x0a: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth4      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P3, Logical 11> PHY_ID <0x0007f00b:0x0b: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth5      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P7, Logical 15>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port  9, CrossBar Port 0, PHY_ID <0x06100006:0x06: On-chip 2.5G SERDES> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:                                      PHY_ID <0x0388001e:0x1e:External Cascaded 10G EXT3> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P4, Logical 12>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up 2.5G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P5, Logical 13>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0:   Up 2.5G <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P8, Logical 08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ===> Activate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link DOWN
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcm_enet_init2453 ENET system contructed and configured enet-kthrd thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: enet_kthread_handler296 Instantiating ENET thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551ktRnr[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 5512L3-ucast:Create Index Pool_Size = 16384^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Host Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner L2 Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:mcast:Create Index Pool_Size = 128^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Multicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:FHW[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Retrieve num_fhw_path=64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mPathstats allocated 2048 bytes^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Enabled Runner binding to Flow Cache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Protocol Layer (800)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Runner Blog Driver Char Driver v0.1 Registered <309>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Lservices Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: exLinuxETH Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCIe HCD (impl1)^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [0] DT node available: /pcie@80040000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 2 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [2] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [1] DT node available: /pcie@80050000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [2] DT node available: /pcie@80060000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [2] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[1m^[[34mWifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: broadcomThermalDrv brcm-therm: init (CPU count 4 4 4 4)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcm_otp_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 10/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 379
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 394
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: random: init urandom read with 6 bits of entropy available
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading HND Module
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: igs_module_init:867:         IGS 29 create network socket successful
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dpsta_init: (r801046) 3a6a0ab Sep 15 2021 18:25:02 msglevel 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: osl_skb_audit: PASS
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: passivemode set to 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: txworkq set to 0x0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mWL_PKTFWD[1.1.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME Service Initialization
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M Service Initialization: M2M_DD_ENAB 0x00000003
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 0 alloc rings <ffffffc032264000,ffffffc02f78e000>,ffffffc02d90c000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 1 alloc rings <ffffffc02fbe6000,ffffffc02f6fe000>,ffffffc02d90b000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME:register key<1010802> user RLM sel IDX set 1 mem 2 8 hi 0 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0 taf_do_enable: TAF is enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CSIMON module registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd0-thrd WL 0 FLowControl total<57195> lo<14298> hi<5719> favor prio<4>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd0-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 0 nodes 1032 xfer wl_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x440 [wl]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d42c0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4300
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb:sll configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/9), status (0) qmask 0x3^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_wfd_bind: wl0 wfd_idx 0 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 0 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth6 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth6: Broadcom BCM6710 802.11 Wireless Controller (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mdhd_PKTFWD[1.0.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AAA4(good PCI location)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x5, RxP 0x3 TxC 0x3 RxC 0x3^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: TX wakeup info: reg = <0x82299004>, val = <0x11000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RX wakeup info: reg = <0x8229a004>, val = <0x29000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:300 started
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd1-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 1 nodes 1032 xfer dhd_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x7f0 [dhd]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4340
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4380
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb:sll configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/11), status (0) qmask 0xc^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 1 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_wfd_bind: wl1 wfd_idx 1 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: MSG Ring format set to 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: dhd1_rnr bootmem addr<ffffffc00a900000> size<11534336>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_profile_init: profile = 3 1024/0512 2048/1024 1024/0512 0512/0512 0512/0512
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaaa4> bus<1> slot<0>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initial configuration
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: =================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df5a000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc00a8d8000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df5e000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df5c000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de89800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de88000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de88802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de89000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de88c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802160, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802164, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2164
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffcf553a0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell CTX : ffffffc02f617000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         flow_ring_format : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         idma_active : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue configuration:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Base virt address = ffffffc00df00000, physical address =  DF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Index stack virt address = ffffffc00dfe38c0, physical address =  DFE38C0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue entries: total = 58250  shared by all radios
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48, size_of_entry 16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Done initializing Ring 1 Base=0xffffff80003e3000 End=0xffffff80003e3800 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=3e012000K descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD Offload initialization complete^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CUR_ETHERADDR : 6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc 34 97 39 19 84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Dongle Host Driver, version (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth7 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Register interface [eth7]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <=== Deactivate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link UP
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: proc_dostring_crashlogsave:  crash log filename is /jffs/crashlog.log
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crashFileSet: log signature invalid !
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ret 0 retlen 65536 buff <6>device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Interface eth%d doesn't exist
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: could not find igs interface!
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May  5 01:05:11 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] NTP sync error
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:12 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:12 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:12 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start https:8443
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start httpd:80
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:12 avahi-daemon[1792]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: mssl_cert_key_match : PASS
May  5 01:05:12 disk monitor: be idle
May  5 01:05:12 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May  5 01:05:12 hour monitor: daemon is starting
May  5 01:05:12 ERP: The model isn't under support list!
May  5 01:05:12 Mastiff: init
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1940]: HTTP listening on port 36460
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1940]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:12 lldpd[1974]: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May  5 01:05:13 avahi-daemon[1792]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
May  5 01:05:14 WAN Connection: WAN was exceptionally disconnected.
May  5 01:05:14 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module scsi_wait_scan not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module mbcache not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module jbd not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext3 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext4 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext2 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: tfat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 init: fwver: (sn:M3ICI6004305 /ha:FC:34:97:39:19:80 )
May  5 01:05:15 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
May  5 01:05:15 wan: finish adding multi routes
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sched: RT throttling activated
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-61
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[1940]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2563]: HTTP listening on port 47614
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2563]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     WD       My Book 25ED     1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Enclosure         WD       SES Device       1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Spinning up disk...
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 13
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
May  5 01:05:17 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:17 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-34
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: E8EF771367E36C61276A0009142CB2FF3EE9D2313A7D0970CA81EBA08681A582
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): wds0.0.1: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
May  5 01:05:19 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-60
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:19 WAN Connection: WAN was restored.
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.3
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
May  5 01:05:20 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 50b
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:-39
May  5 01:05:21 ntp: start NTP update
Sep  3 13:10:10 rc_service: ntp 2527:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Sep  3 13:10:10 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  3 13:10:10 disk monitor: be idle
Sep  3 13:10:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  3 13:10:10 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(0) of cfgs(2404)
Sep  3 13:10:10 cfg_server: skip event due no re: cfg_rejoin=0
Sep  3 13:10:10 BONDING: option disabled
Sep  3 13:10:11 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: ..
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: .ready
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7814035456 512-byte logical blocks: (4.00 TB/3.64 TiB)
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
Sep  3 13:10:12 dhcp client: bound via for 109041 seconds.
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:10:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:10:15 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-40
Sep  3 13:10:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 13:10:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:20 usb: USB ntfs fs at /dev/sda1 mounted on /tmp/mnt/sda1.
Sep  3 13:10:20 kernel: blk_update_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 14682112
Sep  3 13:10:20 rc_service: hotplug 3039:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 13:10:20 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:10:20 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:10:20 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 13:10:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:22 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd[2563]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 13:10:22 avahi-daemon[3078]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 13:10:22 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1981
Sep  3 13:10:22 Samba Server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:10:22 FTP server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd[3102]: HTTP listening on port 48139
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd[3102]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 13:10:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  3 13:10:23 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1982
Sep  3 13:10:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:24 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1983
Sep  3 13:10:25 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1984
Sep  3 13:10:26 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1985
Sep  3 13:10:27 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1986
Sep  3 13:10:28 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1987
Sep  3 13:10:30 avahi-daemon[3078]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 13:10:30 watchdog: start ddns.
Sep  3 13:10:30 rc_service: watchdog 1776:notify_rc restart_ddns watchdog
Sep  3 13:10:30 ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM update@asus.com, wan_unit 0
Sep  3 13:10:30 ddns: Clear ddns cache.
Sep  3 13:10:30 ddns: Start Inadyn(9).
Sep  3 13:10:30 inadyn[3289]: In-a-dyn version 2.8.1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: Update forced for alias yangren13.asuscomm.com, new IP#
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: alias address=<>
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: request<GET /ddns/update.jsp?hostname=yangren13.asuscomm.com&myip= HTTP/1.0^M Authorization: Basic RkMzNDk3MzkxOTgwOjhDMEE5NTA5NURBMTUzQUUzMEJCNUEzNzQ5MkFEOTc0^M Host: ns1.asuscomm.com^M User-Agent: inadyn/2.8.1 https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn/issues^M ^M >
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: [response_update]HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2022 17:10:31 GMT^M Server: Apache^M Content-Length: 0^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M ^M
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: Updating cache for yangren13.asuscomm.com
Sep  3 13:10:31 ddns: ddns update ok
Sep  3 13:10:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(1) of cfgs(2404)
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 100a
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is e29b
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server:  wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart acsd for AVBL update
Sep  3 13:10:36 rc_service: cfg_server 2404:notify_rc restart_acsd
Sep  3 13:10:37 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:10:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100d (13) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:10:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5E989796000908F159C300E36053B84218E5A2013E0F00136787CADADC4FD028
Sep  3 13:10:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:42 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68
Sep  3 13:10:42 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [16:42:b9:4c:6a:68]
Sep  3 13:10:42 roamast: eth6: remove client [16:42:b9:4c:6a:68] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:10:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: D2C8F6EDDAF1A8303B7F018DD6034DDCFB7D6EB5F9A90286058B101960CDE88E
Sep  3 13:10:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4D6CCAA4C98A199C6E37036325FF321CEFAA9D5CCC6C0B0D078AF6CC25238A99
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 33527A948F2D74CA5BAB023AF2C36E53BE737C1F7BA20306A00F82B350E9501C
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: DA581C4700F042422756035936FF65042947D130AF9D00AA672631CB767EBBCB
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff]
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: remove client [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c]
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: remove client [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:47 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5626D8F5D5813A6A594F0327C0BAED0F373E0142731102044AA15D2A5ACE9459
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:-36
Sep  3 13:10:48 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83
Sep  3 13:10:48 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [68:a4:0e:5d:42:83]
Sep  3 13:10:48 roamast: eth6: remove client [68:a4:0e:5d:42:83] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:48 crond[1762]: time disparity of 2278805 minutes detected
Sep  3 13:10:49 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:10:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: 380423346DA48CDC4877008B639E36D6DF387FD1148607C5A4A2E99FA1390B0B
Sep  3 13:10:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:50 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4
Sep  3 13:10:50 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4]
Sep  3 13:10:50 roamast: eth6: remove client [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:50 kernel: wl0: random key value: FF4B22AF094EC168141C016717936242135AD87DBC820259CDC94F99056AB78D
Sep  3 13:10:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:51 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0BC379B6577C89607D88027C3DADBFB3840BC1FA642F0BFF272C2CADC378D407
Sep  3 13:10:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:52 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38
Sep  3 13:10:52 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [e8:db:84:c1:ab:38]
Sep  3 13:10:52 roamast: eth6: remove client [e8:db:84:c1:ab:38] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:52 kernel: wl0: random key value: C66F6715EF1B01967EDB015190FD7916E5F4F3239E960B21EB25D7E50CD99677
Sep  3 13:10:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-57
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-57
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-44
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-44
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:10:55 kernel: wl0: random key value: 18C87E51692CA3C01E8C02B0201DFE4E34B8E3CC3B2908D844D5A89045DFF87C
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: D8:28:C9:69:26:B9
Sep  3 13:10:56 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [d8:28:c9:69:26:b9]
Sep  3 13:10:56 roamast: eth6: remove client [d8:28:c9:69:26:b9] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: EBEEC45665AE8E5C371D031B9A78AC33CBAD7B4C494700987540745872EB2423
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: A85D0E9C7B971CF359C502CAC68AAF72E403BFC4F8F801E7A13DC48DCAEDF7DF
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5DC6C2B1B2B813D53D71028C0526A8FE7B0D4D5E6F5D0F0C065E5847F750547D
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: CB12FE9865D729880C9E000F2AEDBE677A2D0508E5060E9A99405A44035746AC
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-39
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-39
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-34
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-34
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 29075B0212E417FA1EE201ED0ED124BB2A0E7BFA1E9C0261D5C67AD29C3E7560
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 85EF1AC36810B2185BF500B0E52BAC81510FD0ED132803D049521B7850A81B5D
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: E1A75EC7C92B57F425F102F4516C56F0E774406207840BF011267998D2DA9893
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 12FF241B4342B5B6157C01B1DEB01DFF3E2A1C7C7FE20C7FB44DAEB4309489CE
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4198A2A929F77BE3033B019054C5AE3206F16660F8780142CE13C18871F337A8
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 231338B44BBAA9627A9B038AE9FE4D88792DDF1AF1FF031D1856E90E1F737149
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:11:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:15 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:11:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:11:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:21 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:11:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  3 13:11:23 rc_service: httpds 1764:notify_rc reboot
Sep  3 13:11:23 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:23 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:11:23 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:23 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:24 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:26 BWDPI: force to flush flowcache entries
Sep  3 13:11:26 kernel:  *** ERROR: [udb_shell_mod_exit:668] Udb static = 0, dynamic = 24
Sep  3 13:11:26 BWDPI: rollback fc
Sep  3 13:11:26 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:26 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
Sep  3 13:11:27 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:27 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:11:27 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:27 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:27 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  3 13:11:27 miniupnpd[3102]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 13:11:29 ahs: ===Terminate ahs daemon===
Sep  3 13:11:30 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth4 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth3 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth2 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth1 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth5 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: C013E2DB4B9C5C8B318F0145984A933B773576C46E700A422EE314FF3154DEFD
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 15894283EFF7F5021A8700C6195C677CF0AD36284D8A0FD39874C073D651BFE2
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0104DFDCAFBD60C868EC00FBD41A31E03AA95089FAE5071B5F9C4669A9049DE6
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1B77E963D9FBCB32593F0392B6549AEC45805FE504A40105FF739B03718B0A99
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9405E57F154B0F92372201AF473149E1B137CCA242AF0C735EEC9A9ECD0FBE91
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 4047
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 4062
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
Sep  3 13:11:32 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-07-02 11:39:23 CST)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Linux version 4.1.52 (gitserv_asus@tpbuildsvrvu01) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 2 12:56:21 CST 2022
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Kernel command line: root=ubi:rootfs_ubifs ubi.mtd=0 rootfstype=ubifs coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe rootwait
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdffff0000   (   247 GB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmemmap : 0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     7 GB maximum)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:               0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbe00e00000   (    14 MB actual)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc040000000   (  1024 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .init : 0xffffffc000730000 - 0xffffffc00076a000   (   232 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00072f2a4   (  6845 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .data : 0xffffffc00076b000 - 0xffffffc00093d100   (  1865 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Do not need to create mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for rdp1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000b400000 virt 0xffffffc00b400000 size 0x02c00000 for rdp2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000a900000 virt 0xffffffc00a900000 size 0x00b00000 for dhd1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: pmc_initMC using DQM mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: cfe-v^A: 1.0.38-163.231
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU2: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU3: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Logger v0.1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: skb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34mBLOG v3.0 Initialized^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom GBPM v0.1 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: >>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as UBIFS <<<<<
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and UBIFS for vmlinux filesystem
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 2 name misc3 nvram configured size 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc3 configured size 0x00100000 offset 0xF600000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 1 name misc2 nvram configured size 47
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc2 configured size 0x02f00000 offset 0xC700000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 0 name misc1 nvram configured size 8
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc1 configured size 0x00800000 offset 0xBF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating 11 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "rootfs"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "rootfs_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f700000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "image"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "image_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f600000-0x00000f700000 : "misc3"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000c700000-0x00000f600000 : "misc2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000bf00000-0x00000c700000 : "misc1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: Last RESET due to SW reset
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 20
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 21
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 22
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 23
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 0 (ffffffc00098d7e8) (bpGpio: 0000801f, bpExtIrq:00000000 (0))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:0, gpioNum:31 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 1 (ffffffc00098d8a8) (bpGpio: 00008002, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:2 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 2 (ffffffc00098d968) (bpGpio: 00008036, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:54 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: genirq: Flags mismatch irq 34. 00000000 (brcm_34) vs. 00000000 (brcm_34)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: request_irq failed for irq=34 (brcm_34) retval=-16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_mem_pool_buf_alloc: tot_mem_pool=2487 mem_idx:2487^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_buf_pool: buf_top_idx:57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_skb_pool: skbs pool inited total 57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attaching mtd0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 95 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: good PEBs: 759, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1853048298
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 759, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 14
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs_ubifs", R/O mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 88883200 bytes (84 MiB, 700 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 6BCDBC12-693F-4A2A-84B3-12DD1C88290E, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attaching mtd2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attached mtd2 (name "data", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 70/50, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 464664342
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 169
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 6 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 275879 bytes (269 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F3B30E46-D5DC-40DE-B9D0-33CEA770AC3F, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMLIBS loaded...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bm_base_addr 0xffffffc00e000000, size 33554432, bm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000e000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fm_base_addr 0xffffffc00b400000, size 46137344, fm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RDP Physical address=0x82200000 Virtual address = 0xffffff8000c80000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: configure_runner: NATC keysize 0x100070 key element size 16 contextsize 0x400000 context element size 64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ++++Runner gso_desc_pool created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_key_ptr=0xffffffc00bd00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_context_ptr=0xffffffc00b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_context_cont_ptr=0xffffffc00b800000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FPM_BPM phy_addr 0x82c30000,virt_addr 0xffffff8000c5e000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  RDP PKT memory = 32MB : Max Possible Bufs <16384> of size <2048>; Allocating <15360> bufs; RDP enum <5>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v1.0 Registered<303>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES<16384>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FDB_ENTRIES<1024>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_DEV_ENTRIES<64>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_MAC_ENTRIES<32>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: npe_max_entries<32768>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Bind blog_notify_evt_enqueue_fn[<ffffffbffc4705d8>]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_evt task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: max_ent = 16384 intvl_msec = 10000 num_slices = 2000 num_ent = 9 period_msec = 5
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mTotal # of labels = 83^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized fcache state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<302>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_timer_task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;35m[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc48ae08]=0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[FHW]  fhw_construct: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mFcache Pathstats created^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Command List Driver v1.0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=0 SERDES:6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=1 GPHY:12
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 0 to ext_ep 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 1 to ext_ep 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Detecting PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 54991EL  B0 3590:5089 --> 0x1e
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into detected PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware version: Blackfin B0 v02-02-06
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into PHYs: map=0x40000000 count=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Halt the PHYs processors operation
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Upload the firmware into the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^M0%^M1%^M2%^M3%^M4%^M5%^M6%^M7%^M8%^M9%^M10%^M11%^M12%^M13%^M14%^M15%^M16%^M17%^M18%^M19%^M20%^M21%^M22%^M23%^M24%^M25%^M26%^M27%^M28%^M29%^M30%^M31%^M32%^M33%^M34%^M35%^M36%^M37%^M38%^M39%^M40%^M41%^M42%^M43%^M44%^M45%^M46%^M47%^M48%^M49%^M50%^M51%^M52%^M53%^M54%^M55%^M56%^M57%^M58%^M59%^M60%^M61%^M62%^M63%^M64%^M65%^M66%^M67%^M68%^M69%^M70%^M71%^M72%^M73%^M74%^M75%^M76%^M77%^M78%^M79%^M80%^M81%^M82%^M83%^M84%^M85%^M86%^M87%^M88%^M89%^M90%^M91%^M92%^M93%^M94%^M95%^M96%^M97%^M98%^M99%^M100%
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Reset the processors to start execution of the code in the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the processors are running: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the firmware has been loaded with good CRC: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware loading completed successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMENET: Enabling Software GSO for eth0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NOTE: Using Port Grouping for IMP ports : [ 0 --> 4 ] [ 1, 2 --> 5 ] [ 3, 7 --> 8 ]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: LAG/Trunking enabled <0x08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Setting SGMII Calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PLL_PON(8051): 0x0250; TX_PON(8067): 0x0048; RX_PON(80b2): 0x0980
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P0, Logical 00>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <IntSw P3, Logical 03>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port 10, CrossBar Port 1, PHY_ID <0x0007f00c:0x0c: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P1, Logical 01>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P2, Logical 02>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth1      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P0, Logical 08> PHY_ID <0x0007f008:0x08: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth2      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P1, Logical 09> PHY_ID <0x0007f009:0x09: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth3      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P2, Logical 10> PHY_ID <0x0007f00a:0x0a: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth4      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P3, Logical 11> PHY_ID <0x0007f00b:0x0b: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth5      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P7, Logical 15>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port  9, CrossBar Port 0, PHY_ID <0x06100006:0x06: On-chip 2.5G SERDES> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:                                      PHY_ID <0x0388001e:0x1e:External Cascaded 10G EXT3> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P4, Logical 12>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up 2.5G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P5, Logical 13>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0:   Up 2.5G <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P8, Logical 08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ===> Activate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link DOWN
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcm_enet_init2453 ENET system contructed and configured enet-kthrd thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: enet_kthread_handler296 Instantiating ENET thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551ktRnr[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 5512L3-ucast:Create Index Pool_Size = 16384^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Host Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner L2 Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:mcast:Create Index Pool_Size = 128^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Multicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:FHW[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Retrieve num_fhw_path=64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mPathstats allocated 2048 bytes^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Enabled Runner binding to Flow Cache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Protocol Layer (800)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Runner Blog Driver Char Driver v0.1 Registered <309>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Lservices Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: exLinuxETH Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCIe HCD (impl1)^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [0] DT node available: /pcie@80040000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 2 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [2] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [1] DT node available: /pcie@80050000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [2] DT node available: /pcie@80060000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [2] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[1m^[[34mWifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: broadcomThermalDrv brcm-therm: init (CPU count 4 4 4 4)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcm_otp_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 379
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 394
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: random: init urandom read with 6 bits of entropy available
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading HND Module
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: igs_module_init:867:         IGS 29 create network socket successful
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dpsta_init: (r801046) 3a6a0ab Sep 15 2021 18:25:02 msglevel 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: osl_skb_audit: PASS
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: passivemode set to 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: txworkq set to 0x0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mWL_PKTFWD[1.1.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME Service Initialization
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M Service Initialization: M2M_DD_ENAB 0x00000003
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 0 alloc rings <ffffffc02f6e8000,ffffffc02fbe0000>,ffffffc02d8ec000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 1 alloc rings <ffffffc02d858000,ffffffc02f092000>,ffffffc02d8eb000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME:register key<1010802> user RLM sel IDX set 1 mem 2 8 hi 0 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0 taf_do_enable: TAF is enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CSIMON module registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd0-thrd WL 0 FLowControl total<57195> lo<14298> hi<5719> favor prio<4>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd0-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 0 nodes 1032 xfer wl_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x440 [wl]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d42c0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4300
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb:sll configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/9), status (0) qmask 0x3^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_wfd_bind: wl0 wfd_idx 0 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 0 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth6 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth6: Broadcom BCM6710 802.11 Wireless Controller (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mdhd_PKTFWD[1.0.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AAA4(good PCI location)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x5, RxP 0x3 TxC 0x3 RxC 0x3^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: TX wakeup info: reg = <0x82299004>, val = <0x11000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RX wakeup info: reg = <0x8229a004>, val = <0x29000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:301 started
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd1-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 1 nodes 1032 xfer dhd_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x7f0 [dhd]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4340
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4380
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb:sll configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/11), status (0) qmask 0xc^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 1 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_wfd_bind: wl1 wfd_idx 1 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: MSG Ring format set to 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: dhd1_rnr bootmem addr<ffffffc00a900000> size<11534336>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_profile_init: profile = 3 1024/0512 2048/1024 1024/0512 0512/0512 0512/0512
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaaa4> bus<1> slot<0>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initial configuration
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: =================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02dfa8000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc00a8d8000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02dfac000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02dfaa000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de79800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de78000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de78802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de79000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de78c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802160, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802164, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2164
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffcf553a0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell CTX : ffffffc03228c000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         flow_ring_format : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         idma_active : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue configuration:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Base virt address = ffffffc00df00000, physical address =  DF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Index stack virt address = ffffffc00dfe38c0, physical address =  DFE38C0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue entries: total = 58250  shared by all radios
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48, size_of_entry 16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Done initializing Ring 1 Base=0xffffff80003e3000 End=0xffffff80003e3800 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=3e012000K descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD Offload initialization complete^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CUR_ETHERADDR : 6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc 34 97 39 19 84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Dongle Host Driver, version (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth7 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Register interface [eth7]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <=== Deactivate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link UP
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: proc_dostring_crashlogsave:  crash log filename is /jffs/crashlog.log
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crashFileSet: log signature invalid !
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ret 0 retlen 65536 buff <6>device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Interface eth%d doesn't exist
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: could not find igs interface!
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May  5 01:05:11 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] NTP sync error
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:12 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:12 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start https:8443
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start httpd:80
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:12 avahi-daemon[1771]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: mssl_cert_key_match : PASS
May  5 01:05:12 disk monitor: be idle
May  5 01:05:12 WEBDAV server: daemon is started
May  5 01:05:12 hour monitor: daemon is starting
May  5 01:05:12 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:12 ERP: The model isn't under support list!
May  5 01:05:12 Mastiff: init
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1899]: HTTP listening on port 45484
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1899]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:12 lldpd[1939]: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May  5 01:05:13 avahi-daemon[1771]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
May  5 01:05:14 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module scsi_wait_scan not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module mbcache not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module jbd not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext3 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext4 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext2 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: tfat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 init: fwver: (sn:M3ICI6004305 /ha:FC:34:97:39:19:80 )
May  5 01:05:15 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
May  5 01:05:15 wan: finish adding multi routes
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1001 (1) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[1899]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2576]: HTTP listening on port 53516
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2576]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     WD       My Book 25ED     1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Enclosure         WD       SES Device       1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Spinning up disk...
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 13
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
May  5 01:05:18 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:18 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xee32 (60/160) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:19 WAN Connection: WAN was restored.
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(0) of cfgs(2415)
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server: skip event due no re: cfg_rejoin=0
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: ..
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.3
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
May  5 01:05:20 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 50b
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-70
May  5 01:05:21 ntp: start NTP update
Sep  3 13:12:17 rc_service: ntp 2537:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Sep  3 13:12:17 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  3 13:12:17 disk monitor: be idle
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:18 kernel: ..
Sep  3 13:12:18 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 13:12:18 BONDING: option disabled
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:12:18 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: .
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: .ready
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7814035456 512-byte logical blocks: (4.00 TB/3.64 TiB)
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:12:20 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:12:20 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
Sep  3 13:12:20 dhcp client: bound via for 104254 seconds.
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-77
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-61
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:12:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  3 13:12:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  3 13:12:29 usb: USB ntfs fs at /dev/sda1 mounted on /tmp/mnt/sda1.
Sep  3 13:12:29 kernel: blk_update_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 14682112
Sep  3 13:12:29 rc_service: hotplug 3016:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 13:12:29 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:12:29 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:12:29 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:12:31 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:12:31 miniupnpd[2576]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 13:12:31 avahi-daemon[3051]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 13:12:32 Samba Server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:12:32 FTP server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:12:32 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 13:12:32 miniupnpd[3074]: HTTP listening on port 57241
Sep  3 13:12:32 miniupnpd[3074]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 13:12:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7876A1DDF13AA74B3AC4007FEDD347F4D0AE199D1C3206EF3655CE723D336F9A
Sep  3 13:12:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:32 avahi-daemon[3051]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 13:12:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  3 13:12:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 13:12:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  3 13:12:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:12:38 watchdog: start ddns.
Sep  3 13:12:38 rc_service: watchdog 1749:notify_rc restart_ddns watchdog
Sep  3 13:12:38 ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM update@asus.com, wan_unit 0
Sep  3 13:12:38 ddns: Clear ddns cache.
Sep  3 13:12:38 ddns: Start Inadyn(9).
