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[求助] 麻烦各位帮忙看下RT-AC86U的日志









Rank: 1

发表于 2019-12-18 08:41:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
使用了一天,2.4G设置已经固定了信道,关闭了SMART CONNECT,漫游助手停用了,频道模式改成了N ONLY,带宽40M,5G默认的没有改设置。

SSID: "S4"
RSSI: 0 dBm        SNR: 0 dB        noise: -81 dBm        Channel: 6l
BSSID: 049:F59:2D:C8        Capability: ESS ShortSlot
Supported Rates: [ 1(b) 2(b) 5.5(b) 6 9 11(b) 12 18 24 36 48 54 ]
HT Capable:
        Chanspec: 2.4GHz channel 8 40MHz (0x1808)
        Primary channel: 6
        HT Capabilities:
        Supported MCS : [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 32 ]

Interference Level: Acceptable
Mode        : AP Only

Stations List                           
idx MAC               Associated Authorized    RSSI PHY PSM SGI STBC MUBF NSS Tx rate Rx rate Connect Time
    74:29:AF:B0:47D Yes        Yes         -34dBm n   No  Yes Yes  No     2  144.4M  144.4M 00:20:11

SSID: "Kazuki"
RSSI: 0 dBm        SNR: 0 dB        noise: -83 dBm        Channel: 161/80
BSSID: 049:F59:2D:CC        Capability: ESS
Supported Rates: [ 6(b) 9 12(b) 18 24(b) 36 48 54 ]
VHT Capable:
        Chanspec: 5GHz channel 155 80MHz (0xe39b)
        Primary channel: 161
        HT Capabilities:
        Supported MCS : [ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ]
        VHT Capabilities:
        Supported VHT (tx) Rates:
                NSS: 1 MCS: 0-11
                NSS: 2 MCS: 0-11
                NSS: 3 MCS: 0-11
                NSS: 4 MCS: 0-11
        Supported VHT (rx) Rates:
                NSS: 1 MCS: 0-11
                NSS: 2 MCS: 0-11
                NSS: 3 MCS: 0-11
                NSS: 4 MCS: 0-11

Interference Level: Acceptable
Mode        : AP Only

Stations List                           
idx MAC               Associated Authorized    RSSI PHY PSM SGI STBC MUBF NSS Tx rate Rx rate Connect Time
    38:00:25:AC:33:F7 Yes        Yes         -43dBm ac  No  Yes Yes  Yes    2  866.7M  866.7M 00:24:48
    C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0 Yes        Yes         -43dBm ac  Yes Yes No   No     2  866.7M      6M 00:24:55

Dec 17 09:46:53 rc_service: ntp 1152:notify_rc restart_diskmon
Dec 17 09:46:53 disk_monitor: Finish
Dec 17 09:46:53 disk monitor: be idle
Dec 17 09:47:31 crond[954]: time disparity of 850842 minutes detected
Dec 17 09:48:13 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6402)]period_retry = 0
Dec 17 09:48:13 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6408)]periodic_check AM 3:24
Dec 17 09:48:14 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6430)]retrieve firmware information
Dec 17 09:48:14 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6444)]no need to upgrade firmware
Dec 17 09:50:14 rc_service: cfg_server 1033:notify_rc restart_wireless
Dec 17 09:50:17 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1008 (8)
Dec 17 09:50:17 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1008 (8)
Dec 17 09:50:17 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1008 (8)
Dec 17 09:50:17 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1008 (8) for reason APCS_INIT
Dec 17 09:50:18 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:50:18 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:50:18 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:50:18 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Dec 17 09:50:32 rc_service: cfg_server 1033:notify_rc restart_wireless
Dec 17 09:50:35 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
Dec 17 09:50:35 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
Dec 17 