Sep  3 13:12:38 inadyn[3245]: In-a-dyn version 2.8.1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: Update forced for alias yangren13.asuscomm.com, new IP#
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: alias address=<>
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: request<GET /ddns/update.jsp?hostname=yangren13.asuscomm.com&myip= HTTP/1.0^M Authorization: Basic RkMzNDk3MzkxOTgwOjhDMEE5NTA5NURBMTUzQUUzMEJCNUEzNzQ5MkFEOTc0^M Host: ns1.asuscomm.com^M User-Agent: inadyn/2.8.1 https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn/issues^M ^M >
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: [response_update]HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2022 17:12:39 GMT^M Server: Apache^M Content-Length: 0^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M ^M
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: Updating cache for yangren13.asuscomm.com
Sep  3 13:12:39 ddns: ddns update ok
Sep  3 13:12:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: B7075617AF5E407D70BA00110BEC30EB49FAD04CF4200195126B33241C238695
Sep  3 13:12:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(1) of cfgs(2415)
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 1001
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is ee32
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server:   wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart wireless due current 5G chanspec is un-available
Sep  3 13:12:43 rc_service: cfg_server 2415:notify_rc restart_wireless
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3213DE9C02FBA651580E0131358BF348638415F921C30280EAC593ED7B8FC64B
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6535A0C25F8624A2185E01F0CC0DBEF1ADBBA71989110991DE1D3CAB0CDF3BC8
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: D3C24E2FC57AF1400E0D01CEEC9F0EF5F87BBCC8518400C24E476DFAAE6FA98B
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9C3CE34978312953089401FD73314DF73FF0C767A39C0641AEA8BE2C677ACE36
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 823400BF517EB9E7167F03E140BDAF269301CE34A826086930A7B0D641C16A66
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: FA4AB5998CE51D4D708D0129F014F4743F583BCA45A805B81FF75FE690855532
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5C4F9EB98CE887B92611003B34E30B0B7EEF114914380F2C09ED210B96A7E7BD
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0241192067B16DCC660503B8282573244D72B11BD9AB0AC33E6DDABCD402DF3B
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: A26481F03BAE775401B500FEC193884CA71FAAFCCF9C0CB2B0AA55858EC7F446
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2956B27B264D2BD26972011DE879B4E7B9323D034F5C0C6D627AEDDF670058E8
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 15C00BCA0E7B961F5865017A8E759B62B81E1BFA8C040950EA285DE4CACD5841
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8BF8D8C71E8933F57DFD02A4A52CCC9C027E2740D94601D11457150CF9594917
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: E98C014464B0FF440E76012EBF4DD5861526FBB73DE0014F16C493AECAEE448F
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0D88EED29A0405834CBA03C3841DB3A72CE2644B637A091513D5704A6BE2BD77
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 151C1F8295C4796079CB00426BCCD1364D87AE9BF1E9069CD2BAA52F3AAB9B26
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1A676B5555DECF641498003824FDACA5ED4C534FDE8A061499BEFF6BBDDF1136
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: E3F30394CF8EAD8D52BF032E39879B8C5B3EB91372BF0B476432D44CAE967312
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7E2A0A05517884FF1DB50132FE16A40A84202AE3C4EB0B1BDE2E83D3E15E4593
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 518446F30E7D52C34B8402602AA3356AA4EC3660F1F90D2DCA14E0D2FD860ACB
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: D0CAE57A707077D12DA402D5D3AE910894A73AA72F2E0A86E811FD2177E50DB8
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3090BDCAEE31265141A90070A3218F32D87F023AFB01060351E39EB2EA3398AD
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1F814985FB1372B260AB03DA13CAFF3080BBABD29CC30E0FA22FDF5773C74F10
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: BF4E7965EB51563C2500006C076E9F4EBF1171D035A80BA10279B01004000785
Sep  3 13:12:44 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  3 13:12:45 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  3 13:12:45 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  3 13:12:45 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:12:45 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
Sep  3 13:12:48 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:12:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:12:52 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-63
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:12:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
Sep  3 13:12:55 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  3 13:12:56 crond[1736]: time disparity of 2278807 minutes detected
Sep  3 13:12:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-34
Sep  3 13:13:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
Sep  3 13:13:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:13:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:19 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:19 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-68
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
Sep  3 13:13:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  3 13:13:23 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:13:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  3 13:13:25 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:25 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
Sep  3 13:13:27 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:13:52 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  3 13:13:52 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  3 13:13:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  3 13:13:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:13:53 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  3 13:13:53 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  3 13:13:53 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  3 13:13:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  3 13:13:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2221C8AA81648273223D0347F484764081B6596C88D0079E0D870263746F162E
Sep  3 13:13:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:14:08 hour monitor: ntp sync fail, will retry after 120 sec
Sep  3 13:14:09 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7744)]periodic_check AM 4:40
Sep  3 13:14:09 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7783)]do webs_update
Sep  3 13:14:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  3 13:14:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7804)]user in use
Sep  3 13:14:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:14:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 13:14:48 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7783)]do webs_update
Sep  3 13:14:48 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  3 13:14:48 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7804)]user in use
Sep  3 13:15:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7783)]do webs_update
Sep  3 13:15:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  3 13:15:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7804)]user in use
Sep  3 13:16:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:16:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 13:16:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:16:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:17:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:17:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  3 13:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:21:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:21:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:21:20 kernel: C2:90:D3:AF:53:50 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:21:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6989F92664BE956423FC032F035C70C3BBA9937D722707DF21687B497452E4CD
Sep  3 13:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:31 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC
Sep  3 13:21:31 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [a6:d2:68:c3:bd:ac]
Sep  3 13:21:31 roamast: eth6: remove client [a6:d2:68:c3:bd:ac] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:31:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:31:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:32:29 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -43dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -59dbm) to roam
Sep  3 13:32:29 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  3 13:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:34:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:34:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 13:34:13 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2FE41688FB30D3561DBB002E755A9DB9745A1B7F0283008CD0FE34C6AA452D5E
Sep  3 13:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:37:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: D27C7ED3A9C281AD0E2D02989372F01D26FF8FBFF26C078DA161CA44DF349E73
Sep  3 13:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:09 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:47:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:47:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: C61DBCC1C8716E45421D03FC8E7F7BB335160A767945096B8E5EF8D6525E397A
Sep  3 13:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:57:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: B31293DF20C2943E3B5100D130FE6011837B966CF7EA04D9211D8962E5510CB8
Sep  3 13:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:59:22 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 14:00:17 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Sep  3 14:01:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:01:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:02:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:02:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:04:07 kernel: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 14:04:07 kernel: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 14:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 14:04:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4FC73438D0F836016D2E033437A3B79E520F724620D60DA112DCED2ADCCF41EC
Sep  3 14:04:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:04:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:07:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: A24A727FFDF7139606EE0131E20F10CCD4BBD7524D180194E3AB3C206329D73B
Sep  3 14:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:11:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:11:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:17:22 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5202CFD6501923512D5603BE9FAA3C34692444E9405B0D00258EE0785F21CB4A
Sep  3 14:17:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:17:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:34:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 14:34:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6293846F2778BD7F74DB0373E7B859BBE8544F7F5CCF0AA6BE3AEE848F5580E1
Sep  3 14:34:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:34:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 14:47:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7F01D0718815A0CC67130084BFA13BE014B62E5C2A6803764920B10D4C06C4F8
Sep  3 14:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 14:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 26D1888E843FA08043F80193D132E446EBE30C9B8962065761D94D959AA07EDF
Sep  3 14:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 15:04:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 09D957C54E3149FE05E80381B181E0A23823BD398C2E0C19789FB558588CF566
Sep  3 15:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:06:43 kernel: BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 15:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:07:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 40F7A58AA4E9C03739E102B96455143709EBBC05017904BF5160FB82C8608D1F
Sep  3 15:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: B93EBBE73682540A13C1002466E30265B38CE811B3C20CDB4C208075CBCBF52E
Sep  3 15:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:27:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: E50601C297FD11EA04B1030F8A4E0FF0E22AC1A42887052AE241B8164707B195
Sep  3 15:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 15:34:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9AB261C22F242C5F429E0033C20D31B93F73132129920BE93185B6AD14157CBB
Sep  3 15:34:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:34:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8868F93A15336E4B360F0153FBFEFAD5A595C088A61A0FA8824616EEDF113E8B
Sep  3 15:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:47:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 350B719F516457C329F70137638B0E6EDC6D56789FEC075A82DA66BCD74B1A6C
Sep  3 15:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:45 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 15:52:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-78
Sep  3 15:52:49 kernel: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 15:52:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 15:52:50 kernel: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 15:53:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:53:05 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 15:53:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 15:53:48 kernel: 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 15:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: A03A948A92E12355169E01598E99344B2DA16A54037F09EF4469C770DD98F293
Sep  3 15:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 16:04:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9DC6D4506A018321060600ED3361E942BD810C3F7AA20403359443BB07DCE295
Sep  3 16:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:07:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0B23FBC6191305234DCC035C65791B48D251A613B7630C286EB1B02C63BF380F
Sep  3 16:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: FBFCAC60494D936D05D90097F57EBDB86398C60755500FDC744BDAF86E92AFFE
Sep  3 16:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:27:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5981762A05A2C892653D0068FF6EE752326C0EB158AF09AE5904E5C650668E17
Sep  3 16:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:47:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: E1E28E5FCAE786BA02A4018B98549AC8E76F757391690AB9F661E65BA57538AB
Sep  3 16:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 16:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4D52C4355D5E41646DF703E4A9BE629860D075F13C46082DF8B7433A895779F5
Sep  3 16:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:58:56 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 17:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  3 17:04:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9076C88798EF88875EA200E4B129607A2914D71DB9BD0BA6D5A86158A5C3EF2E
Sep  3 17:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 17:07:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 05AC88DDA9725298200202F1391294CFCFEE46FE3B1803B5CC552F7209570BA6
Sep  3 17:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: A687193107CB1E13372303C1F72998F0D30D7410071A05DDB7D83ADE6880B31C
Sep  3 17:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:27:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: A31BEB96BD258ED74D6001463BAE8D4729B84951AC8502F146C25E9C5B90EB58
Sep  3 17:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:37:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: EC47F68F8D7F93D42F8703BB9312A55C0FC268406DC90713DD3C2F68105669A6
Sep  3 17:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:47:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: C6CF155E532D6573236A01AB9532C28C42112F25EA050C3154ADEFC8A19A780C
Sep  3 17:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:48:54 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 17:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4BA672C6011E52291AF300ABB1A683AFEE4AFBC71A0506FB577AF2EBF8D2AF80
Sep  3 17:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 18:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 18:07:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: AE3AE89F74719CD853E10169927EB999A63FA34AE240050E706B295E8A7F22A0
Sep  3 18:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 18:17:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 09318B871E41B0B547A1012B2EE1593CC2BF078E90FD0A4DCA9E482E12A82121
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:19:25 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 18:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 18:47:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 80FBFB77B4132E5F1BC203CD175FFE0FBE9437C7D39E001C612E402EC15D9FD3
Sep  3 18:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 18:57:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 60455B517B3130854A0B01C77577E498FF724D5E04650CD46F2DF927EA0E9A1C
Sep  3 18:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 19:07:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: F21B240808A7D98C531B027C3B2025FE79CBA8A05E5409D10DCCA27D81089E6D
Sep  3 19:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:09:18 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 19:17:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1F68D44543CD6AAE696203AA830EE1FFCA4232F299860A56AFCC92F5F4346CFE
Sep  3 19:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:21:31 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  3 19:21:31 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  3 19:21:31 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  3 19:27:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:27:54 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 19:27:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  3 19:31:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:50 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  3 19:31:50 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  3 19:31:50 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  3 19:33:34 kernel: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 19:34:09 kernel: wl0: random key value: AE030C2D38F5D6700BE001C229F588412521C48CB8EE0B3639EE07136B4754AB
Sep  3 19:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:48:56 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:54:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:54:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:54:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  3 19:54:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:54:59 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 19:54:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-84
Sep  3 19:56:32 kernel: C6:08:58:29:29:79 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 19:57:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 907DFCE70038E6FD5B4100BD0AC8BEB4D788DE66793607F78947AF02AA95628D
Sep  3 19:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 20:04:09 kernel: wl0: random key value: E907395F151091A4136B00CAB11C95FE19EA4D25F4A8010C8858B19E8639803D
Sep  3 20:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:07:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: E65710CD8390C5160AA801C268BCF00FA923D8539E6702CB8BFEB1D381137E8E
Sep  3 20:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: F5305F1C7588DE4C0E5C0197EF2ED56905AD76870EB20C2AFBDF48992F427EF5
Sep  3 20:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:27:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 993239AFB219D8E13F3903D70282E3CF95A39D2E458309D634D825B92F2A2DD2
Sep  3 20:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  3 20:34:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-75
Sep  3 20:34:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-75
Sep  3 20:34:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4B90F4A9F46A4C83644201A3D7A4E846C534209FB2FA09D4F1DC6CD8383901B0
Sep  3 20:34:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:37:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: F04234531082AF325F63010E9B5A55FA9AE3280E405705169AA7A4AF0965D035
Sep  3 20:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:38:55 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 20:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:47:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: F4FF22EF13278F2D20E700B1BBA01DB8E21E81A8B7EE0A883AA652504E1D90D0
Sep  3 20:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:57:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4CEE3A0C84DC6227434A03CA04A3F2C312FCC58A3E0A09ACADA330AAF58B1653
Sep  3 20:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  3 21:01:57 kernel: wl0: random key value: 010F1713AC153BA917B200413FDC495031DDC9129C4A0A49626B8E5960031B3B
Sep  3 21:01:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 21:03:18 kernel: 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 21:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 21:04:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: F66DEC02C963CA8C5DF201C51C993FE9F8BA087D7FA703E344EB17D9CCED7CA5
Sep  3 21:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:07:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 99CF3B89E9066E7C67D8034AB2834B68A0924BE0D2350202B97F00FDDC92722D
Sep  3 21:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:09:24 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 21:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:27:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3D6A1F65892F6B7500CF03217B820021F7062B2148BB07D2EF588917B5ED264D
Sep  3 21:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 21:34:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 20DE923B89ED7E714865013B3F0607B4318FCB755F09049B519147E3219A9099
Sep  3 21:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: BF2B3B6B11394C7D45CC013C87DBE564F40CD739BB8505594AE8E0E4F80EAA21
Sep  3 21:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 22:04:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6DA5E540674B3FF867CE03D3449274E473B3DC8D99F7091EE59845C8050661FF
Sep  3 22:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 22:07:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5839DC281320F19C55A90258AAEA08B28798F16BEDD6013BDEB3156B5E919846
Sep  3 22:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:19:18 kernel: +++++ BRCM skipping port_feat_c_connection for warm reset
Sep  3 22:19:18 kernel: xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: Cannot set link state.
Sep  3 22:19:18 kernel: usb usb2-port2: cannot disable (err = -32)
Sep  3 22:19:19 hotplug[16720]: USB partition unmounted from /tmp/mnt/sda1 fail. (return -1, Device or resource busy)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 3095 at fs/fs-writeback.c:1327 __mark_inode_dirty+0x23c/0x258()
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: bdi-block not registered
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: Modules linked in: sr_mod init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc1a0000 - ffffffbffc1a2308)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdrom init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc18d000 - ffffffbffc191cb0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tun init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc15b000 - ffffffbffc15e54c)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tdts_udbfw(O) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc398000 - ffffffbffc39d580)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tdts_udb(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc35a000 - ffffffbffc37d4f4)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tdts(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd359000 - ffffffbffd394090)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_sip init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd352000 - ffffffbffd353998)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_sip init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd347000 - ffffffbffd34a130)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_h323 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd341000 - ffffffbffd3420e8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  thfsplus(O) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd31f000 - ffffffbffd32c084)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_h323 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd30d000 - ffffffbffd310a00)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_rtsp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd308000 - ffffffbffd308a38)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_rtsp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd301000 - ffffffbffd302260)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tntfs(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd274000 - ffffffbffd2c0438)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_ftp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd270000 - ffffffbffd2702c8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_ftp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd26a000 - ffffffbffd26ac30)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tfat(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd215000 - ffffffbffd246368)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  uas init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd20c000 - ffffffbffd20e140)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usb_storage init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd1f3000 - ffffffbffd1f6c20)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  sg init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd1e5000 - ffffffbffd1e95d0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  sd_mod init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd1d7000 - ffffffbffd1dbbd8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  scsi_mod init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd199000 - ffffffbffd1a9960)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_mbim init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd194000 - ffffffbffd194b48)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  qmi_wwan init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd189000 - ffffffbffd189728)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_wdm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd182000 - ffffffbffd1838c8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_ncm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd178000 - ffffffbffd17a1e0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rndis_host init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd172000 - ffffffbffd172b10)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_ether init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd16c000 - ffffffbffd16c750)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ax88179_178a init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd164000 - ffffffbffd166770)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  asix init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd159000 - ffffffbffd15b880)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  libphy init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd14b000 - ffffffbffd14ead8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_acm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd140000 - ffffffbffd142670)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usbnet init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd134000 - ffffffbffd137000)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  mii init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd12f000 - ffffffbffd12fb70)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ohci_pci init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd12b000 - ffffffbffd12b270)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ohci_platform init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd126000 - ffffffbffd126800)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ohci_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd119000 - ffffffbffd11de28)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ehci_pci init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd115000 - ffffffbffd115618)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ehci_platform init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd110000 - ffffffbffd110890)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ehci_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd101000 - ffffffbffd108768)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  xhci_pci init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0fd000 - ffffffbffd0fd770)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  xhci_plat_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0f8000 - ffffffbffd0f8538)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  xhci_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0d5000 - ffffffbffd0e4cc8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_usb init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0d0000 - ffffffbffd0d00a8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usbcore init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd094000 - ffffffbffd0abf60)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usb_common init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd090000 - ffffffbffd090208)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  dhd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffcf4b000 - ffffffbffcfd5d08)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  wl(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc73c000 - ffffffbffcaaa4b8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  dpsta(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc6e3000 - ffffffbffc6e5af0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cfg80211 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc695000 - ffffffbffc6ba118)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  igs(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc689000 - ffffffbffc68c3e8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  emf(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc680000 - ffffffbffc682828)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  hnd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc608000 - ffffffbffc635ae8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  otp(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc604000 - ffffffbffc6045a4)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_thermal init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5fe000 - ffffffbffc5feb00)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmspu init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5e6000 - ffffffbffc5ed618)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmpdc init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5df000 - ffffffbffc5e06d0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  pwrmngtd(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5db000 - ffffffbffc5db618)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  wfd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5ce000 - ffffffbffc5d27d8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_pcie_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5c0000 - ffffffbffc5c3b28)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmmcast init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5a0000 - ffffffbffc5ac798)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nciTMSkmod(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc534000 - ffffffbffc55b808)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nciexLinuxETH(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc52a000 - ffffffbffc52baf8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nciLservices(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc523000 - ffffffbffc523ab8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  pktrunner(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc50c000 - ffffffbffc512968)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_enet init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc4c4000 - ffffffbffc4e25f4)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cmdlist(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc4a9000 - ffffffbffc4b51b0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  pktflow(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc44f000 - ffffffbffc477710)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_cmd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc42b000 - ffffffbffc4388e0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_ingqos(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3ee000 - ffffffbffc3f2098)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  chipinfo(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3ea000 - ffffffbffc3ea134)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_mw init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3dd000 - ffffffbffc3e16b8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_usr init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3ce000 - ffffffbffc3d3fa8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc1af000 - ffffffbffc22aba8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_gpl_ext init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc1ab000 - ffffffbffc1ab0c0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_gpl init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc197000 - ffffffbffc198bc8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmvlan(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc170000 - ffffffbffc17f8f0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bdmf init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc022000 - ffffffbffc03ea04)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdp_fpm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc014000 - ffffffbffc0177a0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmlibs(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc009000 - ffffffbffc00b9d0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  wlcsm(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc000000 - ffffffbffc001500)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  [last unloaded: nls_cp936]
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: CPU: 3 PID: 3095 Comm: minidlna Tainted: P           O    4.1.52 #2
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: Hardware name: Broadcom-v8A (DT)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: Call trace:
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000087398>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x150
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0000874fc>] show_stack+0x14/0x20
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000579830>] dump_stack+0x90/0xb0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000093028>] warn_slowpath_common+0x98/0xd0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0000930a0>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x40/0x48
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00016659c>] __mark_inode_dirty+0x23c/0x258
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000157fdc>] generic_update_time+0x7c/0xc0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0001583cc>] touch_atime+0xf4/0x180
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0000fe8c4>] generic_file_read_iter+0x4ec/0x570
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffbffd28c60c>] ntfs_file_read_iter+0x6c/0x100 [tntfs]
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00013daf8>] __vfs_read+0xa8/0x100
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00013e380>] vfs_read+0x78/0x160
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00013eda4>] SyS_read+0x44/0xa0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: ---[ end trace 213af9a8f6278c8d ]---
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: tntfs error (device sda1, pid 3095): ntfs_bio_end_io_read(): Bio read I/O error (error 19).
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: tntfs error (device sda1, pid 3095): ntfs_bio_end_io_read(): Bio read I/O error (error 19).
Sep  3 22:19:19 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:19 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 22:19:19 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:23 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:23 avahi-daemon[16739]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 22:19:24 avahi-daemon[16739]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 22:19:24 kernel: tntfs warning (device sda1, pid 16720): ntfs_put_super(): Failed to clear dirty bit in volume information flags.  Run ntfsck.
Sep  3 22:19:24 hotplug: USB partition unmounted from /tmp/mnt/sda1
Sep  3 22:19:24 rc_service: hotplug 16720:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 22:19:24 rc_service: hotplug 16722:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 22:19:24 rc_service: waitting "restart_nasapps" via  ...
Sep  3 22:19:24 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:24 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 22:19:24 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:26 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd[3074]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 22:19:26 avahi-daemon[16750]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 22:19:26 WEBDAV server: daemon is started
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd[16754]: HTTP listening on port 57841
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd[16754]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 22:19:27 avahi-daemon[16750]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 22:19:27 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:27 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 22:19:27 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:29 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd[16754]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 22:19:29 avahi-daemon[16779]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 22:19:29 WEBDAV server: daemon is started
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd[16783]: HTTP listening on port 51638
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd[16783]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 22:19:30 avahi-daemon[16779]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 22:26:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:26:54 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 22:26:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 22:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:27:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3033EFF2AD3665F62C4300A8DEF1AD3184E58952CF62002971B8E244EA92B217
Sep  3 22:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-76
Sep  3 22:34:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 96F8C30D2FA2736A057B00C14B7EB1D952367392FAB407FB995105C765980CA3
Sep  3 22:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:37:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 243B4AAA2959B6756E6503537548271332888296DF2E0A44543FBB07DF713935
Sep  3 22:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:47:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7D95DE0C659445A80B9603B183F752A66C564A4FBF36069E8F9F9F97FC716B5E
Sep  3 22:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:57:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: F26C4DC58C0F499D4D4302D582316A3F59FC2E21EACD08D3940A340D508A3823
Sep  3 22:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:00:17 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Sep  3 23:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 23:04:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: 735AB2709FD7C4D2605201695288321AB5892266D37602537EB9F333074BF655
Sep  3 23:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:07:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: BFE8B789847EF2B75BE8019A477B498A9EC6F97B330409894D54B2FC9BD9722F
Sep  3 23:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 23:08:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: EFDDDF33538C1393549A01CFD535312AFB1068F43DB80EA1926853A8C70BB19D
Sep  3 23:08:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:47 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 23:10:18 kernel: BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 23:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:17:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: CB0AD2D8E203101244EF01431C08F8E919AF8A8F018D0D8C5C8C1256E0F70F07
Sep  3 23:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: D6115CC5AC30CCE630FF01F48278C896D3C7D2DBF04702E89D21CBE658811205
Sep  3 23:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:-73
Sep  3 23:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 23:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 23:34:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3AA52B48CFF4A1EA2E6C002EF0351F8AEDC5CFC487F700BDEAC53C54A03DE20D
Sep  3 23:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:47:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: AA8594144BE9BD787A9C031A4C25B91BF27F514097600146F29791D985105EB3
Sep  3 23:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 00:04:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: A5D140421C03DF68740400519B24F6A9FB73BCBF01FB07E55FB97F011C3077EA
Sep  4 00:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 00:07:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7A7521397E02C791147603A64FE2029311C2726084B4002701432907346C4879
Sep  4 00:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 00:17:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: F4966284BF3E2AA403F601582BC1CDABDDCBFEF906CA0880571DFF87D1319959
Sep  4 00:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:21:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-38
Sep  4 00:21:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-38
Sep  4 00:21:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: D75074115DC4B3F20A6C00966ACAADC9BF71DC96C528096C9A7034DA8AF10C3E
Sep  4 00:21:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:23:39 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:27:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: A60C283FE6756F931F99014E5D8D3D1EE7A749DFD1D60EFEDCBF3F294DAE58D1
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:37:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7C813C57DED7CED9771C01F268BEB4D158016C643E9301F107F39ED47A1E7EBC
Sep  4 00:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:38:56 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 00:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4858886FEE17872D6D94019BCAC5A45BB311C50F1087077BC493D31ABAE06712
Sep  4 00:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:50:58 kernel: B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 00:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:57:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: F76112A933D3AF6B487F0133125EB247CC2B1EB4EB220B87EE7E4DCF00F7D116
Sep  4 00:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:58:34 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -42dbm) for client [E6:22:8B:81:7A:86](rssi: -55dbm) to roam
Sep  4 00:58:34 roamast: Roam a client [E6:22:8B:81:7A:86], status [0]
Sep  4 00:58:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:58:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:04:19 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -45dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -65dbm) to roam
Sep  4 01:04:19 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  4 01:04:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:04:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:04:20 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  4 01:04:20 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  4 01:04:20 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:07:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: B727585E738D92116FAB00A1F72767673B0050C6689D0A4BC11DC648A7766D72
Sep  4 01:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:14:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5FA910AB33712C7B3E24023445042A0308473C8CBAEE065F2F1D3287C2234231
Sep  4 01:14:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:14:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: A173D548B331674D7E2A02D4F49FBC92ACE5EF28BA4E0695A6E88B10F16E0312
Sep  4 01:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:18:57 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link DOWN.
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-84
Sep  4 01:19:04 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-84
Sep  4 01:19:04 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:05 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 01:19:05 kernel: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:07 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  4 01:19:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:09 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  4 01:19:13 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 01:19:13 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  4 01:19:13 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 01:19:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 01:19:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  4 01:19:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-67
Sep  4 01:19:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 01:19:32 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:32 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
Sep  4 01:19:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 01:19:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:35 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:44 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -53dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -67dbm) to roam
Sep  4 01:19:44 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  4 01:19:45 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  4 01:19:45 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  4 01:19:45 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-80
Sep  4 01:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-80
Sep  4 01:19:49 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:49 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:04 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:04 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:04 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:09 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 01:20:09 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 01:20:09 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:20:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-77
Sep  4 01:20:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:29 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:24:37 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:28:51 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:32:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:32:09 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:32:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-76
Sep  4 01:32:57 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 01:32:57 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 01:32:57 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:32:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-77
Sep  4 01:32:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-77
Sep  4 01:32:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:32:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  4 01:34:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: 12674A0DD13B3DA11D0603B54754A2AB8A26E49433E40058F5D6DA0438FB1CB5
Sep  4 01:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 86E0EACBCB99255D4637021077D970E96849730B35C30AD620BE9B870F3EC9B6
Sep  4 01:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:57:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: E0D1564E7B202ADC327102F1661FA6BA10422B0FC45B0599D22C6E3E150A3863
Sep  4 01:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:59:18 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 02:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 02:07:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0051A4D5F84BC6083134010C2BA762944A52D28E4AC00A786DE87CE5168BD19A
Sep  4 02:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 02:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3B199875DBB40BD804AC01632C839C4EDFBCC561EDE20FA5068B544C4EBA3E47
Sep  4 02:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 02:17:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: FA782AE6020E560C12A703AD1B8494A05CFC4DB839F60AAB31BBA62EA35ABB60
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:55 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 02:26:50 kernel: B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 02:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 02:27:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 18817489D29B00171F3103F477D9A39575A8AFA444550A07EC3079C159FCCD74
Sep  4 02:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:33:22 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  4 02:33:22 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 02:33:24 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  4 02:33:24 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  4 02:33:24 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  4 02:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 02:37:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 19A144D9E83FC18F292E01B8C51F6D58F369E1BACC810E6B6DA36E3413F795F8
Sep  4 02:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 02:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: D8D96C66DFB875B427E70034980BC86ED51B9D970B880B152F7378F9BBF75EF4
Sep  4 02:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 02:57:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 03A2C647B58763F72362014D0C0C215BBD6CA2914AC5082332527A3129BAE045
Sep  4 02:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:04:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:04:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  4 03:04:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: A865F49E1BE6C6B90D4400CC8FEEB470C3F6E78D9F170CEA2BEBFF58A0592993
Sep  4 03:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:07:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9891CE479049810F1A42021EA52B37443C60AC9235B10F98FB6DF0C93E321DF3
Sep  4 03:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:09:16 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 03:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: AD0DD8367A588B512008015DFEA3E907A809254F1F690FF705695A9EDC2EC857
Sep  4 03:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:20:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4255F00A9BAE988632FA02BC606D57ECF22D2828C3FF0F270E6551E98A705C78
Sep  4 03:20:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:20:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:20:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-40
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 03:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 456914E3716D0B59598D008EE0CE6B285501780802940D02DFDFE81620199036
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:28:54 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 03:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 03:34:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: F83B29A66190EF1A7AFD02B70F0A3DFC4B8D38DDF9400C3C659E043ED861F75A
Sep  4 03:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:37:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9579A3DA4746975B603E01E1D4117AFA278490BAB11B0A796A0229C1C6897912
Sep  4 03:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:38:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:38:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:38:50 kernel: wl0: random key value: BAF14D819EC2053E717502AA2B6FC4C4D5D2B233E3C40AB97FB07F4826F62C98
Sep  4 03:38:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:38:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:42:31 kernel: B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 03:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1DCFD32968C6C0B702D002C3F62616EFBBD2C1B0C7990562008740DA91C7538C
Sep  4 03:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 66F0F0C4D2F876FC62FB003C9530AFFFF76666F5E7F4006FD44A8E65015F1C84
Sep  4 03:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 04:04:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: BC596F2770B6664761E400D50F4AB7DE0B2E8D170BAD086E11DE7E0F4C04BDB5
Sep  4 04:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: ACFEF8B7B6253737711B02CC82FB409088F8E884AFDD03D6969B0DF5C811210A
Sep  4 04:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-81
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 73B41411DDB7A7193E4400FEFF38780740666295411507E08EA8B83F7438E7F7
Sep  4 04:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:18:51 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 04:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 60768432FA34A7D95DAB038867E2D4671683476776020ADF45BD4833D753FD0B
Sep  4 04:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: FC79B9344D493C38133202BBBB1A42265EED2F725F700ED6DEF9821C2F372982
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): wds0.0.1: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): wds1.0.1: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:18 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] The system is going down for reboot
Sep  4 04:30:19 BWDPI: force to flush flowcache entries
Sep  4 04:30:19 kernel:  *** ERROR: [udb_shell_mod_exit:668] Udb static = 0, dynamic = 24
Sep  4 04:30:19 BWDPI: rollback fc
Sep  4 04:30:20 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:20 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
Sep  4 04:30:21 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:21 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  4 04:30:21 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:21 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:30:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-78
Sep  4 04:30:22 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:22 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  4 04:30:22 avahi-daemon[4912]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  4 04:30:22 miniupnpd[16783]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  4 04:30:23 ahs: ===Terminate ahs daemon===
Sep  4 04:30:24 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:30:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth4 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth3 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth2 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth1 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth5 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: D644043FA27942BF0ECC015A23AE70D12016959AC7850D59A6E0C292CF73A690
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: E9234E985C4D9FAC334E02FB277CBDFE39DE59AE8E4006E6C1E8B363F4535D1E
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 565E78AD580B40672AE200DF471A13095CA09618E1890F3A056E2AE4CFD8E9DB
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: A17C8C4BC9900C1530A800BD75D2BCCB92FEF7D435980F4A04AFF1BB736E1244
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 17E3557CBB410189119300D5412017A15C3E99B9C7120D689D784A347825014A
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8665BC36BDAD0017252D02D1E9E16893E521B35F41370EAC101295A6EBB643C8
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3CC5E55A763BB0D8347D00F148BB99754063870E6756038DCE24278EAD205F77
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: FC91BBADDBE568CE017302E1DC6EAB2CD504B8DA6FE90FADF30A0A7225402C9D
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: C54CEB411E320EC8315D021BEAE0D5B541FBC6229F6E08B76E8F4A6CBD38C3D7
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: A557C4A6C095F200730102578985CF6DF57D365BB523039B486C00903BB82DA8
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: FB00A9A6282D81C4791E01C5BEB2CD87901E3C9DA8580DC167AAEA5C06EAE590
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: BD571218939390F26B1B02481893E7E9737F0C808CDA098AD639C2344D851F2C
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 417B2A14E9A5AE64100200109C3D7ECC369F9D6FD3B404C38AA3C3601B6B0358
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 86D2DD0498E7350E6E0503FD47BF9D2A85AB1993D1EA0A2B87429831D93117BE
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 70893E1467A7467E347C00ED239F842AF83B2CF8040B07814E29C44C3862A676
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: D729379A35EE4FF3533502EA45B0375AC9A79631EFC70068F793498769E0A923
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: CFD067EA7FD88BE447F003920A99D64EB449C2FA91420F56D4881B37495C7ACA
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5A6DA6926D9501C41BD800E7094D25E55F57ED04F29B007447C7997C5E87E587
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6382EAB088E1E8467877031466D384EB3CCDEA42FC8E09884609FB3FF60191E6
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 939A98428E31A6FC6EA203AAE250397C0873A75DC46B0890B88CC5CB7C02CA5C
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: F7F144388A09D5F46B2F02283F53E26A1227B1B274000C3E8EA5A44F05AF11A0
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 62B50D1DF89FACFA117600D705DA267765B99B63A3AF0DC07E3F0FC00F1EE836
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: BAA82E7841432F72556903CFA887C9C13691F2EBFA2908785D13D9DFF1D699EB
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 5037
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 5053
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
Sep  4 04:30:33 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-07-02 11:39:23 CST)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Linux version 4.1.52 (gitserv_asus@tpbuildsvrvu01) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 2 12:56:21 CST 2022
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Kernel command line: root=ubi:rootfs_ubifs ubi.mtd=0 rootfstype=ubifs coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe rootwait
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdffff0000   (   247 GB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     vmemmap : 0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     7 GB maximum)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:               0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbe00e00000   (    14 MB actual)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc040000000   (  1024 MB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       .init : 0xffffffc000730000 - 0xffffffc00076a000   (   232 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00072f2a4   (  6845 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       .data : 0xffffffc00076b000 - 0xffffffc00093d100   (  1865 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Do not need to create mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for rdp1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000b400000 virt 0xffffffc00b400000 size 0x02c00000 for rdp2
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000a900000 virt 0xffffffc00a900000 size 0x00b00000 for dhd1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: pmc_initMC using DQM mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: cfe-v^A: 1.0.38-163.231
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU2: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU3: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Logger v0.1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: skb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34mBLOG v3.0 Initialized^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom GBPM v0.1 initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: >>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as UBIFS <<<<<
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and UBIFS for vmlinux filesystem
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 2 name misc3 nvram configured size 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc3 configured size 0x00100000 offset 0xF600000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 1 name misc2 nvram configured size 47
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc2 configured size 0x02f00000 offset 0xC700000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 0 name misc1 nvram configured size 8
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc1 configured size 0x00800000 offset 0xBF00000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating 11 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "rootfs"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "rootfs_update"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000f700000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "image"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "image_update"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy1"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy2"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000f600000-0x00000f700000 : "misc3"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000c700000-0x00000f600000 : "misc2"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000bf00000-0x00000c700000 : "misc1"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcmboard registered
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: print_rst_status: Last RESET due to SW reset
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 20
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 21
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 22
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 23
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Registering button 0 (ffffffc00098d7e8) (bpGpio: 0000801f, bpExtIrq:00000000 (0))
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     extIrqIdx:0, gpioNum:31 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Registering button 1 (ffffffc00098d8a8) (bpGpio: 00008002, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:2 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Registering button 2 (ffffffc00098d968) (bpGpio: 00008036, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:54 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: genirq: Flags mismatch irq 34. 00000000 (brcm_34) vs. 00000000 (brcm_34)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: request_irq failed for irq=34 (brcm_34) retval=-16
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_mem_pool_buf_alloc: tot_mem_pool=2487 mem_idx:2487^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_buf_pool: buf_top_idx:57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_skb_pool: skbs pool inited total 57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: attaching mtd0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 95 MiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: good PEBs: 759, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1853048298
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 759, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 14
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs_ubifs", R/O mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 88883200 bytes (84 MiB, 700 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 6BCDBC12-693F-4A2A-84B3-12DD1C88290E, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: attaching mtd2
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: attached mtd2 (name "data", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 71/50, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 464664342
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 160
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 169
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "data"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 6 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 275879 bytes (269 KiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F3B30E46-D5DC-40DE-B9D0-33CEA770AC3F, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BCMLIBS loaded...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bm_base_addr 0xffffffc00e000000, size 33554432, bm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000e000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fm_base_addr 0xffffffc00b400000, size 46137344, fm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000b400000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: RDP Physical address=0x82200000 Virtual address = 0xffffff8000c80000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: configure_runner: NATC keysize 0x100070 key element size 16 contextsize 0x400000 context element size 64
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ++++Runner gso_desc_pool created successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_key_ptr=0xffffffc00bd00000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_context_ptr=0xffffffc00b400000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_context_cont_ptr=0xffffffc00b800000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FPM_BPM phy_addr 0x82c30000,virt_addr 0xffffff8000c5e000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  RDP PKT memory = 32MB : Max Possible Bufs <16384> of size <2048>; Allocating <15360> bufs; RDP enum <5>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v1.0 Registered<303>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES<16384>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FDB_ENTRIES<1024>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_DEV_ENTRIES<64>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_MAC_ENTRIES<32>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: npe_max_entries<32768>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Bind blog_notify_evt_enqueue_fn[<ffffffbffc4705d8>]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fc_evt task created successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: max_ent = 16384 intvl_msec = 10000 num_slices = 2000 num_ent = 9 period_msec = 5
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mTotal # of labels = 83^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized fcache state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<302>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fc_timer_task created successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;35m[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc48ae08]=0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[FHW]  fhw_construct: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mFcache Pathstats created^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Command List Driver v1.0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[0]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[0]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=0 SERDES:6
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[1]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[1]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=1 GPHY:12
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 0 to ext_ep 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 1 to ext_ep 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Detecting PHYs...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 54991EL  B0 3590:5089 --> 0x1e
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Loading firmware into detected PHYs...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Firmware version: Blackfin B0 v02-02-06
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Loading firmware into PHYs: map=0x40000000 count=1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Halt the PHYs processors operation
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Upload the firmware into the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^M0%^M1%^M2%^M3%^M4%^M5%^M6%^M7%^M8%^M9%^M10%^M11%^M12%^M13%^M14%^M15%^M16%^M17%^M18%^M19%^M20%^M21%^M22%^M23%^M24%^M25%^M26%^M27%^M28%^M29%^M30%^M31%^M32%^M33%^M34%^M35%^M36%^M37%^M38%^M39%^M40%^M41%^M42%^M43%^M44%^M45%^M46%^M47%^M48%^M49%^M50%^M51%^M52%^M53%^M54%^M55%^M56%^M57%^M58%^M59%^M60%^M61%^M62%^M63%^M64%^M65%^M66%^M67%^M68%^M69%^M70%^M71%^M72%^M73%^M74%^M75%^M76%^M77%^M78%^M79%^M80%^M81%^M82%^M83%^M84%^M85%^M86%^M87%^M88%^M89%^M90%^M91%^M92%^M93%^M94%^M95%^M96%^M97%^M98%^M99%^M100%
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Reset the processors to start execution of the code in the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Verify that the processors are running: OK
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Verify that the firmware has been loaded with good CRC: OK
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Firmware loading completed successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BCMENET: Enabling Software GSO for eth0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: NOTE: Using Port Grouping for IMP ports : [ 0 --> 4 ] [ 1, 2 --> 5 ] [ 3, 7 --> 8 ]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: LAG/Trunking enabled <0x08>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Setting SGMII Calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     PLL_PON(8051): 0x0250; TX_PON(8067): 0x0048; RX_PON(80b2): 0x0980
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P0, Logical 00>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth0      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <IntSw P3, Logical 03>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       Chip Port 10, CrossBar Port 1, PHY_ID <0x0007f00c:0x0c: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P1, Logical 01>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P2, Logical 02>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth1      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P0, Logical 08> PHY_ID <0x0007f008:0x08: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth2      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P1, Logical 09> PHY_ID <0x0007f009:0x09: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth3      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P2, Logical 10> PHY_ID <0x0007f00a:0x0a: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth4      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P3, Logical 11> PHY_ID <0x0007f00b:0x0b: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth5      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P7, Logical 15>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       Chip Port  9, CrossBar Port 0, PHY_ID <0x06100006:0x06: On-chip 2.5G SERDES> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:                                      PHY_ID <0x0388001e:0x1e:External Cascaded 10G EXT3> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P4, Logical 12>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up 2.5G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P5, Logical 13>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcmswlpbk0:   Up 2.5G <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P8, Logical 08>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ===> Activate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link DOWN
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcm_enet_init2453 ENET system contructed and configured enet-kthrd thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: enet_kthread_handler296 Instantiating ENET thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551ktRnr[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 5512L3-ucast:Create Index Pool_Size = 16384^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Host Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner L2 Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:mcast:Create Index Pool_Size = 128^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Multicast Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:FHW[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Retrieve num_fhw_path=64
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mPathstats allocated 2048 bytes^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Enabled Runner binding to Flow Cache
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Protocol Layer (800)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Runner Blog Driver Char Driver v0.1 Registered <309>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Lservices Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: exLinuxETH Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: PCIe HCD (impl1)^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [0] DT node available: /pcie@80040000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 2 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [2] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [1] DT node available: /pcie@80050000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [2] DT node available: /pcie@80060000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [2] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[1m^[[34mWifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: broadcomThermalDrv brcm-therm: init (CPU count 4 4 4 4)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcm_otp_init entry
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 379
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 394
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: random: init urandom read with 6 bits of entropy available
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Loading HND Module
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: igs_module_init:867:         IGS 29 create network socket successful
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dpsta_init: (r801046) 3a6a0ab Sep 15 2021 18:25:02 msglevel 0x1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: osl_skb_audit: PASS
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl_module_init: passivemode set to 0x1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl_module_init: txworkq set to 0x0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mWL_PKTFWD[1.1.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BME Service Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BME: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M Service Initialization: M2M_DD_ENAB 0x00000003
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 0 alloc rings <ffffffc032298000,ffffffc02f0d2000>,ffffffc02d8f9000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 1 alloc rings <ffffffc02f78c000,ffffffc02f72a000>,ffffffc02d8f8000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BME:register key<1010802> user RLM sel IDX set 1 mem 2 8 hi 0 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl0 taf_do_enable: TAF is enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON module registered
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wfd0-thrd WL 0 FLowControl total<57195> lo<14298> hi<5719> favor prio<4>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd0-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 0 nodes 1032 xfer wl_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x440 [wl]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d42c0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4300
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb:sll configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/9), status (0) qmask 0x3^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Instantiating WFD 0 thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_wfd_bind: wl0 wfd_idx 0 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth6 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth6: Broadcom BCM6710 802.11 Wireless Controller (r801046)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:2816
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mdhd_PKTFWD[1.0.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AAA4(good PCI location)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x5, RxP 0x3 TxC 0x3 RxC 0x3^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: TX wakeup info: reg = <0x82299004>, val = <0x11000000>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: RX wakeup info: reg = <0x8229a004>, val = <0x29000000>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:301 started
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd1-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 1 nodes 1032 xfer dhd_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x7f0 [dhd]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4340
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4380
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb:sll configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/11), status (0) qmask 0xc^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Instantiating WFD 1 thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_wfd_bind: wl1 wfd_idx 1 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dor1: MSG Ring format set to 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: dhd1_rnr bootmem addr<ffffffc00a900000> size<11534336>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_profile_init: profile = 3 1024/0512 2048/1024 1024/0512 0512/0512 0512/0512
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaaa4> bus<1> slot<0>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initial configuration
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: =================================
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df6a000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc00a8d8000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df6e000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df6c000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9802
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9c02
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba800
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb9800
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb8000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb8802
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb9000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb8c02
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802160, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2160
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802164, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2164
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffcf553a0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell CTX : ffffffc02de95c00
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         flow_ring_format : 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         idma_active : 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Backup queue configuration:
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Base virt address = ffffffc00df00000, physical address =  DF00000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Index stack virt address = ffffffc00dfe38c0, physical address =  DFE38C0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Backup queue entries: total = 58250  shared by all radios
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48, size_of_entry 16
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Done initializing Ring 1 Base=0xffffff80003e3000 End=0xffffff80003e3800 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=3e012000K descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD Offload initialization complete^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CUR_ETHERADDR : 6
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fc 34 97 39 19 84
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Dongle Host Driver, version (r801046)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth7 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Register interface [eth7]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <=== Deactivate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link UP
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: proc_dostring_crashlogsave:  crash log filename is /jffs/crashlog.log
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crashFileSet: log signature invalid !
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ret 0 retlen 65536 buff <6>device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Interface eth%d doesn't exist
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: could not find igs interface!
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May  5 01:05:11 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] NTP sync error
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:12 kernel: sched: RT throttling activated
May  5 01:05:12 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
May  5 01:05:12 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start https:8443
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start httpd:80
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:12 avahi-daemon[1659]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: mssl_cert_key_match : PASS
May  5 01:05:12 disk monitor: be idle
May  5 01:05:12 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May  5 01:05:12 hour monitor: daemon is starting
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:12 ERP: The model isn't under support list!
May  5 01:05:12 Mastiff: init
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1793]: HTTP listening on port 55342
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1793]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:12 lldpd[1839]: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May  5 01:05:13 avahi-daemon[1659]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
May  5 01:05:14 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module scsi_wait_scan not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module mbcache not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module jbd not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module ext3 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module ext4 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module ext2 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: tfat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 init: fwver: (sn:M3ICI6004305 /ha:FC:34:97:39:19:80 )
May  5 01:05:15 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
May  5 01:05:15 wan: finish adding multi routes
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[1793]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2573]: HTTP listening on port 37140
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2573]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-34
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
May  5 01:05:19 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:19 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xee32 (60/160) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:19 WAN Connection: WAN was restored.
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.3
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
May  5 01:05:20 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 50b
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(0) of cfgs(2426)
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server: skip event due no re: cfg_rejoin=0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-63
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
May  5 01:05:21 ntp: start NTP update
Sep  4 04:31:24 rc_service: ntp 2559:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Sep  4 04:31:24 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  4 04:31:24 disk monitor: be idle
Sep  4 04:31:25 BONDING: option disabled
Sep  4 04:31:25 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  4 04:31:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:31:26 kernel: wl0: random key value: EB3EB065DA1DD74003DB01770A5F8FBA0D853664CB83059A16CCB1B5A5B9BA5E
Sep  4 04:31:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:27 dhcp client: bound via for 97384 seconds.
Sep  4 04:31:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:28 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:31:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  4 04:31:29 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:31:33 kernel: wl0: random key value: 019DF98D29FB306C32C5016D6D83024DA89C90A95585054F6A5ED8BC3CE900FF
Sep  4 04:31:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  4 04:31:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:41 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:31:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:-77
Sep  4 04:31:45 watchdog: start ddns.
Sep  4 04:31:45 rc_service: watchdog 1642:notify_rc restart_ddns watchdog
Sep  4 04:31:45 ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM update@asus.com, wan_unit 0
Sep  4 04:31:45 ddns: Clear ddns cache.
Sep  4 04:31:45 ddns: Start Inadyn(9).
Sep  4 04:31:45 inadyn[3137]: In-a-dyn version 2.8.1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
Sep  4 04:31:45 inadyn[3137]: Update forced for alias yangren13.asuscomm.com, new IP#
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: alias address=<>
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: request<GET /ddns/update.jsp?hostname=yangren13.asuscomm.com&myip= HTTP/1.0^M Authorization: Basic RkMzNDk3MzkxOTgwOjhDMEE5NTA5NURBMTUzQUUzMEJCNUEzNzQ5MkFEOTc0^M Host: ns1.asuscomm.com^M User-Agent: inadyn/2.8.1 https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn/issues^M ^M >
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: [response_update]HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 08:31:46 GMT^M Server: Apache^M Content-Length: 0^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M ^M
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: Updating cache for yangren13.asuscomm.com
Sep  4 04:31:46 ddns: ddns update ok
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:32:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 04:32:03 crond[1626]: time disparity of 2279726 minutes detected
Sep  4 04:32:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: EC677BA60F5CAABE248902921845D6ED89F74922527D06005F836C1106873271
Sep  4 04:32:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(1) of cfgs(2426)
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 100a
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is ee32
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server:   wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart wireless due current 5G chanspec is un-available
Sep  4 04:32:11 rc_service: cfg_server 2426:notify_rc restart_wireless
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 502C30B4665EE0FF51E002D822FA9659133D7BAC06210E12C31F3AA2CCF200C2
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: FD7F128751B509B61BE80302F89414708B689220D2E108CBDA4D4938918A3A08
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 40CC6B00638E67A1212600431E031FC5D265E16E2D5202852AF13647A55A8E85
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: A4BAA2BE7580EB4904E003815F6732CD6FD8533A97740E5DFA6343DAE2B84CCE
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7F6E27C896C32F9E630B0178CA93B53EA25220BAE1860D0973251799BD69194E
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 001BD32F4C63C17C3B9302D35DD527A5E51D6B49F9DE01AC316568863F1809E5
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7231E9BA945AB8392E650212F729DF33A791E2B2619F01E4119CF22456C3106E
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1308307E867B324B0C1B03F2746D4F8ED9D1F3541B650917EC6FAA155D39DCE6
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: E036F8B0F4DE40AA021401A139F55C6A4677AE317E6B0E93E34AF68E22F6EFE5
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: BB6FA098C4720A76519C02FDA381FB23BE7521EE77D90BDB1A55BCC08A6781C8
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8B51B4C8DD21CD2D215101DEF02672678639C386E8740F2EA735630113513CB0
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5CA2A327CDD643EF574100113C42B7E148E16B2EE1D10CBFC595A1CA3A1384CD
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8D75A864525B56955E9A02CB94AC6B1EFBE086377BBD0EC6C6B6A0EE974E5908
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 20AA6B3F402876651DDF03A5208782D085C169863C5D00E68174DE3D102DDE4E
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8314A21DC8FB98092FFA005C6B372FE0452ADA4372AD07D733C2D9AAA78B3064
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: ED985ECACE49BB346E9F035B9351510ACD6B7E1ABF530A2A14CAFD86A9EE39FB
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: CF7AC8A91BB05AA7573700624639AD108F721F0F01470DE60FEECF670D610906
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9D4569599AD03D217584031B64DA151E29F30439716B020EC7B759798E68F88B
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 07F2352B9D5749E644E30170466AC7AC707B6783D85B0B1B71DBAE597E68AD76
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: DAEAF418F60428F2694F03AEC870E9A9E6A47B1CB3EA0187FA746B8BA57AECB0
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 324007C279B1635B1C7C003F43264C0D4D4773E82F230DE781DB936AE2085D14
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: E3E9F8DE9992EA06720A020532122C5DEE9196C716C0060FD21384999EADA411
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: F883E2634BAB91853A8C001F0C3E3D9EB1D83A0287B5037C46E0F55228581409
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8F3CA091F236F284413C0195411B7CA77E4A08D0516104227EC9F7A065D32FAA
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:32:12 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  4 04:32:13 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  4 04:32:13 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  4 04:32:13 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  4 04:32:13 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
Sep  4 04:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  4 04:32:15 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:32:15 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-35
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 04:32:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 01554889AC45F139475502B10C151042A2DEA132E839007D28E47821DBA5BB87
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-61
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  4 04:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 04:32:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  4 04:32:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 04:32:23 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  4 04:32:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 04:32:30 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:30 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 04:32:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-80
Sep  4 04:32:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-63
Sep  4 04:32:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-63
Sep  4 04:32:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:41 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  4 04:32:42 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:32:42 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  4 04:32:42 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:32:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  4 04:32:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:32:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:32:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:-80
Sep  4 04:32:57 miniupnpd[2573]: upnp_event_recv: recv(): Connection reset by peer
Sep  4 04:32:57 miniupnpd[2573]: upnpevents_processfds: 0x538378, remove subscriber uuid:3ddcd1d3-2380-45f5-b069-fc349739db52 after an ERROR cb:
Sep  4 04:32:59 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  4 04:32:59 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 04:33:00 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  4 04:33:00 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  4 04:33:00 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-57
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [8c:85:80:b0:ee:a6]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [8c:85:80:b0:ee:a6] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff]
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-45
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [9c:04:a0:a2:44:93]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [9c:04:a0:a2:44:93] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-68
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-38
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-59
Sep  4 04:33:02 kernel: wl0: random key value: F1F1512D2864333D0BAC02BAACBA7AE80A49B4EB24AD00E9D7D5BDE2E9EBC107
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:33:02 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3B6A68D4CCD66DF33CED00E24C3200B1DACFBACB53E20BD4A4E952F781EBA962
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: F2870CCA3FD9CC6453E002F9CBA4E0BCC3C7BAC0A48C0A080C6898886612C6CA
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5C8295FEE5C6AB730405024BB0B5948E0ED33A4D9DD909C0BE4D667B52DE14C2
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: A8D8198FB67F176C13410161B820ADC0A8796538E91801F3D0DA3FCE7B2E18D9
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: E81F7FD768E088D80B1B0306092201D11B937D6F6E660EB5EA0641B59FBD685C
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-59
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-57
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-38
Sep  4 04:33:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:07 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -44dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -61dbm) to roam
Sep  4 04:33:07 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  4 04:33:08 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  4 04:33:08 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  4 04:33:08 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-75
Sep  4 04:33:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-75
Sep  4 04:33:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:33:15 hour monitor: ntp sync fail, will retry after 120 sec
Sep  4 04:33:16 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7744)]periodic_check AM 3:47
Sep  4 04:33:16 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7783)]do webs_update
Sep  4 04:33:25 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  4 04:33:25 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7816)]fimrware update check first time
Sep  4 04:33:25 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7847)]no need to upgrade firmware
Sep  4 04:33:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:33:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  4 04:33:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  4 04:36:15 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 04:36:15 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 04:36:15 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:36:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-79
Sep  4 04:36:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-79
Sep  4 04:36:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-79
Sep  4 04:36:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:37:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1ADFD7E4E06ACC5671800116FC9D3B8DF3BE2C156E940114CB6BC640A5852F94
Sep  4 04:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 04:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6FAC4F8BB2EDCB8E3F0601F396E3619BF6CF21FA9ED908B47671C7BE55F2600B
Sep  4 04:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:52:29 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  4 04:52:29 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 04:52:33 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  4 04:52:33 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  4 04:52:33 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 04:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4F332CB5B432970E5B800314D60DB9B0B4EF57D39D43022B06EB88FB07667BA4
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:59:27 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 05:00:24 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Sep  4 05:02:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:02:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  4 05:04:53 kernel: wl0: random key value: 590379FEBA4A22A9767F0079239229B0C24560C22B130A4774A3614EF4054C84
Sep  4 05:04:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:04:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:04:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:04:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 05:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 37464F7F5D51B16F3DBD00697FC9294DE34A1262A9290F7F1EEF402D586635B5
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:14:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 05:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 05:17:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5B26750B7A25ADDF759B03F3C4DEDF6FDE1FB9D3956607F0073719EA1FF52C46
Sep  4 05:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:25:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:25:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  4 05:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 05:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6F070CDB8AE6CEE5074A00EFEFF7D0FC77D95565CBEC0A10EC377CA6AEFD4F10
Sep  4 05:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:30:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:30:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  4 05:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 05:34:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: 36F3FBCA3A83406341E70147962BB443F06B76A7DCBD0BF5B043289D50231632
Sep  4 05:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 05:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 05:37:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 42CD77FEEC3338E572CF03D77AC64326AE4DA9239966067B5D92F10B30BA87C9
Sep  4 05:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:39:18 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 05:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 05:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3695AD1E83DD0075237E0345254FA5BE0499CE6778640972476C4CB414525566
Sep  4 05:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 05:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7EC6A0F2F07CD90C1AB7016E999420F32A9F22B6EFF20D77D6C724C1DB4A2FE8
Sep  4 05:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 48D8467EC2BE85C9475400ABD8ED6271B37F18834AAA0FAA46BE66962791862A
Sep  4 06:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9741673405C3F44A0FDD00A09702F6B18C91D2F96D7D0295432656E2080735C8
Sep  4 06:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:19:14 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 06:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2AC20F7815E6C4044F91023D1191AE0540C92C3B63390F4EB5780D6619BAE9AE
Sep  4 06:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:30 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9
Sep  4 06:27:30 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [de:93:e2:db:53:b9]
Sep  4 06:27:30 roamast: eth7: remove client [de:93:e2:db:53:b9] from monitor list
Sep  4 06:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 06:34:05 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7FB320A691302067615E039497D7582882D20D12F03501E4AAE0D3CFFC3127FE
Sep  4 06:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:37:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: DBA0C10112E546C7401901B9E2B9560A08A84608BDFD0F980FE727A647C6C880
Sep  4 06:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: ADBFC145F44BF691589D024FFEB8875965B759C59BE60B9E5E0A99AAF774FF8E
Sep  4 06:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3F330AD25030EDBC3592002D8F740C52022128E5DB9E0E32690C4F0DDC6E2CE6
Sep  4 06:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 07:34:05 kernel: wl0: random key value: B046AB2ECB8D37FF265A01149D4CEDC2A5AEC50F605D0A10860D72B5390D0A95
Sep  4 07:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:26 acsd: eth6 received event: tx pkt delay suddently jump
Sep  4 07:46:34 kernel: wl0: random key value: 92D0D356E8E558F270BD0028BEE8C4ECAA155A2F1468023700906A2A5756EE27
Sep  4 07:46:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  4 07:46:36 kernel: wl0: random key value: E8E405C094284D0F2E06011CE6F259D86F8E095718400D40E3BA0164C3A7E6D0
Sep  4 07:46:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 07:46:37 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:37 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: wl0: random key value: 28C0781E7E08D9026070016D9F4EC8DE2042DDD555AF09719E2617EA77375FD0
Sep  4 07:46:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-70
Sep  4 07:46:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-70
Sep  4 07:46:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-70
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:40 kernel: wl0: random key value: 74D54BD2FC89F2875E5F031D1ADF3D69AA7A8EF891C7039668722BD7E7C8AB0E
Sep  4 07:46:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 07:46:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  4 07:46:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  4 07:46:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: 563EEA9E841118773CA2006C66184C6AD236E87C60BA0B49ED602D4B7B73D2AB
Sep  4 07:46:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 07:46:50 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 07:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: CEEBABA34CE0003F186D0054330955E801FE44D21AFA0960DE4800BF3AC18D99
Sep  4 07:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 07:47:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 940A07B5585DF1815082031699E0D4C839EABE2B7BBA081B96C71B4AA95D974E
Sep  4 07:47:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:48:05 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 07:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 07:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3CC523332A6C4D96733900438607C7D26B4AAF6D52290DE2B29C918B37A0532E
Sep  4 07:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 07:57:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 49EB48509969598E1E5801D4A144C1454883FC702EB305207DDF35C8BEC6BD9A
Sep  4 07:57:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:58:46 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:00:17 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:04:53 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: DDAD924AFB88573E27A40172FD2265F4F2D1C2C83C540C47478570EA2F05C7AA
Sep  4 08:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:07:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7C6ACDA3FA37546816B103A35C88DAE38D1590A4B48607DBC990A7DB4AF325E0
Sep  4 08:07:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:17:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: B3D08B7A5F036606293601F4A06305C19569F898F7B40673A2A07FBB2E458B9D
Sep  4 08:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:17:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: DA6C48F89F8A157E4062020687C711B8A05333092E17071046204B33F4FD70C2
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:27:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: A55261A3FB5F6783306102E2AB3D6E0470455EFBE7EA0566FDCBE710B46EA3D5
Sep  4 08:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:27 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:27:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6C76C74B89EF6046116101407AED61A9260A2352830A063B01617D8D85130EEC
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:31:58 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: B47425313BE93922045602C5E8D5C4EBA04093E4EBDE0E7C38CCF36FF77D61DC
Sep  4 08:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:37:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6AA8CF55E8D472BA4CB601F168158805212C2CACCA4F0E7E791311EC2DF2496D
Sep  4 08:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:39:34 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:47:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 12A37189A43EAEFC38DA0098174822AC2ED0224B4FC4097A1A7F043AB0AA5C16
Sep  4 08:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:48:46 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:50:16 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:57:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: A83907C9FF063930081701814471E87AB88C27A15F2A0FC2A29CF7A094B041FB
Sep  4 08:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:57:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3F915DFE08BB54D577F102753235EB7AB0CC5442688503A356DAA481BA7D44B2
Sep  4 08:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:59:23 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:02:23 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:09:53 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:17:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: DE1535C43C43863F5C5C00531CE3B335143A7E2CF6F40544746BB961E73FC7BB
Sep  4 09:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:26:38 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:27:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 27824D73EF5DA7FD7F7E018DAEE14773E6ECA2B91866025769B6E854A9FCC1ED
Sep  4 09:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:31:08 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:35:39 kernel: BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: EE01F33B56E3BA0D3ECD039ACFE5F3F90FF1197C990509E90AFFB3A1C52EF0FE
Sep  4 09:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 09:37:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4D6CDD5A3EB530776CA6017BAD0C221240288038FA2D048084EDF2A9FF490E6D
Sep  4 09:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:47:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 16E42916D22FD6B97BC0000C9A126C646BF41B18E8E9050E1314BBF571E2FF61
Sep  4 09:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 09:47:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5C42E7F08D445CE175BA00875782551BA792F842A41006458A09C67CFADD9BF0
Sep  4 09:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:49:16 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:56:53 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:57:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7D957EF45902288401980098A42E6F84852B1CA8F0B00E8388CE69396B02B65F
Sep  4 09:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 09:57:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: F316288B96D71564224E023EF111514BFE5C5A50EDE501C06B7B8CEBD2362DF9
Sep  4 09:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:07:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 807A357C11017305031802C339A59BCE90AE8E4EFB91043080D5AE6C5EE8CC18
Sep  4 10:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:24 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:07:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  4 10:07:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 99B18E92064AFA1C6D0C011F8375C4641113C4F1B4B00E14A140DA35816C9657
Sep  4 10:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:15:00 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:17:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: F48E42817273A45D10EA005908F6C21AD229D58E6464018306633B394038C5B7
Sep  4 10:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:27:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: A217C6DCD6D217980D1600B0F9CF7A931A8E6BEED5C60202F6346FEC4AD66922
Sep  4 10:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:02 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:32:02 kernel: 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:32:03 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:32:14 acsd: eth6 received event: tx pkt delay suddently jump
Sep  4 10:32:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1FF1A2A5934568CF3DD202EDEE43CBF3906BD71726A0008EE1D44CC5833C0089
Sep  4 10:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:16 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:17 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:17 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:18 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B
Sep  4 10:32:18 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [2c:aa:8e:df:b6:1b]
Sep  4 10:32:18 roamast: eth6: remove client [2c:aa:8e:df:b6:1b] from monitor list
Sep  4 10:32:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: EC248FCC07FEE046094D01B3CF174D2CEB5E9A87A8760CD65F3442B2D8BF5A6E
Sep  4 10:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
Sep  4 10:32:18 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:18 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:19 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 10:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-39
Sep  4 10:32:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9596857CCAD8266E027000F673A9EDAD3DF1845F96CA0F06D3BF1F496E4777EE
Sep  4 10:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:20 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:20 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-67
Sep  4 10:32:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-67
Sep  4 10:32:22 kernel: wl0: random key value: CD808D4447E2AF4E0CA001571D0CAC5380EE081616AF0EA2393FE4A53DA44D41
Sep  4 10:32:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-44
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-44
Sep  4 10:32:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 519CE35F9058CA1C0C0400D10B151E5B398D3D16A86301683C7649770EF70FC0
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:44 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E
Sep  4 10:32:44 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e]
Sep  4 10:32:44 roamast: eth6: remove client [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e] from monitor list
Sep  4 10:32:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 10:32:44 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:44 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 10:34:04 kernel: wl0: random key value: 36401F99534D62CF50A803252203178D4E4622126B4201FE3E98BC03FA5D3EAE
Sep  4 10:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5419783B0D9CFE6D676C0117E7C93EE9C65394480C730DE89DE17FE390159773
Sep  4 10:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:47:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: DD8FEA5DD853086A2CBB016669C8F7569364226D89A707225101F9AB422E39EC
Sep  4 10:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:48:48 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:56:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:56:24 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 10:56:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-72
Sep  4 10:56:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:56:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:56:53 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 10:56:53 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 10:56:53 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 10:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:57:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 548AA70D09A85AA1614D02CF47D8DA040A7F2EF4AE520CFE569E24925EB5C04B
Sep  4 10:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:03:56 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:04:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:04:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 11:04:04 kernel: wl0: random key value: A110FCE97543979D5EA701FA16B20F212A9D167B52DB03FC1311A4DDDD43E407
Sep  4 11:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  4 11:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  4 11:04:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 960304D8667475A93985009A9CCD671957703BD04D6B0B2047425A1F7CA5AC3F
Sep  4 11:04:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 11:07:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7DDC010DE0D8B3E155CC03FD24D1FDF29588ACFEC2EB06F846DEF04C619BCAE6
Sep  4 11:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:09:57 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:15:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:15:40 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 11:15:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 11:16:01 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 11:16:01 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 11:16:01 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 11:16:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-78
Sep  4 11:16:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-78
Sep  4 11:17:28 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:28:00 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:34:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:34:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 11:34:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: 391D72ED6A5554D86D0D03453193B5BDE5E3FD589C770F21BB185BA5E939B4F3
Sep  4 11:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:37:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:37:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 11:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: DB5DDF10A50BFAE2504701062C2F6CE7AD9B43CA3F9E0BC85FDB8C43BD620635
Sep  4 11:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:38:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:38:16 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 11:38:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 11:46:13 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:49:13 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:49:13 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:50:44 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:55:14 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it








Rank: 3Rank: 3

 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-5 00:03:49 | 显示全部楼层
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 100a
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is e29b
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd0a5,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 12:19:33 cfg_server:  wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart acsd for AVBL update
Sep  3 12:19:33 rc_service: cfg_server 2423:notify_rc restart_acsd
Sep  3 12:19:33 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100d (13) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 12:19:37 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  3 12:19:37 kernel: sched: RT throttling activated
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 12:19:40 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 12:19:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: A9C565C9FB5C1B9A07F8019F7DB43E234118C04828EA0606D59DDEB51158B37A
Sep  3 12:19:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A62:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A62:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A62:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 12:19:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5060FC5136500AF429540227FE59EE90BED37CA34D550CE338952142B4DCB2D9
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-44
Sep  3 12:19:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: F774CD2ECD0CAD53465C0164A263BB38FB4A007582700A95683D6ED9E719D5DC
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-74
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-44
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-37
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:516:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-60
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-45
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-74
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-37
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:516:4F, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-60
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-45
Sep  3 12:19:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: E19E26B5107D8257184302E636F96ADD97015229D6040831C8D3EA1DA017AB5F
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1D381D1EB0BACAA1697A020D722C5A8035E3F9C4D2DD0BD6ED25C8EBB871FFF2
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0175BC77EFA48350708300106D3DDD49ABCCD19726090A61E3115F45AD3D69B1
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: E0BA9A9ED3FBA3C92C1503CDA17B7CB04CA05C4DC40E0BC510C34C10C920F46C
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 09EE79FA3B35FFAC55800289ED697E7E64F345BD153C07C622EF5863C348583B
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: DCB5F02E4D4197246FF902946ABD16C37186672E14630B91429ED9901C44796B
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:516:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind C2:903:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind C2:903:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 42A60A6522A2D9D6649801973520828DE6FC6BFC79B4078313616D7C56B6A8E7
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: FAD2AD63ADA92DFD39FB01C430D9F333B7FE06BC3661047D96AEF91073A9FB48
Sep  3 12:19:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: C0198E6991694C3A0A8A03F4D4DD439C687FEA5A38120482C008F7F6C6466369
Sep  3 12:19:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: 74EFCA15AF70E921105202090E79BDD37EEA264071FE087301445078C377B260
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc C2:903:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:47 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1D39A77E5D9A17B031A302DF472BA1338064411432400658BC11E2FFC53CE649
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-59
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-59
Sep  3 12:19:47 kernel: wl0: random key value: 27450687B72C3EA748A8025236C53A85307D6474C91C0FBF529A171CF1BF4191
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8B:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:48 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4FD1CC9B6984D33650E500428B747EABE9E38C32E4700DB5D3A1B82ACA6C987E
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-56
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-56
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-40
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-40
Sep  3 12:19:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: 031F10875FD2DAF42579008A22371D930CBFCC09F25C0E040F0684EC1031383A
Sep  3 12:19:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: CB970295F31A29893B0E00214CFD0324313F95D701480AAF5929A14C226C4C5A
Sep  3 12:19:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: 70667C5BCF9638BD751A010602E2DFB13C356F6BAB7201CEF6EA3DCC24A6FF78
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-70
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 12:19:50 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7968C99FBABB2CEA1AAC0248836716EFB648C12299EB08F93331FE18C3DE2804
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:19:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:51 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6CA08578D400DCC91221033D6590FA4E02D299A9443F08CA69FA63FD0610CC4A
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-68
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-62
Sep  3 12:19:53 kernel: wl0: random key value: DE631912EE04CB35360300109C451C1C962C18A526DE0B380D35E51EB9A4B9E9
Sep  3 12:19:53 kernel: wl0: random key value: 144A5DBE884505C226BA02FA2108A40B842EACA545070951C42865CFD9090E28
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-76
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-76
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-49
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-49
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-43
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-46
Sep  3 12:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-46
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: 36E9D61AC7651F7A558E00854B054D425B87DA57B3FA0976F5335675FCEAA852
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: CCF7E524AD24260842B302F90D4E39C5F90E54D1DDC70AE91486175E7FA02D76
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: 41D9B7C891B2FB881F9A01A8832BA8145AA42B38C4110B06AE4FF0B7A463E372
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: A1089407DE7FDE59123B01E1155BDF30932991AC3D92003BB6AF379B8CD90961
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: D506D917F6CF43B14F80028D996CCF9C194879EEFFC701AA4D73DE71735BEA01
Sep  3 12:19:54 kernel: wl0: random key value: F1EE3247CE02162F77C000E751142A1AEB1123935C4B0AA2EB3E3C191496549D
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:19:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-77
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 62:FF:19:78:6F:70 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 62:FF:19:78:6F:70 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 62:FF:19:78:6F:70 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:58 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link DOWN.
Sep  3 12:19:59 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:19:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 12:20:00 kernel: wl0: random key value: EFB0F4999B2F03791962034CCC2FED148D2EB841C1480A34F82A2099F677B0A2
Sep  3 12:20:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 12:20:03 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
Sep  3 12:20:04 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:20:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-39
Sep  3 12:20:08 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link DOWN.
Sep  3 12:20:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
Sep  3 12:20:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 12:20:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-67
Sep  3 12:20:20 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:20:39 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:39 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-41
Sep  3 12:20:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: C2:90:D3:AF:53:50 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 00:5F:67:0B:62:22 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: D8:28:C9:69:26:B9 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 64:52:99:B7:5D:52 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:20:48 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:21:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:21:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:21:10 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 12:21:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:21:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:22:18 kernel: 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 12:23:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:23:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 12:23:54 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 12:24:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:24:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  3 12:27:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:27:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:27:24 kernel: wl0: random key value: 08EC1215723B48C10E1700D8A8EA8B7941AB7EB789F30634F7ECC9FEF03A3E3F
Sep  3 12:27:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:27:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-72
Sep  3 12:34:14 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1E98769988911C9764960181358D63FB73FC55264B9E051A95B5DFAF88F7B8FF
Sep  3 12:34:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:34:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:37:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: EA0351CF019D404345E602DA3CA41D1DE00B107A872B03005BDD77E19A31FA22
Sep  3 12:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:46:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:46:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 12:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 12:47:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 250A665751A2A85F721E03B75802626E7369E9157F6C08EF48F045FB95B0E098
Sep  3 12:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 12:57:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9B30ED163C4CD90A0CBD00D392543AC0D8C7543438D70BE8BB35D7E7F83F9EDB
Sep  3 12:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 12:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-07-02 11:39:23 CST)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Linux version 4.1.52 (gitserv_asus@tpbuildsvrvu01) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 2 12:56:21 CST 2022
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Kernel command line: root=ubi:rootfs_ubifs ubi.mtd=0 rootfstype=ubifs coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe rootwait
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdffff0000   (   247 GB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmemmap : 0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     7 GB maximum)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:               0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbe00e00000   (    14 MB actual)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc040000000   (  1024 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .init : 0xffffffc000730000 - 0xffffffc00076a000   (   232 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00072f2a4   (  6845 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .data : 0xffffffc00076b000 - 0xffffffc00093d100   (  1865 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Do not need to create mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for rdp1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000b400000 virt 0xffffffc00b400000 size 0x02c00000 for rdp2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000a900000 virt 0xffffffc00a900000 size 0x00b00000 for dhd1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: pmc_initMC using DQM mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: cfe-v^A: 1.0.38-163.231
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU2: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU3: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Logger v0.1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: skb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34mBLOG v3.0 Initialized^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom GBPM v0.1 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: >>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as UBIFS <<<<<
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and UBIFS for vmlinux filesystem
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 2 name misc3 nvram configured size 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc3 configured size 0x00100000 offset 0xF600000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 1 name misc2 nvram configured size 47
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc2 configured size 0x02f00000 offset 0xC700000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 0 name misc1 nvram configured size 8
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc1 configured size 0x00800000 offset 0xBF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating 11 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "rootfs"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "rootfs_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f700000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "image"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "image_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f600000-0x00000f700000 : "misc3"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000c700000-0x00000f600000 : "misc2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000bf00000-0x00000c700000 : "misc1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: Last RESET due to POR reset
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 20
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 21
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 22
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 23
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 0 (ffffffc00098d7e8) (bpGpio: 0000801f, bpExtIrq:00000000 (0))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:0, gpioNum:31 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 1 (ffffffc00098d8a8) (bpGpio: 00008002, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:2 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 2 (ffffffc00098d968) (bpGpio: 00008036, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:54 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: genirq: Flags mismatch irq 34. 00000000 (brcm_34) vs. 00000000 (brcm_34)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: request_irq failed for irq=34 (brcm_34) retval=-16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_mem_pool_buf_alloc: tot_mem_pool=2487 mem_idx:2487^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_buf_pool: buf_top_idx:57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_skb_pool: skbs pool inited total 57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attaching mtd0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 95 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: good PEBs: 759, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1853048298
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 759, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 14
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs_ubifs", R/O mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 88883200 bytes (84 MiB, 700 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 6BCDBC12-693F-4A2A-84B3-12DD1C88290E, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attaching mtd2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attached mtd2 (name "data", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 70/50, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 464664342
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 169
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery needed
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery completed
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 6 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 275879 bytes (269 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F3B30E46-D5DC-40DE-B9D0-33CEA770AC3F, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMLIBS loaded...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bm_base_addr 0xffffffc00e000000, size 33554432, bm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000e000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fm_base_addr 0xffffffc00b400000, size 46137344, fm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RDP Physical address=0x82200000 Virtual address = 0xffffff8000c80000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: configure_runner: NATC keysize 0x100070 key element size 16 contextsize 0x400000 context element size 64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ++++Runner gso_desc_pool created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_key_ptr=0xffffffc00bd00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_context_ptr=0xffffffc00b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_context_cont_ptr=0xffffffc00b800000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FPM_BPM phy_addr 0x82c30000,virt_addr 0xffffff8000c5e000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  RDP PKT memory = 32MB : Max Possible Bufs <16384> of size <2048>; Allocating <15360> bufs; RDP enum <5>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v1.0 Registered<303>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES<16384>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FDB_ENTRIES<1024>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_DEV_ENTRIES<64>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_MAC_ENTRIES<32>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: npe_max_entries<32768>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Bind blog_notify_evt_enqueue_fn[<ffffffbffc4705d8>]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_evt task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: max_ent = 16384 intvl_msec = 10000 num_slices = 2000 num_ent = 9 period_msec = 5
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mTotal # of labels = 83^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized fcache state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<302>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_timer_task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;35m[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc48ae08]=0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[FHW]  fhw_construct: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mFcache Pathstats created^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Command List Driver v1.0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=0 SERDES:6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=1 GPHY:12
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 0 to ext_ep 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 1 to ext_ep 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Detecting PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 54991EL  B0 3590:5089 --> 0x1e
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into detected PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware version: Blackfin B0 v02-02-06
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into PHYs: map=0x40000000 count=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Halt the PHYs processors operation
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Upload the firmware into the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^M0%^M1%^M2%^M3%^M4%^M5%^M6%^M7%^M8%^M9%^M10%^M11%^M12%^M13%^M14%^M15%^M16%^M17%^M18%^M19%^M20%^M21%^M22%^M23%^M24%^M25%^M26%^M27%^M28%^M29%^M30%^M31%^M32%^M33%^M34%^M35%^M36%^M37%^M38%^M39%^M40%^M41%^M42%^M43%^M44%^M45%^M46%^M47%^M48%^M49%^M50%^M51%^M52%^M53%^M54%^M55%^M56%^M57%^M58%^M59%^M60%^M61%^M62%^M63%^M64%^M65%^M66%^M67%^M68%^M69%^M70%^M71%^M72%^M73%^M74%^M75%^M76%^M77%^M78%^M79%^M80%^M81%^M82%^M83%^M84%^M85%^M86%^M87%^M88%^M89%^M90%^M91%^M92%^M93%^M94%^M95%^M96%^M97%^M98%^M99%^M100%
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Reset the processors to start execution of the code in the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the processors are running: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the firmware has been loaded with good CRC: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware loading completed successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMENET: Enabling Software GSO for eth0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NOTE: Using Port Grouping for IMP ports : [ 0 --> 4 ] [ 1, 2 --> 5 ] [ 3, 7 --> 8 ]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: LAG/Trunking enabled <0x08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Setting SGMII Calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PLL_PON(8051): 0x0250; TX_PON(8067): 0x0048; RX_PON(80b2): 0x0980
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P0, Logical 00>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <IntSw P3, Logical 03>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port 10, CrossBar Port 1, PHY_ID <0x0007f00c:0x0c: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P1, Logical 01>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P2, Logical 02>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth1      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P0, Logical 08> PHY_ID <0x0007f008:0x08: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth2      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P1, Logical 09> PHY_ID <0x0007f009:0x09: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth3      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P2, Logical 10> PHY_ID <0x0007f00a:0x0a: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth4      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P3, Logical 11> PHY_ID <0x0007f00b:0x0b: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth5      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P7, Logical 15>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port  9, CrossBar Port 0, PHY_ID <0x06100006:0x06: On-chip 2.5G SERDES> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:                                      PHY_ID <0x0388001e:0x1e:External Cascaded 10G EXT3> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P4, Logical 12>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up 2.5G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P5, Logical 13>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0:   Up 2.5G <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P8, Logical 08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ===> Activate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link DOWN
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcm_enet_init2453 ENET system contructed and configured enet-kthrd thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: enet_kthread_handler296 Instantiating ENET thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551ktRnr[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 5512L3-ucast:Create Index Pool_Size = 16384^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Host Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner L2 Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:mcast:Create Index Pool_Size = 128^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Multicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:FHW[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Retrieve num_fhw_path=64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mPathstats allocated 2048 bytes^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Enabled Runner binding to Flow Cache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Protocol Layer (800)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Runner Blog Driver Char Driver v0.1 Registered <309>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Lservices Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: exLinuxETH Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCIe HCD (impl1)^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [0] DT node available: /pcie@80040000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 2 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [2] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [1] DT node available: /pcie@80050000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [2] DT node available: /pcie@80060000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 646, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [2] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[1m^[[34mWifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: broadcomThermalDrv brcm-therm: init (CPU count 4 4 4 4)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcm_otp_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 10/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 379
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 394
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: random: init urandom read with 6 bits of entropy available
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading HND Module
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: igs_module_init:867:         IGS 29 create network socket successful
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dpsta_init: (r801046) 3a6a0ab Sep 15 2021 18:25:02 msglevel 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: osl_skb_audit: PASS
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: passivemode set to 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: txworkq set to 0x0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mWL_PKTFWD[1.1.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME Service Initialization
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M Service Initialization: M2M_DD_ENAB 0x00000003
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 0 alloc rings <ffffffc032264000,ffffffc02f78e000>,ffffffc02d90c000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 1 alloc rings <ffffffc02fbe6000,ffffffc02f6fe000>,ffffffc02d90b000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME:register key<1010802> user RLM sel IDX set 1 mem 2 8 hi 0 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0 taf_do_enable: TAF is enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CSIMON module registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd0-thrd WL 0 FLowControl total<57195> lo<14298> hi<5719> favor prio<4>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd0-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 0 nodes 1032 xfer wl_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x440 [wl]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d42c0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4300
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb:sll configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/9), status (0) qmask 0x3^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_wfd_bind: wl0 wfd_idx 0 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 0 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth6 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth6: Broadcom BCM6710 802.11 Wireless Controller (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mdhd_PKTFWD[1.0.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AAA4(good PCI location)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x5, RxP 0x3 TxC 0x3 RxC 0x3^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: TX wakeup info: reg = <0x82299004>, val = <0x11000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RX wakeup info: reg = <0x8229a004>, val = <0x29000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:300 started
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd1-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 1 nodes 1032 xfer dhd_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x7f0 [dhd]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4340
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4380
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb:sll configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/11), status (0) qmask 0xc^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 1 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_wfd_bind: wl1 wfd_idx 1 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: MSG Ring format set to 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: dhd1_rnr bootmem addr<ffffffc00a900000> size<11534336>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_profile_init: profile = 3 1024/0512 2048/1024 1024/0512 0512/0512 0512/0512
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaaa4> bus<1> slot<0>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initial configuration
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: =================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df5a000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc00a8d8000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df5e000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df5c000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de89800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de88000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de88802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de89000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de88c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802160, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802164, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2164
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffcf553a0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell CTX : ffffffc02f617000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         flow_ring_format : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         idma_active : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue configuration:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Base virt address = ffffffc00df00000, physical address =  DF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Index stack virt address = ffffffc00dfe38c0, physical address =  DFE38C0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue entries: total = 58250  shared by all radios
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48, size_of_entry 16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Done initializing Ring 1 Base=0xffffff80003e3000 End=0xffffff80003e3800 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=3e012000K descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD Offload initialization complete^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CUR_ETHERADDR : 6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc 34 97 39 19 84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Dongle Host Driver, version (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth7 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Register interface [eth7]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <=== Deactivate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link UP
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: proc_dostring_crashlogsave:  crash log filename is /jffs/crashlog.log
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crashFileSet: log signature invalid !
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ret 0 retlen 65536 buff <6>device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Interface eth%d doesn't exist
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: could not find igs interface!
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May  5 01:05:11 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] NTP sync error
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:12 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:12 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:12 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start https:8443
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start httpd:80
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:12 avahi-daemon[1792]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: mssl_cert_key_match : PASS
May  5 01:05:12 disk monitor: be idle
May  5 01:05:12 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May  5 01:05:12 hour monitor: daemon is starting
May  5 01:05:12 ERP: The model isn't under support list!
May  5 01:05:12 Mastiff: init
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1940]: HTTP listening on port 36460
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1940]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:12 lldpd[1974]: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May  5 01:05:13 avahi-daemon[1792]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
May  5 01:05:14 WAN Connection: WAN was exceptionally disconnected.
May  5 01:05:14 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module scsi_wait_scan not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module mbcache not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module jbd not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext3 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext4 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext2 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: tfat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 init: fwver: (sn:M3ICI6004305 /ha:FC:34:97:39:19:80 )
May  5 01:05:15 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
May  5 01:05:15 wan: finish adding multi routes
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sched: RT throttling activated
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-61
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[1940]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2563]: HTTP listening on port 47614
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2563]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     WD       My Book 25ED     1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Enclosure         WD       SES Device       1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Spinning up disk...
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 13
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
May  5 01:05:17 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:17 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-34
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: E8EF771367E36C61276A0009142CB2FF3EE9D2313A7D0970CA81EBA08681A582
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): wds0.0.1: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
May  5 01:05:19 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-60
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:19 WAN Connection: WAN was restored.
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.3
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
May  5 01:05:20 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 50b
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:-39
May  5 01:05:21 ntp: start NTP update
Sep  3 13:10:10 rc_service: ntp 2527:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Sep  3 13:10:10 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  3 13:10:10 disk monitor: be idle
Sep  3 13:10:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  3 13:10:10 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(0) of cfgs(2404)
Sep  3 13:10:10 cfg_server: skip event due no re: cfg_rejoin=0
Sep  3 13:10:10 BONDING: option disabled
Sep  3 13:10:11 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: ..
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: .ready
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7814035456 512-byte logical blocks: (4.00 TB/3.64 TiB)
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
Sep  3 13:10:12 dhcp client: bound via for 109041 seconds.
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:12 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:10:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:10:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:10:15 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-40
Sep  3 13:10:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 13:10:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:20 usb: USB ntfs fs at /dev/sda1 mounted on /tmp/mnt/sda1.
Sep  3 13:10:20 kernel: blk_update_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 14682112
Sep  3 13:10:20 rc_service: hotplug 3039:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 13:10:20 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:10:20 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:10:20 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 13:10:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:22 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd[2563]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 13:10:22 avahi-daemon[3078]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 13:10:22 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1981
Sep  3 13:10:22 Samba Server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:10:22 FTP server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd[3102]: HTTP listening on port 48139
Sep  3 13:10:22 miniupnpd[3102]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 13:10:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  3 13:10:23 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1982
Sep  3 13:10:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:24 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1983
Sep  3 13:10:25 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1984
Sep  3 13:10:26 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1985
Sep  3 13:10:27 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1986
Sep  3 13:10:28 avahi-daemon[3078]: Host name conflict, retrying with RT-AX86U-1987
Sep  3 13:10:30 avahi-daemon[3078]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 13:10:30 watchdog: start ddns.
Sep  3 13:10:30 rc_service: watchdog 1776:notify_rc restart_ddns watchdog
Sep  3 13:10:30 ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM update@asus.com, wan_unit 0
Sep  3 13:10:30 ddns: Clear ddns cache.
Sep  3 13:10:30 ddns: Start Inadyn(9).
Sep  3 13:10:30 inadyn[3289]: In-a-dyn version 2.8.1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: Update forced for alias yangren13.asuscomm.com, new IP#
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: alias address=<>
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: request<GET /ddns/update.jsp?hostname=yangren13.asuscomm.com&myip= HTTP/1.0^M Authorization: Basic RkMzNDk3MzkxOTgwOjhDMEE5NTA5NURBMTUzQUUzMEJCNUEzNzQ5MkFEOTc0^M Host: ns1.asuscomm.com^M User-Agent: inadyn/2.8.1 https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn/issues^M ^M >
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: [response_update]HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2022 17:10:31 GMT^M Server: Apache^M Content-Length: 0^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M ^M
Sep  3 13:10:31 inadyn[3289]: Updating cache for yangren13.asuscomm.com
Sep  3 13:10:31 ddns: ddns update ok
Sep  3 13:10:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(1) of cfgs(2404)
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 100a
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is e29b
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 13:10:36 cfg_server:  wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart acsd for AVBL update
Sep  3 13:10:36 rc_service: cfg_server 2404:notify_rc restart_acsd
Sep  3 13:10:37 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:10:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:10:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100d (13)
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100d (13) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:10:41 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:10:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5E989796000908F159C300E36053B84218E5A2013E0F00136787CADADC4FD028
Sep  3 13:10:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:42 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68
Sep  3 13:10:42 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [16:42:b9:4c:6a:68]
Sep  3 13:10:42 roamast: eth6: remove client [16:42:b9:4c:6a:68] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:10:44 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:10:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: D2C8F6EDDAF1A8303B7F018DD6034DDCFB7D6EB5F9A90286058B101960CDE88E
Sep  3 13:10:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4D6CCAA4C98A199C6E37036325FF321CEFAA9D5CCC6C0B0D078AF6CC25238A99
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: 33527A948F2D74CA5BAB023AF2C36E53BE737C1F7BA20306A00F82B350E9501C
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 kernel: wl0: random key value: DA581C4700F042422756035936FF65042947D130AF9D00AA672631CB767EBBCB
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff]
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: remove client [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c]
Sep  3 13:10:46 roamast: eth6: remove client [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:47 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5626D8F5D5813A6A594F0327C0BAED0F373E0142731102044AA15D2A5ACE9459
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:47 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:-36
Sep  3 13:10:48 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83
Sep  3 13:10:48 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [68:a4:0e:5d:42:83]
Sep  3 13:10:48 roamast: eth6: remove client [68:a4:0e:5d:42:83] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:48 crond[1762]: time disparity of 2278805 minutes detected
Sep  3 13:10:49 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:10:49 kernel: wl0: random key value: 380423346DA48CDC4877008B639E36D6DF387FD1148607C5A4A2E99FA1390B0B
Sep  3 13:10:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:50 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4
Sep  3 13:10:50 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4]
Sep  3 13:10:50 roamast: eth6: remove client [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:50 kernel: wl0: random key value: FF4B22AF094EC168141C016717936242135AD87DBC820259CDC94F99056AB78D
Sep  3 13:10:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:51 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0BC379B6577C89607D88027C3DADBFB3840BC1FA642F0BFF272C2CADC378D407
Sep  3 13:10:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:52 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38
Sep  3 13:10:52 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [e8:db:84:c1:ab:38]
Sep  3 13:10:52 roamast: eth6: remove client [e8:db:84:c1:ab:38] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:52 kernel: wl0: random key value: C66F6715EF1B01967EDB015190FD7916E5F4F3239E960B21EB25D7E50CD99677
Sep  3 13:10:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-57
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-57
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-44
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-44
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:10:55 kernel: wl0: random key value: 18C87E51692CA3C01E8C02B0201DFE4E34B8E3CC3B2908D844D5A89045DFF87C
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: D8:28:C9:69:26:B9
Sep  3 13:10:56 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [d8:28:c9:69:26:b9]
Sep  3 13:10:56 roamast: eth6: remove client [d8:28:c9:69:26:b9] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: EBEEC45665AE8E5C371D031B9A78AC33CBAD7B4C494700987540745872EB2423
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: A85D0E9C7B971CF359C502CAC68AAF72E403BFC4F8F801E7A13DC48DCAEDF7DF
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5DC6C2B1B2B813D53D71028C0526A8FE7B0D4D5E6F5D0F0C065E5847F750547D
Sep  3 13:10:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: CB12FE9865D729880C9E000F2AEDBE677A2D0508E5060E9A99405A44035746AC
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:10:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-39
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-39
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-34
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-34
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:11:00 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 29075B0212E417FA1EE201ED0ED124BB2A0E7BFA1E9C0261D5C67AD29C3E7560
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 85EF1AC36810B2185BF500B0E52BAC81510FD0ED132803D049521B7850A81B5D
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: E1A75EC7C92B57F425F102F4516C56F0E774406207840BF011267998D2DA9893
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 12FF241B4342B5B6157C01B1DEB01DFF3E2A1C7C7FE20C7FB44DAEB4309489CE
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4198A2A929F77BE3033B019054C5AE3206F16660F8780142CE13C18871F337A8
Sep  3 13:11:01 kernel: wl0: random key value: 231338B44BBAA9627A9B038AE9FE4D88792DDF1AF1FF031D1856E90E1F737149
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:11:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-55
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:15 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:11:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:11:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:11:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:11:21 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:11:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  3 13:11:23 rc_service: httpds 1764:notify_rc reboot
Sep  3 13:11:23 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:23 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:11:23 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:23 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:24 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:26 BWDPI: force to flush flowcache entries
Sep  3 13:11:26 kernel:  *** ERROR: [udb_shell_mod_exit:668] Udb static = 0, dynamic = 24
Sep  3 13:11:26 BWDPI: rollback fc
Sep  3 13:11:26 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:26 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
Sep  3 13:11:27 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:27 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:11:27 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:27 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:11:27 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  3 13:11:27 miniupnpd[3102]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 13:11:29 ahs: ===Terminate ahs daemon===
Sep  3 13:11:30 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth4 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth3 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth2 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth1 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth5 here
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: C013E2DB4B9C5C8B318F0145984A933B773576C46E700A422EE314FF3154DEFD
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 15894283EFF7F5021A8700C6195C677CF0AD36284D8A0FD39874C073D651BFE2
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0104DFDCAFBD60C868EC00FBD41A31E03AA95089FAE5071B5F9C4669A9049DE6
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1B77E963D9FBCB32593F0392B6549AEC45805FE504A40105FF739B03718B0A99
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9405E57F154B0F92372201AF473149E1B137CCA242AF0C735EEC9A9ECD0FBE91
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
Sep  3 13:11:31 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 4047
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 4062
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
Sep  3 13:11:32 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
Sep  3 13:11:32 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-07-02 11:39:23 CST)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Linux version 4.1.52 (gitserv_asus@tpbuildsvrvu01) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 2 12:56:21 CST 2022
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Kernel command line: root=ubi:rootfs_ubifs ubi.mtd=0 rootfstype=ubifs coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe rootwait
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdffff0000   (   247 GB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     vmemmap : 0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     7 GB maximum)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:               0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbe00e00000   (    14 MB actual)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc040000000   (  1024 MB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .init : 0xffffffc000730000 - 0xffffffc00076a000   (   232 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00072f2a4   (  6845 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       .data : 0xffffffc00076b000 - 0xffffffc00093d100   (  1865 KB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Do not need to create mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for rdp1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000b400000 virt 0xffffffc00b400000 size 0x02c00000 for rdp2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000a900000 virt 0xffffffc00a900000 size 0x00b00000 for dhd1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: pmc_initMC using DQM mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: cfe-v^A: 1.0.38-163.231
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU2: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CPU3: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Logger v0.1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: skb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34mBLOG v3.0 Initialized^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom GBPM v0.1 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: >>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as UBIFS <<<<<
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and UBIFS for vmlinux filesystem
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 2 name misc3 nvram configured size 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc3 configured size 0x00100000 offset 0xF600000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 1 name misc2 nvram configured size 47
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc2 configured size 0x02f00000 offset 0xC700000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 0 name misc1 nvram configured size 8
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc1 configured size 0x00800000 offset 0xBF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating 11 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "rootfs"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "rootfs_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f700000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "image"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "image_update"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000f600000-0x00000f700000 : "misc3"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000c700000-0x00000f600000 : "misc2"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 0x00000bf00000-0x00000c700000 : "misc1"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: Last RESET due to SW reset
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 20
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 21
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 22
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 23
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 0 (ffffffc00098d7e8) (bpGpio: 0000801f, bpExtIrq:00000000 (0))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:0, gpioNum:31 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 1 (ffffffc00098d8a8) (bpGpio: 00008002, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:2 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Registering button 2 (ffffffc00098d968) (bpGpio: 00008036, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:54 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: genirq: Flags mismatch irq 34. 00000000 (brcm_34) vs. 00000000 (brcm_34)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: request_irq failed for irq=34 (brcm_34) retval=-16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_mem_pool_buf_alloc: tot_mem_pool=2487 mem_idx:2487^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_buf_pool: buf_top_idx:57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_skb_pool: skbs pool inited total 57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attaching mtd0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 95 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: good PEBs: 759, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1853048298
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 759, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 14
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs_ubifs", R/O mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 88883200 bytes (84 MiB, 700 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 6BCDBC12-693F-4A2A-84B3-12DD1C88290E, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attaching mtd2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: attached mtd2 (name "data", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 70/50, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 464664342
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 169
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "data"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 6 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 275879 bytes (269 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F3B30E46-D5DC-40DE-B9D0-33CEA770AC3F, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMLIBS loaded...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bm_base_addr 0xffffffc00e000000, size 33554432, bm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000e000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fm_base_addr 0xffffffc00b400000, size 46137344, fm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RDP Physical address=0x82200000 Virtual address = 0xffffff8000c80000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: configure_runner: NATC keysize 0x100070 key element size 16 contextsize 0x400000 context element size 64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ++++Runner gso_desc_pool created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_key_ptr=0xffffffc00bd00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_context_ptr=0xffffffc00b400000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_context_cont_ptr=0xffffffc00b800000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FPM_BPM phy_addr 0x82c30000,virt_addr 0xffffff8000c5e000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  RDP PKT memory = 32MB : Max Possible Bufs <16384> of size <2048>; Allocating <15360> bufs; RDP enum <5>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v1.0 Registered<303>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES<16384>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FDB_ENTRIES<1024>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_DEV_ENTRIES<64>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_MAC_ENTRIES<32>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: npe_max_entries<32768>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Bind blog_notify_evt_enqueue_fn[<ffffffbffc4705d8>]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_evt task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: max_ent = 16384 intvl_msec = 10000 num_slices = 2000 num_ent = 9 period_msec = 5
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mTotal # of labels = 83^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized fcache state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<302>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc_timer_task created successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;35m[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc48ae08]=0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[FHW]  fhw_construct: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mFcache Pathstats created^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Command List Driver v1.0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[0]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=0 SERDES:6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar[1]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=1 GPHY:12
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 0 to ext_ep 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 1 to ext_ep 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Detecting PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: 54991EL  B0 3590:5089 --> 0x1e
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into detected PHYs...
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware version: Blackfin B0 v02-02-06
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading firmware into PHYs: map=0x40000000 count=1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Halt the PHYs processors operation
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Upload the firmware into the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^M0%^M1%^M2%^M3%^M4%^M5%^M6%^M7%^M8%^M9%^M10%^M11%^M12%^M13%^M14%^M15%^M16%^M17%^M18%^M19%^M20%^M21%^M22%^M23%^M24%^M25%^M26%^M27%^M28%^M29%^M30%^M31%^M32%^M33%^M34%^M35%^M36%^M37%^M38%^M39%^M40%^M41%^M42%^M43%^M44%^M45%^M46%^M47%^M48%^M49%^M50%^M51%^M52%^M53%^M54%^M55%^M56%^M57%^M58%^M59%^M60%^M61%^M62%^M63%^M64%^M65%^M66%^M67%^M68%^M69%^M70%^M71%^M72%^M73%^M74%^M75%^M76%^M77%^M78%^M79%^M80%^M81%^M82%^M83%^M84%^M85%^M86%^M87%^M88%^M89%^M90%^M91%^M92%^M93%^M94%^M95%^M96%^M97%^M98%^M99%^M100%
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Reset the processors to start execution of the code in the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the processors are running: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Verify that the firmware has been loaded with good CRC: OK
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Firmware loading completed successfully
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BCMENET: Enabling Software GSO for eth0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: NOTE: Using Port Grouping for IMP ports : [ 0 --> 4 ] [ 1, 2 --> 5 ] [ 3, 7 --> 8 ]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: LAG/Trunking enabled <0x08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Setting SGMII Calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:     PLL_PON(8051): 0x0250; TX_PON(8067): 0x0048; RX_PON(80b2): 0x0980
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P0, Logical 00>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <IntSw P3, Logical 03>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port 10, CrossBar Port 1, PHY_ID <0x0007f00c:0x0c: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P1, Logical 01>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P2, Logical 02>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth1      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P0, Logical 08> PHY_ID <0x0007f008:0x08: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth2      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P1, Logical 09> PHY_ID <0x0007f009:0x09: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth3      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P2, Logical 10> PHY_ID <0x0007f00a:0x0a: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth4      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P3, Logical 11> PHY_ID <0x0007f00b:0x0b: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth5      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P7, Logical 15>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:       Chip Port  9, CrossBar Port 0, PHY_ID <0x06100006:0x06: On-chip 2.5G SERDES> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:                                      PHY_ID <0x0388001e:0x1e:External Cascaded 10G EXT3> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P4, Logical 12>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up 2.5G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P5, Logical 13>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0:   Up 2.5G <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P8, Logical 08>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ===> Activate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link DOWN
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcm_enet_init2453 ENET system contructed and configured enet-kthrd thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: enet_kthread_handler296 Instantiating ENET thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551ktRnr[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 5512L3-ucast:Create Index Pool_Size = 16384^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Host Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner L2 Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:mcast:Create Index Pool_Size = 128^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Multicast Layer
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:FHW[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Retrieve num_fhw_path=64
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mPathstats allocated 2048 bytes^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Enabled Runner binding to Flow Cache
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initialized Runner Protocol Layer (800)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Broadcom Runner Blog Driver Char Driver v0.1 Registered <309>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Lservices Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: exLinuxETH Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCIe HCD (impl1)^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [0] DT node available: /pcie@80040000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 2 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [2] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [1] DT node available: /pcie@80050000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [2] DT node available: /pcie@80060000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [2] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[1m^[[34mWifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: broadcomThermalDrv brcm-therm: init (CPU count 4 4 4 4)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: brcm_otp_init entry
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 379
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 394
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: random: init urandom read with 6 bits of entropy available
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Loading HND Module
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: igs_module_init:867:         IGS 29 create network socket successful
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dpsta_init: (r801046) 3a6a0ab Sep 15 2021 18:25:02 msglevel 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: osl_skb_audit: PASS
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: passivemode set to 0x1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl_module_init: txworkq set to 0x0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mWL_PKTFWD[1.1.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME Service Initialization
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M Service Initialization: M2M_DD_ENAB 0x00000003
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 0 alloc rings <ffffffc02f6e8000,ffffffc02fbe0000>,ffffffc02d8ec000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 1 alloc rings <ffffffc02d858000,ffffffc02f092000>,ffffffc02d8eb000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: BME:register key<1010802> user RLM sel IDX set 1 mem 2 8 hi 0 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wl0 taf_do_enable: TAF is enabled
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CSIMON module registered
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd0-thrd WL 0 FLowControl total<57195> lo<14298> hi<5719> favor prio<4>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd0-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 0 nodes 1032 xfer wl_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x440 [wl]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d42c0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4300
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb:sll configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/9), status (0) qmask 0x3^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_wfd_bind: wl0 wfd_idx 0 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 0 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth6 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth6: Broadcom BCM6710 802.11 Wireless Controller (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:2816
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mdhd_PKTFWD[1.0.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AAA4(good PCI location)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x5, RxP 0x3 TxC 0x3 RxC 0x3^M
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: TX wakeup info: reg = <0x82299004>, val = <0x11000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: RX wakeup info: reg = <0x8229a004>, val = <0x29000000>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:301 started
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd1-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 1 nodes 1032 xfer dhd_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x7f0 [dhd]
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4340
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4380
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb:sll configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/11), status (0) qmask 0xc^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Instantiating WFD 1 thread
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_wfd_bind: wl1 wfd_idx 1 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dor1: MSG Ring format set to 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: dhd1_rnr bootmem addr<ffffffc00a900000> size<11534336>
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: dhd_runner_profile_init: profile = 3 1024/0512 2048/1024 1024/0512 0512/0512 0512/0512
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaaa4> bus<1> slot<0>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Initial configuration
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: =================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02dfa8000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc00a8d8000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02dfac000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02dfaa000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de79800
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de78000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de78802
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de79000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2de78c02
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802160, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2160
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802164, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2164
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffcf553a0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         Doorbell CTX : ffffffc03228c000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         flow_ring_format : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel:         idma_active : 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue configuration:
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Base virt address = ffffffc00df00000, physical address =  DF00000
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Index stack virt address = ffffffc00dfe38c0, physical address =  DFE38C0
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Backup queue entries: total = 58250  shared by all radios
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48, size_of_entry 16
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Done initializing Ring 1 Base=0xffffff80003e3000 End=0xffffff80003e3800 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=3e012000K descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD Offload initialization complete^[[0m
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: CUR_ETHERADDR : 6
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: fc 34 97 39 19 84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Dongle Host Driver, version (r801046)
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth7 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: Register interface [eth7]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: <=== Deactivate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link UP
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: proc_dostring_crashlogsave:  crash log filename is /jffs/crashlog.log
May  5 01:05:08 kernel: crashFileSet: log signature invalid !
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ret 0 retlen 65536 buff <6>device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Interface eth%d doesn't exist
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: could not find igs interface!
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May  5 01:05:11 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] NTP sync error
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:12 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:12 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start https:8443
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start httpd:80
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:12 avahi-daemon[1771]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: mssl_cert_key_match : PASS
May  5 01:05:12 disk monitor: be idle
May  5 01:05:12 WEBDAV server: daemon is started
May  5 01:05:12 hour monitor: daemon is starting
May  5 01:05:12 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:12 ERP: The model isn't under support list!
May  5 01:05:12 Mastiff: init
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1899]: HTTP listening on port 45484
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1899]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:12 lldpd[1939]: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May  5 01:05:13 avahi-daemon[1771]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
May  5 01:05:14 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module scsi_wait_scan not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module mbcache not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module jbd not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext3 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext4 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module ext2 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: tfat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 init: fwver: (sn:M3ICI6004305 /ha:FC:34:97:39:19:80 )
May  5 01:05:15 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
May  5 01:05:15 wan: finish adding multi routes
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x1001 (1)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1001 (1) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[1899]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2576]: HTTP listening on port 53516
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2576]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access     WD       My Book 25ED     1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Enclosure         WD       SES Device       1031 PQ: 0 ANSI: 6
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Spinning up disk...
May  5 01:05:16 kernel: scsi 0:0:0:1: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 13
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
May  5 01:05:18 kernel: .
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
May  5 01:05:18 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:18 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xee32 (60/160) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:19 WAN Connection: WAN was restored.
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(0) of cfgs(2415)
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server: skip event due no re: cfg_rejoin=0
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: ..
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.3
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
May  5 01:05:20 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 50b
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-70
May  5 01:05:21 ntp: start NTP update
Sep  3 13:12:17 rc_service: ntp 2537:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Sep  3 13:12:17 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  3 13:12:17 disk monitor: be idle
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:18 kernel: ..
Sep  3 13:12:18 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 13:12:18 BONDING: option disabled
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:12:18 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: .
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: .ready
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 7814035456 512-byte logical blocks: (4.00 TB/3.64 TiB)
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 4096-byte physical blocks
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] No Caching mode page found
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through
Sep  3 13:12:19 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:12:20 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Very big device. Trying to use READ CAPACITY(16).
Sep  3 13:12:20 kernel: sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
Sep  3 13:12:20 dhcp client: bound via for 104254 seconds.
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-77
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-61
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:12:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  3 13:12:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  3 13:12:29 usb: USB ntfs fs at /dev/sda1 mounted on /tmp/mnt/sda1.
Sep  3 13:12:29 kernel: blk_update_request: critical target error, dev sda, sector 14682112
Sep  3 13:12:29 rc_service: hotplug 3016:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 13:12:29 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:12:29 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 13:12:29 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:12:31 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 13:12:31 miniupnpd[2576]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 13:12:31 avahi-daemon[3051]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 13:12:32 Samba Server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:12:32 FTP server: daemon is started
Sep  3 13:12:32 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 13:12:32 miniupnpd[3074]: HTTP listening on port 57241
Sep  3 13:12:32 miniupnpd[3074]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 13:12:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7876A1DDF13AA74B3AC4007FEDD347F4D0AE199D1C3206EF3655CE723D336F9A
Sep  3 13:12:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:32 avahi-daemon[3051]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 13:12:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  3 13:12:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:35 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 13:12:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  3 13:12:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:12:38 watchdog: start ddns.
Sep  3 13:12:38 rc_service: watchdog 1749:notify_rc restart_ddns watchdog
Sep  3 13:12:38 ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM update@asus.com, wan_unit 0
Sep  3 13:12:38 ddns: Clear ddns cache.
Sep  3 13:12:38 ddns: Start Inadyn(9).
Sep  3 13:12:38 inadyn[3245]: In-a-dyn version 2.8.1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: Update forced for alias yangren13.asuscomm.com, new IP#
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: alias address=<>
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: request<GET /ddns/update.jsp?hostname=yangren13.asuscomm.com&myip= HTTP/1.0^M Authorization: Basic RkMzNDk3MzkxOTgwOjhDMEE5NTA5NURBMTUzQUUzMEJCNUEzNzQ5MkFEOTc0^M Host: ns1.asuscomm.com^M User-Agent: inadyn/2.8.1 https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn/issues^M ^M >
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: [response_update]HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2022 17:12:39 GMT^M Server: Apache^M Content-Length: 0^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M ^M
Sep  3 13:12:39 inadyn[3245]: Updating cache for yangren13.asuscomm.com
Sep  3 13:12:39 ddns: ddns update ok
Sep  3 13:12:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: B7075617AF5E407D70BA00110BEC30EB49FAD04CF4200195126B33241C238695
Sep  3 13:12:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(1) of cfgs(2415)
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 1001
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is ee32
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  3 13:12:43 cfg_server:   wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart wireless due current 5G chanspec is un-available
Sep  3 13:12:43 rc_service: cfg_server 2415:notify_rc restart_wireless
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3213DE9C02FBA651580E0131358BF348638415F921C30280EAC593ED7B8FC64B
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6535A0C25F8624A2185E01F0CC0DBEF1ADBBA71989110991DE1D3CAB0CDF3BC8
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: D3C24E2FC57AF1400E0D01CEEC9F0EF5F87BBCC8518400C24E476DFAAE6FA98B
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9C3CE34978312953089401FD73314DF73FF0C767A39C0641AEA8BE2C677ACE36
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 823400BF517EB9E7167F03E140BDAF269301CE34A826086930A7B0D641C16A66
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: FA4AB5998CE51D4D708D0129F014F4743F583BCA45A805B81FF75FE690855532
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5C4F9EB98CE887B92611003B34E30B0B7EEF114914380F2C09ED210B96A7E7BD
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0241192067B16DCC660503B8282573244D72B11BD9AB0AC33E6DDABCD402DF3B
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: A26481F03BAE775401B500FEC193884CA71FAAFCCF9C0CB2B0AA55858EC7F446
Sep  3 13:12:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2956B27B264D2BD26972011DE879B4E7B9323D034F5C0C6D627AEDDF670058E8
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 15C00BCA0E7B961F5865017A8E759B62B81E1BFA8C040950EA285DE4CACD5841
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8BF8D8C71E8933F57DFD02A4A52CCC9C027E2740D94601D11457150CF9594917
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: E98C014464B0FF440E76012EBF4DD5861526FBB73DE0014F16C493AECAEE448F
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0D88EED29A0405834CBA03C3841DB3A72CE2644B637A091513D5704A6BE2BD77
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 151C1F8295C4796079CB00426BCCD1364D87AE9BF1E9069CD2BAA52F3AAB9B26
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1A676B5555DECF641498003824FDACA5ED4C534FDE8A061499BEFF6BBDDF1136
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: E3F30394CF8EAD8D52BF032E39879B8C5B3EB91372BF0B476432D44CAE967312
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7E2A0A05517884FF1DB50132FE16A40A84202AE3C4EB0B1BDE2E83D3E15E4593
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 518446F30E7D52C34B8402602AA3356AA4EC3660F1F90D2DCA14E0D2FD860ACB
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: D0CAE57A707077D12DA402D5D3AE910894A73AA72F2E0A86E811FD2177E50DB8
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3090BDCAEE31265141A90070A3218F32D87F023AFB01060351E39EB2EA3398AD
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1F814985FB1372B260AB03DA13CAFF3080BBABD29CC30E0FA22FDF5773C74F10
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: BF4E7965EB51563C2500006C076E9F4EBF1171D035A80BA10279B01004000785
Sep  3 13:12:44 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  3 13:12:44 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  3 13:12:45 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  3 13:12:45 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  3 13:12:45 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:12:45 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
Sep  3 13:12:48 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:12:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:12:49 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  3 13:12:51 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  3 13:12:52 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-63
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:12:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
Sep  3 13:12:55 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  3 13:12:56 crond[1736]: time disparity of 2278807 minutes detected
Sep  3 13:12:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:12:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-34
Sep  3 13:13:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
Sep  3 13:13:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:13:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-60
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:19 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:19 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:13:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-68
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
Sep  3 13:13:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  3 13:13:23 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:13:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  3 13:13:25 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:25 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: Successful (0), rssi:-37
Sep  3 13:13:27 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:13:52 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  3 13:13:52 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  3 13:13:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:52 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  3 13:13:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  3 13:13:53 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  3 13:13:53 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  3 13:13:53 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  3 13:13:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  3 13:13:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2221C8AA81648273223D0347F484764081B6596C88D0079E0D870263746F162E
Sep  3 13:13:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:13:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc C2:90:D3:AF:53:50, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:14:08 hour monitor: ntp sync fail, will retry after 120 sec
Sep  3 13:14:09 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7744)]periodic_check AM 4:40
Sep  3 13:14:09 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7783)]do webs_update
Sep  3 13:14:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  3 13:14:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7804)]user in use
Sep  3 13:14:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:14:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:14:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 13:14:48 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7783)]do webs_update
Sep  3 13:14:48 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  3 13:14:48 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7804)]user in use
Sep  3 13:15:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7783)]do webs_update
Sep  3 13:15:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  3 13:15:18 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check7804)]user in use
Sep  3 13:16:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:16:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 13:16:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:16:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:17:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:17:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  3 13:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:19:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc BC:CE:25:61:29:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  3 13:21:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  3 13:21:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 13:21:20 kernel: C2:90:D3:AF:53:50 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 13:21:31 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6989F92664BE956423FC032F035C70C3BBA9937D722707DF21687B497452E4CD
Sep  3 13:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:21:31 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC
Sep  3 13:21:31 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [a6:d2:68:c3:bd:ac]
Sep  3 13:21:31 roamast: eth6: remove client [a6:d2:68:c3:bd:ac] from monitor list
Sep  3 13:31:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:31:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  3 13:32:29 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -43dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -59dbm) to roam
Sep  3 13:32:29 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  3 13:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:34:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:34:12 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 13:34:13 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2FE41688FB30D3561DBB002E755A9DB9745A1B7F0283008CD0FE34C6AA452D5E
Sep  3 13:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:34:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:37:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: D27C7ED3A9C281AD0E2D02989372F01D26FF8FBFF26C078DA161CA44DF349E73
Sep  3 13:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:09 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 13:47:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  3 13:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:47:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: C61DBCC1C8716E45421D03FC8E7F7BB335160A767945096B8E5EF8D6525E397A
Sep  3 13:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 13:57:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: B31293DF20C2943E3B5100D130FE6011837B966CF7EA04D9211D8962E5510CB8
Sep  3 13:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:57:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 13:59:22 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 14:00:17 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Sep  3 14:01:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:01:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:02:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:02:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:04:07 kernel: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 14:04:07 kernel: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 14:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 14:04:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4FC73438D0F836016D2E033437A3B79E520F724620D60DA112DCED2ADCCF41EC
Sep  3 14:04:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:04:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:07:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: A24A727FFDF7139606EE0131E20F10CCD4BBD7524D180194E3AB3C206329D73B
Sep  3 14:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:11:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:11:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 14:17:22 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5202CFD6501923512D5603BE9FAA3C34692444E9405B0D00258EE0785F21CB4A
Sep  3 14:17:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:17:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:34:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 14:34:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6293846F2778BD7F74DB0373E7B859BBE8544F7F5CCF0AA6BE3AEE848F5580E1
Sep  3 14:34:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:34:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 14:47:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7F01D0718815A0CC67130084BFA13BE014B62E5C2A6803764920B10D4C06C4F8
Sep  3 14:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:47:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 14:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 26D1888E843FA08043F80193D132E446EBE30C9B8962065761D94D959AA07EDF
Sep  3 14:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 14:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 15:04:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 09D957C54E3149FE05E80381B181E0A23823BD398C2E0C19789FB558588CF566
Sep  3 15:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:06:43 kernel: BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 15:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:07:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 40F7A58AA4E9C03739E102B96455143709EBBC05017904BF5160FB82C8608D1F
Sep  3 15:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:07:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: B93EBBE73682540A13C1002466E30265B38CE811B3C20CDB4C208075CBCBF52E
Sep  3 15:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:27:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: E50601C297FD11EA04B1030F8A4E0FF0E22AC1A42887052AE241B8164707B195
Sep  3 15:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 15:34:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9AB261C22F242C5F429E0033C20D31B93F73132129920BE93185B6AD14157CBB
Sep  3 15:34:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:34:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:37:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8868F93A15336E4B360F0153FBFEFAD5A595C088A61A0FA8824616EEDF113E8B
Sep  3 15:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:37:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:47:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 350B719F516457C329F70137638B0E6EDC6D56789FEC075A82DA66BCD74B1A6C
Sep  3 15:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:45 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 15:52:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-78
Sep  3 15:52:49 kernel: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 15:52:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:52:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 15:52:50 kernel: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  3 15:53:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:53:05 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 15:53:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  3 15:53:48 kernel: 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 15:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 15:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: A03A948A92E12355169E01598E99344B2DA16A54037F09EF4469C770DD98F293
Sep  3 15:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 15:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 16:04:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9DC6D4506A018321060600ED3361E942BD810C3F7AA20403359443BB07DCE295
Sep  3 16:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:07:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0B23FBC6191305234DCC035C65791B48D251A613B7630C286EB1B02C63BF380F
Sep  3 16:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: FBFCAC60494D936D05D90097F57EBDB86398C60755500FDC744BDAF86E92AFFE
Sep  3 16:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:27:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5981762A05A2C892653D0068FF6EE752326C0EB158AF09AE5904E5C650668E17
Sep  3 16:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 16:47:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: E1E28E5FCAE786BA02A4018B98549AC8E76F757391690AB9F661E65BA57538AB
Sep  3 16:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 16:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4D52C4355D5E41646DF703E4A9BE629860D075F13C46082DF8B7433A895779F5
Sep  3 16:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 16:58:56 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 17:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  3 17:04:10 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9076C88798EF88875EA200E4B129607A2914D71DB9BD0BA6D5A86158A5C3EF2E
Sep  3 17:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:04:10 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  3 17:07:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 05AC88DDA9725298200202F1391294CFCFEE46FE3B1803B5CC552F7209570BA6
Sep  3 17:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: A687193107CB1E13372303C1F72998F0D30D7410071A05DDB7D83ADE6880B31C
Sep  3 17:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:27:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: A31BEB96BD258ED74D6001463BAE8D4729B84951AC8502F146C25E9C5B90EB58
Sep  3 17:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:27:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:37:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: EC47F68F8D7F93D42F8703BB9312A55C0FC268406DC90713DD3C2F68105669A6
Sep  3 17:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:37:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:47:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: C6CF155E532D6573236A01AB9532C28C42112F25EA050C3154ADEFC8A19A780C
Sep  3 17:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:47:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:48:54 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 17:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 17:57:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4BA672C6011E52291AF300ABB1A683AFEE4AFBC71A0506FB577AF2EBF8D2AF80
Sep  3 17:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 17:57:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 18:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 18:07:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: AE3AE89F74719CD853E10169927EB999A63FA34AE240050E706B295E8A7F22A0
Sep  3 18:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:07:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 18:17:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 09318B871E41B0B547A1012B2EE1593CC2BF078E90FD0A4DCA9E482E12A82121
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:19:25 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 18:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 18:47:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 80FBFB77B4132E5F1BC203CD175FFE0FBE9437C7D39E001C612E402EC15D9FD3
Sep  3 18:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 18:57:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 60455B517B3130854A0B01C77577E498FF724D5E04650CD46F2DF927EA0E9A1C
Sep  3 18:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 18:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 19:07:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: F21B240808A7D98C531B027C3B2025FE79CBA8A05E5409D10DCCA27D81089E6D
Sep  3 19:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:09:18 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-51
Sep  3 19:17:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1F68D44543CD6AAE696203AA830EE1FFCA4232F299860A56AFCC92F5F4346CFE
Sep  3 19:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:17:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:21:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:21:31 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  3 19:21:31 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  3 19:21:31 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  3 19:27:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:27:54 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 19:27:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  3 19:31:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:31:50 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  3 19:31:50 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  3 19:31:50 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  3 19:33:34 kernel: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 19:34:09 kernel: wl0: random key value: AE030C2D38F5D6700BE001C229F588412521C48CB8EE0B3639EE07136B4754AB
Sep  3 19:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:34:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:48:56 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:54:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:54:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:54:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  3 19:54:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:54:59 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 19:54:59 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-84
Sep  3 19:56:32 kernel: C6:08:58:29:29:79 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 19:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 19:57:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 907DFCE70038E6FD5B4100BD0AC8BEB4D788DE66793607F78947AF02AA95628D
Sep  3 19:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 19:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 20:04:09 kernel: wl0: random key value: E907395F151091A4136B00CAB11C95FE19EA4D25F4A8010C8858B19E8639803D
Sep  3 20:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:04:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:07:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: E65710CD8390C5160AA801C268BCF00FA923D8539E6702CB8BFEB1D381137E8E
Sep  3 20:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:17:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: F5305F1C7588DE4C0E5C0197EF2ED56905AD76870EB20C2AFBDF48992F427EF5
Sep  3 20:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:17:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:27:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 993239AFB219D8E13F3903D70282E3CF95A39D2E458309D634D825B92F2A2DD2
Sep  3 20:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  3 20:34:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-75
Sep  3 20:34:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-75
Sep  3 20:34:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4B90F4A9F46A4C83644201A3D7A4E846C534209FB2FA09D4F1DC6CD8383901B0
Sep  3 20:34:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:37:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: F04234531082AF325F63010E9B5A55FA9AE3280E405705169AA7A4AF0965D035
Sep  3 20:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:37:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:38:55 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 20:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:47:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: F4FF22EF13278F2D20E700B1BBA01DB8E21E81A8B7EE0A883AA652504E1D90D0
Sep  3 20:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:47:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 20:57:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4CEE3A0C84DC6227434A03CA04A3F2C312FCC58A3E0A09ACADA330AAF58B1653
Sep  3 20:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 20:57:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  3 21:01:57 kernel: wl0: random key value: 010F1713AC153BA917B200413FDC495031DDC9129C4A0A49626B8E5960031B3B
Sep  3 21:01:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:01:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  3 21:03:18 kernel: 3A:5F:54:55:BE:A3 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 21:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 21:04:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: F66DEC02C963CA8C5DF201C51C993FE9F8BA087D7FA703E344EB17D9CCED7CA5
Sep  3 21:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:07:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 99CF3B89E9066E7C67D8034AB2834B68A0924BE0D2350202B97F00FDDC92722D
Sep  3 21:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:07:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:09:24 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 21:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:27:19 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3D6A1F65892F6B7500CF03217B820021F7062B2148BB07D2EF588917B5ED264D
Sep  3 21:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:27:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 21:34:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 20DE923B89ED7E714865013B3F0607B4318FCB755F09049B519147E3219A9099
Sep  3 21:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 21:37:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: BF2B3B6B11394C7D45CC013C87DBE564F40CD739BB8505594AE8E0E4F80EAA21
Sep  3 21:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 21:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 22:04:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6DA5E540674B3FF867CE03D3449274E473B3DC8D99F7091EE59845C8050661FF
Sep  3 22:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 22:07:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5839DC281320F19C55A90258AAEA08B28798F16BEDD6013BDEB3156B5E919846
Sep  3 22:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:19:18 kernel: +++++ BRCM skipping port_feat_c_connection for warm reset
Sep  3 22:19:18 kernel: xhci-hcd xhci-hcd.0: Cannot set link state.
Sep  3 22:19:18 kernel: usb usb2-port2: cannot disable (err = -32)
Sep  3 22:19:19 hotplug[16720]: USB partition unmounted from /tmp/mnt/sda1 fail. (return -1, Device or resource busy)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: ------------[ cut here ]------------
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: WARNING: CPU: 3 PID: 3095 at fs/fs-writeback.c:1327 __mark_inode_dirty+0x23c/0x258()
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: bdi-block not registered
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: Modules linked in: sr_mod init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc1a0000 - ffffffbffc1a2308)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdrom init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc18d000 - ffffffbffc191cb0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tun init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc15b000 - ffffffbffc15e54c)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tdts_udbfw(O) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc398000 - ffffffbffc39d580)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tdts_udb(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc35a000 - ffffffbffc37d4f4)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tdts(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd359000 - ffffffbffd394090)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_sip init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd352000 - ffffffbffd353998)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_sip init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd347000 - ffffffbffd34a130)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_h323 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd341000 - ffffffbffd3420e8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  thfsplus(O) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd31f000 - ffffffbffd32c084)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_h323 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd30d000 - ffffffbffd310a00)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_rtsp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd308000 - ffffffbffd308a38)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_rtsp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd301000 - ffffffbffd302260)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tntfs(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd274000 - ffffffbffd2c0438)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_nat_ftp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd270000 - ffffffbffd2702c8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nf_conntrack_ftp init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd26a000 - ffffffbffd26ac30)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  tfat(PO) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd215000 - ffffffbffd246368)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  uas init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd20c000 - ffffffbffd20e140)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usb_storage init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd1f3000 - ffffffbffd1f6c20)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  sg init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd1e5000 - ffffffbffd1e95d0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  sd_mod init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd1d7000 - ffffffbffd1dbbd8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  scsi_mod init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd199000 - ffffffbffd1a9960)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_mbim init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd194000 - ffffffbffd194b48)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  qmi_wwan init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd189000 - ffffffbffd189728)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_wdm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd182000 - ffffffbffd1838c8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_ncm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd178000 - ffffffbffd17a1e0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rndis_host init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd172000 - ffffffbffd172b10)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_ether init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd16c000 - ffffffbffd16c750)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ax88179_178a init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd164000 - ffffffbffd166770)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  asix init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd159000 - ffffffbffd15b880)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  libphy init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd14b000 - ffffffbffd14ead8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cdc_acm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd140000 - ffffffbffd142670)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usbnet init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd134000 - ffffffbffd137000)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  mii init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd12f000 - ffffffbffd12fb70)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ohci_pci init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd12b000 - ffffffbffd12b270)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ohci_platform init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd126000 - ffffffbffd126800)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ohci_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd119000 - ffffffbffd11de28)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ehci_pci init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd115000 - ffffffbffd115618)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ehci_platform init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd110000 - ffffffbffd110890)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  ehci_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd101000 - ffffffbffd108768)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  xhci_pci init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0fd000 - ffffffbffd0fd770)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  xhci_plat_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0f8000 - ffffffbffd0f8538)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  xhci_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0d5000 - ffffffbffd0e4cc8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_usb init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd0d0000 - ffffffbffd0d00a8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usbcore init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd094000 - ffffffbffd0abf60)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  usb_common init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffd090000 - ffffffbffd090208)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  dhd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffcf4b000 - ffffffbffcfd5d08)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  wl(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc73c000 - ffffffbffcaaa4b8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  dpsta(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc6e3000 - ffffffbffc6e5af0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cfg80211 init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc695000 - ffffffbffc6ba118)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  igs(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc689000 - ffffffbffc68c3e8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  emf(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc680000 - ffffffbffc682828)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  hnd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc608000 - ffffffbffc635ae8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  otp(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc604000 - ffffffbffc6045a4)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_thermal init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5fe000 - ffffffbffc5feb00)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmspu init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5e6000 - ffffffbffc5ed618)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmpdc init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5df000 - ffffffbffc5e06d0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  pwrmngtd(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5db000 - ffffffbffc5db618)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  wfd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5ce000 - ffffffbffc5d27d8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_pcie_hcd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5c0000 - ffffffbffc5c3b28)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmmcast init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc5a0000 - ffffffbffc5ac798)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nciTMSkmod(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc534000 - ffffffbffc55b808)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nciexLinuxETH(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc52a000 - ffffffbffc52baf8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  nciLservices(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc523000 - ffffffbffc523ab8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  pktrunner(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc50c000 - ffffffbffc512968)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_enet init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc4c4000 - ffffffbffc4e25f4)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  cmdlist(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc4a9000 - ffffffbffc4b51b0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  pktflow(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc44f000 - ffffffbffc477710)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_cmd init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc42b000 - ffffffbffc4388e0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcm_ingqos(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3ee000 - ffffffbffc3f2098)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  chipinfo(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3ea000 - ffffffbffc3ea134)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_mw init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3dd000 - ffffffbffc3e16b8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_usr init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc3ce000 - ffffffbffc3d3fa8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc1af000 - ffffffbffc22aba8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_gpl_ext init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc1ab000 - ffffffbffc1ab0c0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdpa_gpl init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc197000 - ffffffbffc198bc8)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmvlan(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc170000 - ffffffbffc17f8f0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bdmf init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc022000 - ffffffbffc03ea04)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  rdp_fpm init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc014000 - ffffffbffc0177a0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  bcmlibs(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc009000 - ffffffbffc00b9d0)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  wlcsm(P) init_addr(          (null) -           (null)), core_addr(ffffffbffc000000 - ffffffbffc001500)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel:  [last unloaded: nls_cp936]
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: CPU: 3 PID: 3095 Comm: minidlna Tainted: P           O    4.1.52 #2
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: Hardware name: Broadcom-v8A (DT)
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: Call trace:
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000087398>] dump_backtrace+0x0/0x150
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0000874fc>] show_stack+0x14/0x20
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000579830>] dump_stack+0x90/0xb0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000093028>] warn_slowpath_common+0x98/0xd0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0000930a0>] warn_slowpath_fmt+0x40/0x48
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00016659c>] __mark_inode_dirty+0x23c/0x258
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc000157fdc>] generic_update_time+0x7c/0xc0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0001583cc>] touch_atime+0xf4/0x180
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc0000fe8c4>] generic_file_read_iter+0x4ec/0x570
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffbffd28c60c>] ntfs_file_read_iter+0x6c/0x100 [tntfs]
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00013daf8>] __vfs_read+0xa8/0x100
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00013e380>] vfs_read+0x78/0x160
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: [<ffffffc00013eda4>] SyS_read+0x44/0xa0
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: ---[ end trace 213af9a8f6278c8d ]---
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: tntfs error (device sda1, pid 3095): ntfs_bio_end_io_read(): Bio read I/O error (error 19).
Sep  3 22:19:19 kernel: tntfs error (device sda1, pid 3095): ntfs_bio_end_io_read(): Bio read I/O error (error 19).
Sep  3 22:19:19 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:19 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 22:19:19 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:23 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:23 avahi-daemon[16739]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 22:19:24 avahi-daemon[16739]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 22:19:24 kernel: tntfs warning (device sda1, pid 16720): ntfs_put_super(): Failed to clear dirty bit in volume information flags.  Run ntfsck.
Sep  3 22:19:24 hotplug: USB partition unmounted from /tmp/mnt/sda1
Sep  3 22:19:24 rc_service: hotplug 16720:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 22:19:24 rc_service: hotplug 16722:notify_rc restart_nasapps
Sep  3 22:19:24 rc_service: waitting "restart_nasapps" via  ...
Sep  3 22:19:24 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:24 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 22:19:24 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:26 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd[3074]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 22:19:26 avahi-daemon[16750]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 22:19:26 WEBDAV server: daemon is started
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd[16754]: HTTP listening on port 57841
Sep  3 22:19:26 miniupnpd[16754]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 22:19:27 avahi-daemon[16750]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 22:19:27 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:27 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  3 22:19:27 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:29 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd[16754]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  3 22:19:29 avahi-daemon[16779]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  3 22:19:29 WEBDAV server: daemon is started
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd[16783]: HTTP listening on port 51638
Sep  3 22:19:29 miniupnpd[16783]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Sep  3 22:19:30 avahi-daemon[16779]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
Sep  3 22:26:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:26:54 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  3 22:26:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  3 22:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:27:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3033EFF2AD3665F62C4300A8DEF1AD3184E58952CF62002971B8E244EA92B217
Sep  3 22:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-76
Sep  3 22:34:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 96F8C30D2FA2736A057B00C14B7EB1D952367392FAB407FB995105C765980CA3
Sep  3 22:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:37:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 243B4AAA2959B6756E6503537548271332888296DF2E0A44543FBB07DF713935
Sep  3 22:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:47:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7D95DE0C659445A80B9603B183F752A66C564A4FBF36069E8F9F9F97FC716B5E
Sep  3 22:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 22:57:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: F26C4DC58C0F499D4D4302D582316A3F59FC2E21EACD08D3940A340D508A3823
Sep  3 22:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 22:57:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:00:17 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Sep  3 23:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 23:04:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: 735AB2709FD7C4D2605201695288321AB5892266D37602537EB9F333074BF655
Sep  3 23:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:04:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:07:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: BFE8B789847EF2B75BE8019A477B498A9EC6F97B330409894D54B2FC9BD9722F
Sep  3 23:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  3 23:08:41 kernel: wl0: random key value: EFDDDF33538C1393549A01CFD535312AFB1068F43DB80EA1926853A8C70BB19D
Sep  3 23:08:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:08:47 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 23:10:18 kernel: BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  3 23:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:17:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: CB0AD2D8E203101244EF01431C08F8E919AF8A8F018D0D8C5C8C1256E0F70F07
Sep  3 23:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:27:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: D6115CC5AC30CCE630FF01F48278C896D3C7D2DBF04702E89D21CBE658811205
Sep  3 23:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:27:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:-73
Sep  3 23:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 23:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  3 23:34:08 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3AA52B48CFF4A1EA2E6C002EF0351F8AEDC5CFC487F700BDEAC53C54A03DE20D
Sep  3 23:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:34:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  3 23:47:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: AA8594144BE9BD787A9C031A4C25B91BF27F514097600146F29791D985105EB3
Sep  3 23:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  3 23:47:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 00:04:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: A5D140421C03DF68740400519B24F6A9FB73BCBF01FB07E55FB97F011C3077EA
Sep  4 00:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 00:07:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7A7521397E02C791147603A64FE2029311C2726084B4002701432907346C4879
Sep  4 00:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:07:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 00:17:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: F4966284BF3E2AA403F601582BC1CDABDDCBFEF906CA0880571DFF87D1319959
Sep  4 00:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:17:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:21:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-38
Sep  4 00:21:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-38
Sep  4 00:21:56 kernel: wl0: random key value: D75074115DC4B3F20A6C00966ACAADC9BF71DC96C528096C9A7034DA8AF10C3E
Sep  4 00:21:56 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc B0:4A:39:24:BB:03, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:23:39 kernel: B0:4A:39:24:BB:03 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:27:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: A60C283FE6756F931F99014E5D8D3D1EE7A749DFD1D60EFEDCBF3F294DAE58D1
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:37:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7C813C57DED7CED9771C01F268BEB4D158016C643E9301F107F39ED47A1E7EBC
Sep  4 00:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:37:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:38:56 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 00:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4858886FEE17872D6D94019BCAC5A45BB311C50F1087077BC493D31ABAE06712
Sep  4 00:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:50:58 kernel: B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 00:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 00:57:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: F76112A933D3AF6B487F0133125EB247CC2B1EB4EB220B87EE7E4DCF00F7D116
Sep  4 00:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:58:34 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -42dbm) for client [E6:22:8B:81:7A:86](rssi: -55dbm) to roam
Sep  4 00:58:34 roamast: Roam a client [E6:22:8B:81:7A:86], status [0]
Sep  4 00:58:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 00:58:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:04:19 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -45dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -65dbm) to roam
Sep  4 01:04:19 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  4 01:04:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:04:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:04:20 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  4 01:04:20 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  4 01:04:20 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:07:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: B727585E738D92116FAB00A1F72767673B0050C6689D0A4BC11DC648A7766D72
Sep  4 01:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:14:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5FA910AB33712C7B3E24023445042A0308473C8CBAEE065F2F1D3287C2234231
Sep  4 01:14:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:14:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: A173D548B331674D7E2A02D4F49FBC92ACE5EF28BA4E0695A6E88B10F16E0312
Sep  4 01:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:18:57 kernel: eth4 (Ext switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 11) (phyId: b) Link DOWN.
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-84
Sep  4 01:19:04 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 01:19:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-84
Sep  4 01:19:04 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:05 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 01:19:05 kernel: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:07 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  4 01:19:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:09 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:19:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  4 01:19:13 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 01:19:13 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  4 01:19:13 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 01:19:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 01:19:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  4 01:19:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-67
Sep  4 01:19:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:32 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 01:19:32 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:32 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
Sep  4 01:19:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:19:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 01:19:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:35 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:40 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:19:44 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -53dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -67dbm) to roam
Sep  4 01:19:44 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  4 01:19:45 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  4 01:19:45 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  4 01:19:45 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:19:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-80
Sep  4 01:19:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-80
Sep  4 01:19:49 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:19:49 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:04 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:04 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:04 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:20:09 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 01:20:09 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 01:20:09 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:20:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-77
Sep  4 01:20:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:20:29 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:24:37 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 01:28:51 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 01:32:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:32:09 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 01:32:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-76
Sep  4 01:32:57 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 01:32:57 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 01:32:57 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 01:32:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-77
Sep  4 01:32:57 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-77
Sep  4 01:32:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:32:58 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  4 01:34:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: 12674A0DD13B3DA11D0603B54754A2AB8A26E49433E40058F5D6DA0438FB1CB5
Sep  4 01:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:34:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 86E0EACBCB99255D4637021077D970E96849730B35C30AD620BE9B870F3EC9B6
Sep  4 01:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 01:57:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: E0D1564E7B202ADC327102F1661FA6BA10422B0FC45B0599D22C6E3E150A3863
Sep  4 01:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 01:59:18 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 02:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 02:07:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 0051A4D5F84BC6083134010C2BA762944A52D28E4AC00A786DE87CE5168BD19A
Sep  4 02:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:12:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 02:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 02:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3B199875DBB40BD804AC01632C839C4EDFBCC561EDE20FA5068B544C4EBA3E47
Sep  4 02:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 02:17:44 kernel: wl0: random key value: FA782AE6020E560C12A703AD1B8494A05CFC4DB839F60AAB31BBA62EA35ABB60
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:17:55 kernel: 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 02:26:50 kernel: B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 02:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 02:27:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 18817489D29B00171F3103F477D9A39575A8AFA444550A07EC3079C159FCCD74
Sep  4 02:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:27:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:33:22 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  4 02:33:22 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 02:33:24 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  4 02:33:24 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  4 02:33:24 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  4 02:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 02:37:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 19A144D9E83FC18F292E01B8C51F6D58F369E1BACC810E6B6DA36E3413F795F8
Sep  4 02:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 02:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: D8D96C66DFB875B427E70034980BC86ED51B9D970B880B152F7378F9BBF75EF4
Sep  4 02:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 02:57:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 03A2C647B58763F72362014D0C0C215BBD6CA2914AC5082332527A3129BAE045
Sep  4 02:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 02:57:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:04:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:04:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
Sep  4 03:04:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: A865F49E1BE6C6B90D4400CC8FEEB470C3F6E78D9F170CEA2BEBFF58A0592993
Sep  4 03:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:07:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9891CE479049810F1A42021EA52B37443C60AC9235B10F98FB6DF0C93E321DF3
Sep  4 03:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:07:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:09:16 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 03:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 03:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: AD0DD8367A588B512008015DFEA3E907A809254F1F690FF705695A9EDC2EC857
Sep  4 03:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:20:21 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4255F00A9BAE988632FA02BC606D57ECF22D2828C3FF0F270E6551E98A705C78
Sep  4 03:20:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:20:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:20:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-40
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 03:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 456914E3716D0B59598D008EE0CE6B285501780802940D02DFDFE81620199036
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:28:54 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 03:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 03:34:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: F83B29A66190EF1A7AFD02B70F0A3DFC4B8D38DDF9400C3C659E043ED861F75A
Sep  4 03:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:37:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9579A3DA4746975B603E01E1D4117AFA278490BAB11B0A796A0229C1C6897912
Sep  4 03:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:38:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:38:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:38:50 kernel: wl0: random key value: BAF14D819EC2053E717502AA2B6FC4C4D5D2B233E3C40AB97FB07F4826F62C98
Sep  4 03:38:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:38:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:42:31 kernel: B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 03:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1DCFD32968C6C0B702D002C3F62616EFBBD2C1B0C7990562008740DA91C7538C
Sep  4 03:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 03:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 66F0F0C4D2F876FC62FB003C9530AFFFF76666F5E7F4006FD44A8E65015F1C84
Sep  4 03:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 03:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 04:04:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: BC596F2770B6664761E400D50F4AB7DE0B2E8D170BAD086E11DE7E0F4C04BDB5
Sep  4 04:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:04:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: ACFEF8B7B6253737711B02CC82FB409088F8E884AFDD03D6969B0DF5C811210A
Sep  4 04:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-81
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:12:51 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 73B41411DDB7A7193E4400FEFF38780740666295411507E08EA8B83F7438E7F7
Sep  4 04:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:18:51 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 04:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 60768432FA34A7D95DAB038867E2D4671683476776020ADF45BD4833D753FD0B
Sep  4 04:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: FC79B9344D493C38133202BBBB1A42265EED2F725F700ED6DEF9821C2F372982
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): wds0.0.1: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): wds1.0.1: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:16 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:30:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:18 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] The system is going down for reboot
Sep  4 04:30:19 BWDPI: force to flush flowcache entries
Sep  4 04:30:19 kernel:  *** ERROR: [udb_shell_mod_exit:668] Udb static = 0, dynamic = 24
Sep  4 04:30:19 BWDPI: rollback fc
Sep  4 04:30:20 WEBDAV Server: daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:20 Mastiff: Got SIGTERM
Sep  4 04:30:21 iTunes: daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:21 FTP Server: daemon is stopped
Sep  4 04:30:21 Samba Server: smb daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:30:21 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:30:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-78
Sep  4 04:30:22 Timemachine: daemon is stoped
Sep  4 04:30:22 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  4 04:30:22 avahi-daemon[4912]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
Sep  4 04:30:22 miniupnpd[16783]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Sep  4 04:30:23 ahs: ===Terminate ahs daemon===
Sep  4 04:30:24 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:30:31 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth4 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth3 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth2 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth1 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: port_generic_stop 564 skip turnning off power on eth5 here
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: D644043FA27942BF0ECC015A23AE70D12016959AC7850D59A6E0C292CF73A690
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: E9234E985C4D9FAC334E02FB277CBDFE39DE59AE8E4006E6C1E8B363F4535D1E
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 565E78AD580B40672AE200DF471A13095CA09618E1890F3A056E2AE4CFD8E9DB
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: A17C8C4BC9900C1530A800BD75D2BCCB92FEF7D435980F4A04AFF1BB736E1244
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 17E3557CBB410189119300D5412017A15C3E99B9C7120D689D784A347825014A
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8665BC36BDAD0017252D02D1E9E16893E521B35F41370EAC101295A6EBB643C8
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3CC5E55A763BB0D8347D00F148BB99754063870E6756038DCE24278EAD205F77
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: FC91BBADDBE568CE017302E1DC6EAB2CD504B8DA6FE90FADF30A0A7225402C9D
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: C54CEB411E320EC8315D021BEAE0D5B541FBC6229F6E08B76E8F4A6CBD38C3D7
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: A557C4A6C095F200730102578985CF6DF57D365BB523039B486C00903BB82DA8
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: FB00A9A6282D81C4791E01C5BEB2CD87901E3C9DA8580DC167AAEA5C06EAE590
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: BD571218939390F26B1B02481893E7E9737F0C808CDA098AD639C2344D851F2C
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 417B2A14E9A5AE64100200109C3D7ECC369F9D6FD3B404C38AA3C3601B6B0358
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 86D2DD0498E7350E6E0503FD47BF9D2A85AB1993D1EA0A2B87429831D93117BE
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 70893E1467A7467E347C00ED239F842AF83B2CF8040B07814E29C44C3862A676
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: D729379A35EE4FF3533502EA45B0375AC9A79631EFC70068F793498769E0A923
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: CFD067EA7FD88BE447F003920A99D64EB449C2FA91420F56D4881B37495C7ACA
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5A6DA6926D9501C41BD800E7094D25E55F57ED04F29B007447C7997C5E87E587
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6382EAB088E1E8467877031466D384EB3CCDEA42FC8E09884609FB3FF60191E6
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 939A98428E31A6FC6EA203AAE250397C0873A75DC46B0890B88CC5CB7C02CA5C
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: F7F144388A09D5F46B2F02283F53E26A1227B1B274000C3E8EA5A44F05AF11A0
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: 62B50D1DF89FACFA117600D705DA267765B99B63A3AF0DC07E3F0FC00F1EE836
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: wl0: random key value: BAA82E7841432F72556903CFA887C9C13691F2EBFA2908785D13D9DFF1D699EB
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
Sep  4 04:30:32 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 5037
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 5053
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
Sep  4 04:30:33 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
Sep  4 04:30:33 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2022-07-02 11:39:23 CST)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Linux version 4.1.52 (gitserv_asus@tpbuildsvrvu01) (gcc version 5.5.0 (Buildroot 2017.11.1) ) #2 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 2 12:56:21 CST 2022
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU: AArch64 Processor [420f1000] revision 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Kernel command line: root=ubi:rootfs_ubifs ubi.mtd=0 rootfstype=ubifs coherent_pool=4M cpuidle_sysfs_switch pci=pcie_bus_safe rootwait
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Virtual kernel memory layout:
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     vmalloc : 0xffffff8000000000 - 0xffffffbdffff0000   (   247 GB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     vmemmap : 0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbfc0000000   (     7 GB maximum)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:               0xffffffbe00000000 - 0xffffffbe00e00000   (    14 MB actual)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     fixed   : 0xffffffbffabfd000 - 0xffffffbffac00000   (    12 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     PCI I/O : 0xffffffbffae00000 - 0xffffffbffbe00000   (    16 MB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     modules : 0xffffffbffc000000 - 0xffffffc000000000   (    64 MB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     memory  : 0xffffffc000000000 - 0xffffffc040000000   (  1024 MB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       .init : 0xffffffc000730000 - 0xffffffc00076a000   (   232 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       .text : 0xffffffc000080000 - 0xffffffc00072f2a4   (  6845 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       .data : 0xffffffc00076b000 - 0xffffffc00093d100   (  1865 KB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Do not need to create mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000e000000 virt 0xffffffc00e000000 size 0x02000000 for rdp1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000b400000 virt 0xffffffc00b400000 size 0x02c00000 for rdp2
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: creating mapping for reserved memory phys 0x000000000a900000 virt 0xffffffc00a900000 size 0x00b00000 for dhd1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: pmc_initMC using DQM mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Successfully retrieved NVRAM data from dtb
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: cfe-v^A: 1.0.38-163.231
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU1: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU2: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CPU3: Booted secondary processor
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Logger v0.1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: skb_free_task created successfully with start budget 256
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34mBLOG v3.0 Initialized^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BLOG Rule v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom IQoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom GBPM v0.1 initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: >>>>> For primary mtd partition rootfs, cferam/vmlinux.lz UBI volume, vmlinux fs mounted as UBIFS <<<<<
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Secondary mtd partition rootfs_update detected as UBI for cferam/vmlinux source and UBIFS for vmlinux filesystem
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 2 name misc3 nvram configured size 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc3 configured size 0x00100000 offset 0xF600000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 1 name misc2 nvram configured size 47
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc2 configured size 0x02f00000 offset 0xC700000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: misc indx 0 name misc1 nvram configured size 8
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: setup_mtd_parts: name misc1 configured size 0x00800000 offset 0xBF00000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating 11 MTD partitions on "brcmnand.0":
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "rootfs"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "rootfs_update"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000f700000-0x00000ff00000 : "data"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000000100000 : "nvram"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000100000-0x000006000000 : "image"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000006000000-0x00000bf00000 : "image_update"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy1"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x000000000000-0x000010000000 : "dummy2"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000f600000-0x00000f700000 : "misc3"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000c700000-0x00000f600000 : "misc2"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 0x00000bf00000-0x00000c700000 : "misc1"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcmboard registered
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcmboard: brcm_board_init entry
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: print_rst_status: Last RESET due to SW reset
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: print_rst_status: RESET reason: 0x00000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: DYING GASP IRQ Initialized and Enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 20
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 21
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 22
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: map_hw_timer_interrupt,130: interrupt_id 23
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Registering button 0 (ffffffc00098d7e8) (bpGpio: 0000801f, bpExtIrq:00000000 (0))
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     extIrqIdx:0, gpioNum:31 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Registering button 1 (ffffffc00098d8a8) (bpGpio: 00008002, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:2 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Registering button 2 (ffffffc00098d968) (bpGpio: 00008036, bpExtIrq:00000001 (1))
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     extIrqIdx:1, gpioNum:54 ACTIVE LOW
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: genirq: Flags mismatch irq 34. 00000000 (brcm_34) vs. 00000000 (brcm_34)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: request_irq failed for irq=34 (brcm_34) retval=-16
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom BPM Module Char Driver v0.1 Registered<304>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BPM: tot_mem_size=1073741824B (1024MB), buf_mem_size <15%> =161061270B (153MB), num of buffers=57195, buf size=2816
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_mem_pool_buf_alloc: tot_mem_pool=2487 mem_idx:2487^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_buf_pool: buf_top_idx:57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bpm] bpm_init_skb_pool: skbs pool inited total 57195^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: attaching mtd0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: attached mtd0 (name "rootfs", size 95 MiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: good PEBs: 759, bad PEBs: 1, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: user volume: 4, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 1/0, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1853048298
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 759, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 14
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" started, PID 69
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name "rootfs_ubifs", R/O mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 88883200 bytes (84 MiB, 700 LEBs), journal size 9023488 bytes (8 MiB, 72 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 6BCDBC12-693F-4A2A-84B3-12DD1C88290E, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: attaching mtd2
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: attached mtd2 (name "data", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 71/50, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 464664342
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi1: background thread "ubi_bgt1d" started, PID 160
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt1_0" started, PID 169
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name "data"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1015809 bytes (0 MiB, 6 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 275879 bytes (269 KiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID F3B30E46-D5DC-40DE-B9D0-33CEA770AC3F, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wlcsm: module license 'Proprietary' taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BCMLIBS loaded...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bm_base_addr 0xffffffc00e000000, size 33554432, bm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000e000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fm_base_addr 0xffffffc00b400000, size 46137344, fm_base_addr_phys 0x000000000b400000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: RDP Physical address=0x82200000 Virtual address = 0xffffff8000c80000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: configure_runner: NATC keysize 0x100070 key element size 16 contextsize 0x400000 context element size 64
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ++++Runner gso_desc_pool created successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_key_ptr=0xffffffc00bd00000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_nat_cache_context_ptr=0xffffffc00b400000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: rdd_init_params.runner_context_cont_ptr=0xffffffc00b800000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FPM_BPM phy_addr 0x82c30000,virt_addr 0xffffff8000c5e000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  RDP PKT memory = 32MB : Max Possible Bufs <16384> of size <2048>; Allocating <15360> bufs; RDP enum <5>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcmchipinfo: brcm_chipinfo_init entry
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS Module  Char Driver v1.0 Registered<303>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Ingress QoS v1.0 initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FLOW_ENTRIES<16384>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_FDB_ENTRIES<1024>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_DEV_ENTRIES<64>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: FCACHE_CONFIG_MAX_HOST_MAC_ENTRIES<32>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: npe_max_entries<32768>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Bind blog_notify_evt_enqueue_fn[<ffffffbffc4705d8>]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fc_evt task created successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: max_ent = 16384 intvl_msec = 10000 num_slices = 2000 num_ent = 9 period_msec = 5
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: NBUFF v1.0 Initialized
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mTotal # of labels = 83^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized fcache state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache  Char Driver v4.0 Registered<302>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fc_timer_task created successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Pkt HW acceleration is disabled/unavailable.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Created Proc FS /procfs/fcache
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache registered with netdev chain^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache learning via BLOG enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;35m[FHW]  pktDbgLvl[0xffffffbffc48ae08]=0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[FHW]  fhw_construct: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mInitialized Fcache HW accelerator layer state^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: flwStatsThread created. numFlwsPerPoll 546 maxFlwIdx 16383
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mFcache Pathstats created^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mConstructed Broadcom Packet Flow Cache v4.0^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Command List Driver v1.0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[0]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[0]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=0 SERDES:6
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[1]: Allocated cb_idx=0 int_ep=1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar[1]: Add cb_idx=0 ext_ep=1 GPHY:12
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 0 to ext_ep 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crossbar Mux: connect cb_idx:0  int_ep 1 to ext_ep 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Detecting PHYs...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: 54991EL  B0 3590:5089 --> 0x1e
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Loading firmware into detected PHYs...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Firmware version: Blackfin B0 v02-02-06
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Loading firmware into PHYs: map=0x40000000 count=1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Halt the PHYs processors operation
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Upload the firmware into the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^M0%^M1%^M2%^M3%^M4%^M5%^M6%^M7%^M8%^M9%^M10%^M11%^M12%^M13%^M14%^M15%^M16%^M17%^M18%^M19%^M20%^M21%^M22%^M23%^M24%^M25%^M26%^M27%^M28%^M29%^M30%^M31%^M32%^M33%^M34%^M35%^M36%^M37%^M38%^M39%^M40%^M41%^M42%^M43%^M44%^M45%^M46%^M47%^M48%^M49%^M50%^M51%^M52%^M53%^M54%^M55%^M56%^M57%^M58%^M59%^M60%^M61%^M62%^M63%^M64%^M65%^M66%^M67%^M68%^M69%^M70%^M71%^M72%^M73%^M74%^M75%^M76%^M77%^M78%^M79%^M80%^M81%^M82%^M83%^M84%^M85%^M86%^M87%^M88%^M89%^M90%^M91%^M92%^M93%^M94%^M95%^M96%^M97%^M98%^M99%^M100%
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Reset the processors to start execution of the code in the on-chip memory
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Verify that the processors are running: OK
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Verify that the firmware has been loaded with good CRC: OK
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Firmware loading completed successfully
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BCMENET: Enabling Software GSO for eth0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: NOTE: Using Port Grouping for IMP ports : [ 0 --> 4 ] [ 1, 2 --> 5 ] [ 3, 7 --> 8 ]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: LAG/Trunking enabled <0x08>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Setting SGMII Calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:     PLL_PON(8051): 0x0250; TX_PON(8067): 0x0048; RX_PON(80b2): 0x0980
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P0, Logical 00>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth0      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <IntSw P3, Logical 03>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       Chip Port 10, CrossBar Port 1, PHY_ID <0x0007f00c:0x0c: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P1, Logical 01>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <IntSw P2, Logical 02>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth1      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P0, Logical 08> PHY_ID <0x0007f008:0x08: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth2      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P1, Logical 09> PHY_ID <0x0007f009:0x09: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth3      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P2, Logical 10> PHY_ID <0x0007f00a:0x0a: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth4      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P3, Logical 11> PHY_ID <0x0007f00b:0x0b: On-chip 1G GPHY> Cfg: ANG.1G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth5      : Down      <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P7, Logical 15>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:       Chip Port  9, CrossBar Port 0, PHY_ID <0x06100006:0x06: On-chip 2.5G SERDES> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:                                      PHY_ID <0x0388001e:0x1e:External Cascaded 10G EXT3> Cfg: ANG.2.5G; Down
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up   1G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P4, Logical 12>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <IntnlDev>:   Up 2.5G <00:00:00:00:00:00> <ExtSw P5, Logical 13>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcmswlpbk0:   Up 2.5G <FC:34:97:39:19:80> <ExtSw P8, Logical 08>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ===> Activate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link DOWN
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dgasp: kerSysRegisterDyingGaspHandler: bcmsw registered
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcm_enet_init2453 ENET system contructed and configured enet-kthrd thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: enet_kthread_handler296 Instantiating ENET thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551ktRnr[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 5512L3-ucast:Create Index Pool_Size = 16384^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Host Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner L2 Unicast Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:mcast:Create Index Pool_Size = 128^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Multicast Layer
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;34m[NTC bitpool] idx_pool_init: 551:FHW[0]:Create Index Pool_Size = 16512^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Retrieve num_fhw_path=64
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mPathstats allocated 2048 bytes^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;36;44mBroadcom Packet Flow Cache HW acceleration enabled.^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Enabled Runner binding to Flow Cache
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initialized Runner Protocol Layer (800)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Broadcom Runner Blog Driver Char Driver v0.1 Registered <309>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Lservices Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: exLinuxETH Loaded - NComm, Inc.
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: PCIe HCD (impl1)^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [0] DT node available: /pcie@80040000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [0] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 2 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [0] Link UP - [2] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [0] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [1] DT node available: /pcie@80050000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [1] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [1] Link UP - [1] lanes, [GEN2] speed^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] Enabled PCIE/UBUS Error Interrupts^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [1] UBUS Intr [UBUS_LINKUP]^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: [2] DT node available: /pcie@80060000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: found port [2] GEN2 Core Rev [3.04] with 1 Lanes^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: getrcal for res select 5, int 673, ext 645, ratio 122 ratio1 152, rcal 9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: Core [2] setting resistor calibration value to 0x9
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] link is DOWN^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:   bcm963xx-pcie: core [2] powered down^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[1m^[[34mWifi Forwarding Driver is initialized!^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: broadcomThermalDrv brcm-therm: init (CPU count 4 4 4 4)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: brcm_otp_init entry
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: attaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: scanning is finished
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: attached mtd10 (name "misc1", size 8 MiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: max/mean erase counter: 11/4, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1725884149
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 4
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: background thread "ubi_bgt2d" started, PID 379
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" started, PID 394
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 2, volume 0, name "nvram"
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): FS size: 5840896 bytes (5 MiB, 46 LEBs), journal size 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): reserved for root: 0 bytes (0 KiB)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 4B2A44DD-417E-46D8-97CE-24D278768884, small LPT model
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): un-mount UBI device 2
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: UBIFS (ubi2:0): background thread "ubifs_bgt2_0" stops
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: detaching mtd10
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ubi2: mtd10 is detached
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: random: init urandom read with 6 bits of entropy available
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Loading HND Module
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: igs_module_init:867:         IGS 29 create network socket successful
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dpsta_init: (r801046) 3a6a0ab Sep 15 2021 18:25:02 msglevel 0x1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: osl_skb_audit: PASS
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl_module_init: passivemode set to 0x1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl_module_init: txworkq set to 0x0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mWL_PKTFWD[1.1.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BME Service Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BME: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M Service Initialization: M2M_DD_ENAB 0x00000003
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: M2M Core id 0x844 rev 129
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 0 alloc rings <ffffffc032298000,ffffffc02f0d2000>,ffffffc02d8f9000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: SUCCESS eng 1 alloc rings <ffffffc02f78c000,ffffffc02f72a000>,ffffffc02d8f8000 depth 256
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 0 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 IntRcvLazy 01000000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: M2M: DMA 1 RcvCtrl XmtCtrl enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl0: phy_radio_attach: RF Band Cap: 2G:1 5G:1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: BME:register key<1010802> user RLM sel IDX set 1 mem 2 8 hi 0 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wl0 taf_do_enable: TAF is enabled
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON module registered
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wfd0-thrd WL 0 FLowControl total<57195> lo<14298> hi<5719> favor prio<4>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd0-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 0 nodes 1032 xfer wl_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x440 [wl]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 0 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d42c0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4300
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 0 wl_radio_idx 0 Type skb:sll configured WFD thread wfd0-thrd minQId/maxQId (8/9), status (0) qmask 0x3^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Instantiating WFD 0 thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mwl_wfd_bind: wl0 wfd_idx 0 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth6 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth6: Broadcom BCM6710 802.11 Wireless Controller (r801046)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: DHD_FKB_POOL size is:1280 and entry size:2816
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: DHD_PKTTAG POOL size is:2592 and entry size:128
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_pktfwd_sys_init:  ^[[1m^[[34mdhd_PKTFWD[1.0.0]^[[0m Success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: PCI_PROBE:  bus 1, slot 0,vendor 14E4, device AAA4(good PCI location)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dor1: runner supported ring format types TxP 0x5, RxP 0x3 TxC 0x3 RxC 0x3^M
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Tx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_attach: Rx Offload - Enabled, Ring Size = 1024
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: TX wakeup info: reg = <0x82299004>, val = <0x11000000>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: RX wakeup info: reg = <0x8229a004>, val = <0x29000000>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_attach(): thread:dhd_watchdog_thread:301 started
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;31mwfd_bind: wfd1-thrd initialized pktlists: radio 1 nodes 1032 xfer dhd_pktfwd_xfer_callback+0x0/0x7f0 [dhd]
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 2 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4340
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  Creating CPU ring for queue number 3 with 1024 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc5d4380
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:  ^[[1m^[[34m wfd_bind: Dev eth%d wfd_idx 1 wl_radio_idx 1 Type fkb:sll configured WFD thread wfd1-thrd minQId/maxQId (10/11), status (0) qmask 0xc^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Instantiating WFD 1 thread
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;32mdhd_wfd_bind: wl1 wfd_idx 1 success^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dor1: MSG Ring format set to 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_flowmgr_init: dhd1_rnr bootmem addr<ffffffc00a900000> size<11534336>
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: dhd_runner_profile_init: profile = 3 1024/0512 2048/1024 1024/0512 0512/0512 0512/0512
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD PCIE: vendor<0x14e4> device<0xaaa4> bus<1> slot<0>^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Initial configuration
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: =================================
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         rx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df6a000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_post_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc00a8d8000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         rx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df6e000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_complete_flow_ring_base_addr : ffffffc02df6c000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9802
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024b9c02
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_addr : ffffff80024ba800
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         tx_post_mgmt_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb9800
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb8000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb8802
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         r2d_rd_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb9000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         d2r_wr_arr_base_phys_addr : 0x2deb8c02
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell Post Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802160, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2160
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell Complete Wakeup register : phy_addr: 0xc0802164, virt_addr: ffffff80024b2164
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell ISR : ffffffbffcf553a0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         Doorbell CTX : ffffffc02de95c00
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         flow_ring_format : 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel:         idma_active : 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Backup queue configuration:
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Base virt address = ffffffc00df00000, physical address =  DF00000
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Index stack virt address = ffffffc00dfe38c0, physical address =  DFE38C0
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Backup queue entries: total = 58250  shared by all radios
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ========================================
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Creating CPU ring for queue number 1 with 128 packets descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48, size_of_entry 16
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Done initializing Ring 1 Base=0xffffff80003e3000 End=0xffffff80003e3800 calculated entries= 128 RDD Base=3e012000K descriptor=0xffffffbffc304f48
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ^[[0;33;40mRunner DHD Offload initialization complete^[[0m
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CUR_ETHERADDR : 6
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: fc 34 97 39 19 84
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Dongle Host Driver, version (r801046)
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Compiled in drivers/net/wireless/bcmdhd
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev eth7 ifidx 0 wfd_idx 1
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Register interface [eth7]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: <=== Deactivate Deep Green Mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: bcmswlpbk0 (Ext switch port: 8) (Logical Port: 8) Virtual link UP
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: eth0 (Int switch port: 3) (Logical Port: 3) (phyId: c) Link Up at 1000 mbps full duplex
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: proc_dostring_crashlogsave:  crash log filename is /jffs/crashlog.log
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: crashFileSet: log signature invalid !
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: ret 0 retlen 65536 buff <6>device eth4 entered promiscuous mode
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: Interface eth%d doesn't exist
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: could not find igs interface!
May  5 01:05:09 kernel: IGMP Query send failed
May  5 01:05:11 reboot scheduler: [timecheck] NTP sync error
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
May  5 01:05:11 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
May  5 01:05:12 kernel: sched: RT throttling activated
May  5 01:05:12 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
May  5 01:05:12 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start https:8443
May  5 01:05:12 RT-AX86U: start httpd:80
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: Save SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:12 avahi-daemon[1659]: WARNING: No NSS support for mDNS detected, consider installing nss-mdns!
May  5 01:05:12 httpd: mssl_cert_key_match : PASS
May  5 01:05:12 disk monitor: be idle
May  5 01:05:12 jffs2: valid logs(1)
May  5 01:05:12 hour monitor: daemon is starting
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:12 ERP: The model isn't under support list!
May  5 01:05:12 Mastiff: init
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1793]: HTTP listening on port 55342
May  5 01:05:12 miniupnpd[1793]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:12 lldpd[1839]: cannot get ethtool link information with GLINKSETTINGS (requires 4.9+): Operation not permitted
May  5 01:05:13 avahi-daemon[1659]: Alias name "RT-AX86U" successfully established.
May  5 01:05:14 kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module scsi_wait_scan not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module mbcache not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module jbd not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module ext3 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module ext4 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:14 modprobe: module ext2 not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 kernel: tfat: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
May  5 01:05:15 modprobe: module btusbdrv not found in modules.dep
May  5 01:05:15 init: fwver: (sn:M3ICI6004305 /ha:FC:34:97:39:19:80 )
May  5 01:05:15 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
May  5 01:05:15 wan: finish adding multi routes
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:15 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[1793]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd: it is advised to use network interface name instead of
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2573]: HTTP listening on port 37140
May  5 01:05:16 miniupnpd[2573]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-34
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-75
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
May  5 01:05:19 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...8443
May  5 01:05:19 httpd: Succeed to init SSL certificate...80
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xee32 (60/160)
May  5 01:05:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xee32 (60/160) for reason APCS_INIT
May  5 01:05:19 WAN Connection: WAN was restored.
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: SHN Release Version: 2.0.3
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: UDB Core Version: 0.2.20
May  5 01:05:20 kernel: sizeof forward pkt param = 280
May  5 01:05:20 BWDPI: fun bitmap = 50b
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(0) of cfgs(2426)
May  5 01:05:20 cfg_server: skip event due no re: cfg_rejoin=0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-63
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
May  5 01:05:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
May  5 01:05:21 ntp: start NTP update
Sep  4 04:31:24 rc_service: ntp 2559:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Sep  4 04:31:24 disk_monitor: Finish
Sep  4 04:31:24 disk monitor: be idle
Sep  4 04:31:25 BONDING: option disabled
Sep  4 04:31:25 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  4 04:31:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:31:26 kernel: wl0: random key value: EB3EB065DA1DD74003DB01770A5F8FBA0D853664CB83059A16CCB1B5A5B9BA5E
Sep  4 04:31:26 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:27 dhcp client: bound via for 97384 seconds.
Sep  4 04:31:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:28 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:31:28 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:31:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-47
Sep  4 04:31:29 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:31:33 kernel: wl0: random key value: 019DF98D29FB306C32C5016D6D83024DA89C90A95585054F6A5ED8BC3CE900FF
Sep  4 04:31:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:18:C6:A2:21:53, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-62
Sep  4 04:31:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:41 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 04:31:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:-77
Sep  4 04:31:45 watchdog: start ddns.
Sep  4 04:31:45 rc_service: watchdog 1642:notify_rc restart_ddns watchdog
Sep  4 04:31:45 ddns: update WWW.ASUS.COM update@asus.com, wan_unit 0
Sep  4 04:31:45 ddns: Clear ddns cache.
Sep  4 04:31:45 ddns: Start Inadyn(9).
Sep  4 04:31:45 inadyn[3137]: In-a-dyn version 2.8.1 -- Dynamic DNS update client.
Sep  4 04:31:45 inadyn[3137]: Update forced for alias yangren13.asuscomm.com, new IP#
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: alias address=<>
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: request<GET /ddns/update.jsp?hostname=yangren13.asuscomm.com&myip= HTTP/1.0^M Authorization: Basic RkMzNDk3MzkxOTgwOjhDMEE5NTA5NURBMTUzQUUzMEJCNUEzNzQ5MkFEOTc0^M Host: ns1.asuscomm.com^M User-Agent: inadyn/2.8.1 https://github.com/troglobit/inadyn/issues^M ^M >
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: [response_update]HTTP/1.1 200 OK^M Date: Sun, 04 Sep 2022 08:31:46 GMT^M Server: Apache^M Content-Length: 0^M Connection: close^M Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8^M ^M
Sep  4 04:31:46 inadyn[3137]: Updating cache for yangren13.asuscomm.com
Sep  4 04:31:46 ddns: ddns update ok
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:31:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:32:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 04:32:03 crond[1626]: time disparity of 2279726 minutes detected
Sep  4 04:32:07 kernel: wl0: random key value: EC677BA60F5CAABE248902921845D6ED89F74922527D06005F836C1106873271
Sep  4 04:32:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 6A:80:A1:81:69:E9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server:  event: wl_chanspec_changed_action of eid(1) of cfgs(2426)
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: current chansp(unit0) is 100a
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: current chansp(unit1) is ee32
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: dump exclchans:
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: old wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100c,0x190a,0x100d,0x190b,0x100e,0x190c
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: new wl0_acs_excl_chans:0x100e,0x190c
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: old wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server: new wl1_acs_excl_chans:0xd0a5,0xd034,0xd038,0xd03c,0xd040,0xd836,0xd936,0xd83e,0xd93e,0xe03a,0xe13a,0xe23a,0xe33a,0xec32,0xed32,0xee32,0xef32
Sep  4 04:32:11 cfg_server:   wl_chanspec_changed_action: Need to restart wireless due current 5G chanspec is un-available
Sep  4 04:32:11 rc_service: cfg_server 2426:notify_rc restart_wireless
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 502C30B4665EE0FF51E002D822FA9659133D7BAC06210E12C31F3AA2CCF200C2
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: FD7F128751B509B61BE80302F89414708B689220D2E108CBDA4D4938918A3A08
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 40CC6B00638E67A1212600431E031FC5D265E16E2D5202852AF13647A55A8E85
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: A4BAA2BE7580EB4904E003815F6732CD6FD8533A97740E5DFA6343DAE2B84CCE
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7F6E27C896C32F9E630B0178CA93B53EA25220BAE1860D0973251799BD69194E
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 001BD32F4C63C17C3B9302D35DD527A5E51D6B49F9DE01AC316568863F1809E5
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7231E9BA945AB8392E650212F729DF33A791E2B2619F01E4119CF22456C3106E
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1308307E867B324B0C1B03F2746D4F8ED9D1F3541B650917EC6FAA155D39DCE6
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: E036F8B0F4DE40AA021401A139F55C6A4677AE317E6B0E93E34AF68E22F6EFE5
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: BB6FA098C4720A76519C02FDA381FB23BE7521EE77D90BDB1A55BCC08A6781C8
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8B51B4C8DD21CD2D215101DEF02672678639C386E8740F2EA735630113513CB0
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5CA2A327CDD643EF574100113C42B7E148E16B2EE1D10CBFC595A1CA3A1384CD
Sep  4 04:32:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8D75A864525B56955E9A02CB94AC6B1EFBE086377BBD0EC6C6B6A0EE974E5908
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 20AA6B3F402876651DDF03A5208782D085C169863C5D00E68174DE3D102DDE4E
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8314A21DC8FB98092FFA005C6B372FE0452ADA4372AD07D733C2D9AAA78B3064
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: ED985ECACE49BB346E9F035B9351510ACD6B7E1ABF530A2A14CAFD86A9EE39FB
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: CF7AC8A91BB05AA7573700624639AD108F721F0F01470DE60FEECF670D610906
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9D4569599AD03D217584031B64DA151E29F30439716B020EC7B759798E68F88B
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 07F2352B9D5749E644E30170466AC7AC707B6783D85B0B1B71DBAE597E68AD76
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: DAEAF418F60428F2694F03AEC870E9A9E6A47B1CB3EA0187FA746B8BA57AECB0
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 324007C279B1635B1C7C003F43264C0D4D4773E82F230DE781DB936AE2085D14
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: E3E9F8DE9992EA06720A020532122C5DEE9196C716C0060FD21384999EADA411
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: F883E2634BAB91853A8C001F0C3E3D9EB1D83A0287B5037C46E0F55228581409
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wl0: random key value: 8F3CA091F236F284413C0195411B7CA77E4A08D0516104227EC9F7A065D32FAA
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:32:12 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  4 04:32:12 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  4 04:32:13 kernel: CSIMON:  CSIMON[1.1.0] Initialization
Sep  4 04:32:13 kernel: CSIMON: M2M usr already registered ...
Sep  4 04:32:13 acsd: eth6: Selecting 2g band ACS policy
Sep  4 04:32:13 wlceventd: main(964): wlceventd Start...
Sep  4 04:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  4 04:32:15 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:32:15 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth6: Adjusted channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth6: selected channel spec: 0x100a (10)
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x100a (10) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  4 04:32:17 acsd: eth7: Selecting 5g band ACS policy
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: Successful (0), rssi:-35
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:43:0F:E8, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:62:22, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 28:EE:52:42:FF:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6F:D0, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:0B:6B:BF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 04:32:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: 01554889AC45F139475502B10C151042A2DEA132E839007D28E47821DBA5BB87
Sep  4 04:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-61
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:DB:84:C1:AB:38, status: Successful (0), rssi:-58
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: eth7: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: eth7: selected channel spec: 0xe29b (157/80)
Sep  4 04:32:19 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe29b (157/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Sep  4 04:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:94:D9:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 04:32:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:BB:39:CC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-41
Sep  4 04:32:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:23 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 04:32:23 roamast: ROAMING Start...
Sep  4 04:32:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:27 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 68:A4:0E:5D:42:83, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 04:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:CA:BC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 04:32:30 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:30 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:85:80:51:D6:4F, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 04:32:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:33 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-80
Sep  4 04:32:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-63
Sep  4 04:32:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-63
Sep  4 04:32:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:41 kernel: wfd_unregisterdevice Successfully unregistered ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:5C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-52
Sep  4 04:32:42 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds1.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 1
Sep  4 04:32:42 kernel: Register interface [wds1.0.1]  MAC: fc:34:97:39:19:84
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 24:4B:FE:70:60:59, status: Successful (0), rssi:-46
Sep  4 04:32:42 kernel: wfd_registerdevice Successfully registered dev wds0.0.1 ifidx 1 wfd_idx 0
Sep  4 04:32:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-53
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-81
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C6:08:58:29:29:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-54
Sep  4 04:32:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:49 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-82
Sep  4 04:32:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc C4:8E:8F:F8:CF:05, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:32:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:32:54 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8C:85:80:FC:F0:6A, status: Successful (0), rssi:-80
Sep  4 04:32:57 miniupnpd[2573]: upnp_event_recv: recv(): Connection reset by peer
Sep  4 04:32:57 miniupnpd[2573]: upnpevents_processfds: 0x538378, remove subscriber uuid:3ddcd1d3-2380-45f5-b069-fc349739db52 after an ERROR cb:
Sep  4 04:32:59 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  4 04:32:59 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 04:33:00 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  4 04:33:00 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  4 04:33:00 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [e8:48:b8:1e:20:4c] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-57
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [04:17:b6:2b:53:c4] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [8c:85:80:b0:ee:a6]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [8c:85:80:b0:ee:a6] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff]
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-45
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [b0:4a:39:48:4e:ff] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [9c:04:a0:a2:44:93]
Sep  4 04:33:02 roamast: eth6: remove client [9c:04:a0:a2:44:93] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-68
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-38
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-59
Sep  4 04:33:02 kernel: wl0: random key value: F1F1512D2864333D0BAC02BAACBA7AE80A49B4EB24AD00E9D7D5BDE2E9EBC107
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:33:02 kernel: B0:4A:39:48:4E:FF not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3B6A68D4CCD66DF33CED00E24C3200B1DACFBACB53E20BD4A4E952F781EBA962
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: F2870CCA3FD9CC6453E002F9CBA4E0BCC3C7BAC0A48C0A080C6898886612C6CA
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-42
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5C8295FEE5C6AB730405024BB0B5948E0ED33A4D9DD909C0BE4D667B52DE14C2
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: A8D8198FB67F176C13410161B820ADC0A8796538E91801F3D0DA3FCE7B2E18D9
Sep  4 04:33:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: E81F7FD768E088D80B1B0306092201D11B937D6F6E660EB5EA0641B59FBD685C
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-59
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-57
Sep  4 04:33:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 8C:85:80:B0:EE:A6, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-38
Sep  4 04:33:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:07 roamast: determine candidate node [24:4B:FE:70:60:5C](rssi: -44dbm) for client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3](rssi: -61dbm) to roam
Sep  4 04:33:07 roamast: Roam a client [AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3], status [0]
Sep  4 04:33:08 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3
Sep  4 04:33:08 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3]
Sep  4 04:33:08 roamast: eth7: remove client [ae:56:f2:69:e1:d3] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:33:08 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-75
Sep  4 04:33:09 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind AE:56:F2:69:E1:D3, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-75
Sep  4 04:33:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-56
Sep  4 04:33:15 hour monitor: ntp sync fail, will retry after 120 sec
Sep  4 04:33:16 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7744)]periodic_check AM 3:47
Sep  4 04:33:16 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7783)]do webs_update
Sep  4 04:33:25 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7801)]retrieve firmware information
Sep  4 04:33:25 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7816)]fimrware update check first time
Sep  4 04:33:25 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check:(7847)]no need to upgrade firmware
Sep  4 04:33:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:33:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc B6:DE:35:F0:24:7C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-43
Sep  4 04:33:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  4 04:33:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 2A:62:55:DB:56:84, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  4 04:36:15 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 04:36:15 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 04:36:15 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 04:36:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-79
Sep  4 04:36:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-79
Sep  4 04:36:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-79
Sep  4 04:36:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 04:37:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1ADFD7E4E06ACC5671800116FC9D3B8DF3BE2C156E940114CB6BC640A5852F94
Sep  4 04:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:37:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 04:47:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6FAC4F8BB2EDCB8E3F0601F396E3619BF6CF21FA9ED908B47671C7BE55F2600B
Sep  4 04:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:47:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:52:29 ahs: [read_json]Update ahs JSON file.
Sep  4 04:52:29 get_ext_phy_id: 0/1/0/0
Sep  4 04:52:33 ahs: [self_healing]pattern_index-[9].
Sep  4 04:52:33 ahs: [self_healing]re_pattern-[get_ext_phy_id:].
Sep  4 04:52:33 ahs: [self_healing]take action-[store_state].
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 04:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4F332CB5B432970E5B800314D60DB9B0B4EF57D39D43022B06EB88FB07667BA4
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 04:59:27 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 05:00:24 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Sep  4 05:02:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:02:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  4 05:04:53 kernel: wl0: random key value: 590379FEBA4A22A9767F0079239229B0C24560C22B130A4774A3614EF4054C84
Sep  4 05:04:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:04:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:04:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:04:55 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 62:FF:19:78:6F:70, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 05:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 37464F7F5D51B16F3DBD00697FC9294DE34A1262A9290F7F1EEF402D586635B5
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:14:34 kernel: 1C:53:F9:02:03:79 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 05:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 05:17:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5B26750B7A25ADDF759B03F3C4DEDF6FDE1FB9D3956607F0073719EA1FF52C46
Sep  4 05:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:17:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:25:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:25:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 90:0F:0C:3E:7B:71, status: Successful (0), rssi:-45
Sep  4 05:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 05:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6F070CDB8AE6CEE5074A00EFEFF7D0FC77D95565CBEC0A10EC377CA6AEFD4F10
Sep  4 05:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:30:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:30:31 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  4 05:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 05:34:06 kernel: wl0: random key value: 36F3FBCA3A83406341E70147962BB443F06B76A7DCBD0BF5B043289D50231632
Sep  4 05:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:06 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:34:48 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth7: Assoc 1C:53:F9:02:03:79, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 05:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 05:37:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 42CD77FEEC3338E572CF03D77AC64326AE4DA9239966067B5D92F10B30BA87C9
Sep  4 05:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:39:18 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 05:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 05:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3695AD1E83DD0075237E0345254FA5BE0499CE6778640972476C4CB414525566
Sep  4 05:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-49
Sep  4 05:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7EC6A0F2F07CD90C1AB7016E999420F32A9F22B6EFF20D77D6C724C1DB4A2FE8
Sep  4 05:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 05:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 48D8467EC2BE85C9475400ABD8ED6271B37F18834AAA0FAA46BE66962791862A
Sep  4 06:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:17:17 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9741673405C3F44A0FDD00A09702F6B18C91D2F96D7D0295432656E2080735C8
Sep  4 06:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:17:17 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:19:14 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 06:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:27:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 2AC20F7815E6C4044F91023D1191AE0540C92C3B63390F4EB5780D6619BAE9AE
Sep  4 06:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:29 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:27:30 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: DE:93:E2:DB:53:B9
Sep  4 06:27:30 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [de:93:e2:db:53:b9]
Sep  4 06:27:30 roamast: eth7: remove client [de:93:e2:db:53:b9] from monitor list
Sep  4 06:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 06:34:05 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7FB320A691302067615E039497D7582882D20D12F03501E4AAE0D3CFFC3127FE
Sep  4 06:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:37:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: DBA0C10112E546C7401901B9E2B9560A08A84608BDFD0F980FE727A647C6C880
Sep  4 06:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:37:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: ADBFC145F44BF691589D024FFEB8875965B759C59BE60B9E5E0A99AAF774FF8E
Sep  4 06:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-50
Sep  4 06:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3F330AD25030EDBC3592002D8F740C52022128E5DB9E0E32690C4F0DDC6E2CE6
Sep  4 06:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 06:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 07:34:05 kernel: wl0: random key value: B046AB2ECB8D37FF265A01149D4CEDC2A5AEC50F605D0A10860D72B5390D0A95
Sep  4 07:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:34:05 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:26 acsd: eth6 received event: tx pkt delay suddently jump
Sep  4 07:46:34 kernel: wl0: random key value: 92D0D356E8E558F270BD0028BEE8C4ECAA155A2F1468023700906A2A5756EE27
Sep  4 07:46:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:34 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-55
Sep  4 07:46:36 kernel: wl0: random key value: E8E405C094284D0F2E06011CE6F259D86F8E095718400D40E3BA0164C3A7E6D0
Sep  4 07:46:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:36 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: Successful (0), rssi:-44
Sep  4 07:46:37 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:37 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:37 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-69
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: wl0: random key value: 28C0781E7E08D9026070016D9F4EC8DE2042DDD555AF09719E2617EA77375FD0
Sep  4 07:46:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:-70
Sep  4 07:46:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-70
Sep  4 07:46:38 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: Successful (0), rssi:-70
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:38 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:46:40 kernel: wl0: random key value: 74D54BD2FC89F2875E5F031D1ADF3D69AA7A8EF891C7039668722BD7E7C8AB0E
Sep  4 07:46:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: Successful (0), rssi:-66
Sep  4 07:46:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  4 07:46:45 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  4 07:46:46 kernel: wl0: random key value: 563EEA9E841118773CA2006C66184C6AD236E87C60BA0B49ED602D4B7B73D2AB
Sep  4 07:46:46 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:46:50 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 07:46:50 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 07:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 07:47:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: CEEBABA34CE0003F186D0054330955E801FE44D21AFA0960DE4800BF3AC18D99
Sep  4 07:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 07:47:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 940A07B5585DF1815082031699E0D4C839EABE2B7BBA081B96C71B4AA95D974E
Sep  4 07:47:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:47:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:48:05 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 07:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 07:57:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3CC523332A6C4D96733900438607C7D26B4AAF6D52290DE2B29C918B37A0532E
Sep  4 07:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 07:57:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 49EB48509969598E1E5801D4A144C1454883FC702EB305207DDF35C8BEC6BD9A
Sep  4 07:57:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:57:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 07:58:46 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:00:17 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:04:53 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:07:16 kernel: wl0: random key value: DDAD924AFB88573E27A40172FD2265F4F2D1C2C83C540C47478570EA2F05C7AA
Sep  4 08:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:07:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7C6ACDA3FA37546816B103A35C88DAE38D1590A4B48607DBC990A7DB4AF325E0
Sep  4 08:07:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:07:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:17:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: B3D08B7A5F036606293601F4A06305C19569F898F7B40673A2A07FBB2E458B9D
Sep  4 08:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:17:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: DA6C48F89F8A157E4062020687C711B8A05333092E17071046204B33F4FD70C2
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:17:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:27:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: A55261A3FB5F6783306102E2AB3D6E0470455EFBE7EA0566FDCBE710B46EA3D5
Sep  4 08:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:27 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:27:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6C76C74B89EF6046116101407AED61A9260A2352830A063B01617D8D85130EEC
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:27:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:31:58 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: B47425313BE93922045602C5E8D5C4EBA04093E4EBDE0E7C38CCF36FF77D61DC
Sep  4 08:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:37:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 6AA8CF55E8D472BA4CB601F168158805212C2CACCA4F0E7E791311EC2DF2496D
Sep  4 08:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:39:34 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:47:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 12A37189A43EAEFC38DA0098174822AC2ED0224B4FC4097A1A7F043AB0AA5C16
Sep  4 08:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:48:46 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:50:16 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 08:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 08:57:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: A83907C9FF063930081701814471E87AB88C27A15F2A0FC2A29CF7A094B041FB
Sep  4 08:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 08:57:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 3F915DFE08BB54D577F102753235EB7AB0CC5442688503A356DAA481BA7D44B2
Sep  4 08:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 08:59:23 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:02:23 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:09:53 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:17:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: DE1535C43C43863F5C5C00531CE3B335143A7E2CF6F40544746BB961E73FC7BB
Sep  4 09:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:26:38 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:27:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 27824D73EF5DA7FD7F7E018DAEE14773E6ECA2B91866025769B6E854A9FCC1ED
Sep  4 09:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:31:08 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:35:39 kernel: BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: EE01F33B56E3BA0D3ECD039ACFE5F3F90FF1197C990509E90AFFB3A1C52EF0FE
Sep  4 09:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 09:37:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 4D6CDD5A3EB530776CA6017BAD0C221240288038FA2D048084EDF2A9FF490E6D
Sep  4 09:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:37:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:47:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 16E42916D22FD6B97BC0000C9A126C646BF41B18E8E9050E1314BBF571E2FF61
Sep  4 09:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 09:47:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5C42E7F08D445CE175BA00875782551BA792F842A41006458A09C67CFADD9BF0
Sep  4 09:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:47:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:49:16 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:56:53 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 09:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 09:57:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7D957EF45902288401980098A42E6F84852B1CA8F0B00E8388CE69396B02B65F
Sep  4 09:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 09:57:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: F316288B96D71564224E023EF111514BFE5C5A50EDE501C06B7B8CEBD2362DF9
Sep  4 09:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 09:57:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:07:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 807A357C11017305031802C339A59BCE90AE8E4EFB91043080D5AE6C5EE8CC18
Sep  4 10:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:24 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:07:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:41 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: Successful (0), rssi:-65
Sep  4 10:07:42 kernel: wl0: random key value: 99B18E92064AFA1C6D0C011F8375C4641113C4F1B4B00E14A140DA35816C9657
Sep  4 10:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:07:42 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:15:00 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:17:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:17:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: F48E42817273A45D10EA005908F6C21AD229D58E6464018306633B394038C5B7
Sep  4 10:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:17:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:27:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:27:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: A217C6DCD6D217980D1600B0F9CF7A931A8E6BEED5C60202F6346FEC4AD66922
Sep  4 10:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:27:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:02 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:32:02 kernel: 16:42:B9:4C:6A:68 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:32:03 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:32:14 acsd: eth6 received event: tx pkt delay suddently jump
Sep  4 10:32:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 1FF1A2A5934568CF3DD202EDEE43CBF3906BD71726A0008EE1D44CC5833C0089
Sep  4 10:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:16 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:17 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:17 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:18 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B
Sep  4 10:32:18 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [2c:aa:8e:df:b6:1b]
Sep  4 10:32:18 roamast: eth6: remove client [2c:aa:8e:df:b6:1b] from monitor list
Sep  4 10:32:18 kernel: wl0: random key value: EC248FCC07FEE046094D01B3CF174D2CEB5E9A87A8760CD65F3442B2D8BF5A6E
Sep  4 10:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:18 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc D8:28:C9:69:26:B9, status: Successful (0), rssi:-57
Sep  4 10:32:18 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:18 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:19 kernel: br0: received packet on eth6 with own address as source address
Sep  4 10:32:19 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth6: ReAssoc 8E:AF:9D:95:29:BD, status: Successful (0), rssi:-39
Sep  4 10:32:20 kernel: wl0: random key value: 9596857CCAD8266E027000F673A9EDAD3DF1845F96CA0F06D3BF1F496E4777EE
Sep  4 10:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:20 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 64:52:99:B7:5D:52, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:20 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:20 kernel: 04:17:B6:2B:53:C4 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-67
Sep  4 10:32:21 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-67
Sep  4 10:32:22 kernel: wl0: random key value: CD808D4447E2AF4E0CA001571D0CAC5380EE081616AF0EA2393FE4A53DA44D41
Sep  4 10:32:22 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 2C:AA:8E:DF:B6:1B, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-44
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-44
Sep  4 10:32:43 kernel: wl0: random key value: 519CE35F9058CA1C0C0400D10B151E5B398D3D16A86301683C7649770EF70FC0
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:43 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:44 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 0 0: 00:5F:67:11:0F:6E
Sep  4 10:32:44 roamast: eth6: disconnect weak signal strength station [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e]
Sep  4 10:32:44 roamast: eth6: remove client [00:5f:67:11:0f:6e] from monitor list
Sep  4 10:32:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:32:44 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C, status: Successful (0), rssi:-59
Sep  4 10:32:44 kernel: 9C:04:A0:A2:44:93 not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:32:44 kernel: E8:48:B8:1E:20:4C not mesh client, can't update it's ip
Sep  4 10:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 10:34:04 kernel: wl0: random key value: 36401F99534D62CF50A803252203178D4E4622126B4201FE3E98BC03FA5D3EAE
Sep  4 10:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:34:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:37:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 5419783B0D9CFE6D676C0117E7C93EE9C65394480C730DE89DE17FE390159773
Sep  4 10:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:47:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:47:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: DD8FEA5DD853086A2CBB016669C8F7569364226D89A707225101F9AB422E39EC
Sep  4 10:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:47:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:48:48 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 10:56:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:56:24 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 10:56:24 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-72
Sep  4 10:56:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Station requesting (re)association is not authenticated with responding station (9), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:56:53 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth7: Disassoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:56:53 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 10:56:53 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 10:56:53 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 10:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:57:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 10:57:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 548AA70D09A85AA1614D02CF47D8DA040A7F2EF4AE520CFE569E24925EB5C04B
Sep  4 10:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 10:57:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:03:56 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:04:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:04:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 11:04:04 kernel: wl0: random key value: A110FCE97543979D5EA701FA16B20F212A9D167B52DB03FC1311A4DDDD43E407
Sep  4 11:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:04:04 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4), rssi:-58
Sep  4 11:04:07 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth6: Deauth_ind A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Previous authentication no longer valid (2), rssi:-58
Sep  4 11:04:11 kernel: wl0: random key value: 960304D8667475A93985009A9CCD671957703BD04D6B0B2047425A1F7CA5AC3F
Sep  4 11:04:11 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc A6:D2:68:C3:BD:AC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:07:14 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 11:07:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: 7DDC010DE0D8B3E155CC03FD24D1FDF29588ACFEC2EB06F846DEF04C619BCAE6
Sep  4 11:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:07:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:09:57 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:15:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:15:40 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 11:15:40 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-74
Sep  4 11:16:01 roamast: [EXAP]Deauth old sta in 1 0: E6:22:8B:81:7A:86
Sep  4 11:16:01 roamast: eth7: disconnect weak signal strength station [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86]
Sep  4 11:16:01 roamast: eth7: remove client [e6:22:8b:81:7a:86] from monitor list
Sep  4 11:16:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-78
Sep  4 11:16:01 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(494): eth7: Deauth_ind E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:-78
Sep  4 11:17:28 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:28:00 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:34:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:34:02 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: Successful (0), rssi:-73
Sep  4 11:34:03 kernel: wl0: random key value: 391D72ED6A5554D86D0D03453193B5BDE5E3FD589C770F21BB185BA5E939B4F3
Sep  4 11:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:34:03 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc BC:FF:4D:F6:FC:FC, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:37:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth6: Auth E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:37:13 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(559): eth6: Assoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: Successful (0), rssi:-48
Sep  4 11:37:15 kernel: wl0: random key value: DB5DDF10A50BFAE2504701062C2F6CE7AD9B43CA3F9E0BC85FDB8C43BD620635
Sep  4 11:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:37:15 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(511): eth6: Disassoc E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:38:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(530): eth7: Auth E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:0
Sep  4 11:38:16 kernel: br0: received packet on eth7 with own address as source address
Sep  4 11:38:16 wlceventd: wlceventd_proc_event(540): eth7: ReAssoc E6:22:8B:81:7A:86, status: Successful (0), rssi:-64
Sep  4 11:46:13 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:49:13 kernel: 8C:CE:4E:D6:46:B4 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:49:13 kernel: E8:68:E7:DA:FD:D1 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:50:44 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it
Sep  4 11:55:14 kernel: 24:18:C6:A2:21:53 not mesh client, can't delete it








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发表于 2022-9-5 09:29:49 | 显示全部楼层








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发表于 2022-9-5 14:25:42 | 显示全部楼层








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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-5 23:42:24 | 显示全部楼层
iphone8 发表于 2022-9-5 09:29
如果是某些特定的位置,那到这些 ...










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发表于 2022-9-6 10:02:58 | 显示全部楼层
yangren13 发表于 2022-9-5 23:42
从 ...









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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-6 22:13:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 yangren13 于 2022-9-9 02:45 编辑









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发表于 2022-9-7 08:25:10 | 显示全部楼层








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 楼主| 发表于 2022-9-9 02:43:31 | 显示全部楼层
Master 发表于 2022-9-6 10:02
做个实验,仍旧是有线回程,把你其中一台iPhone,做节点路由的绑定,观察会不会断流。 ...

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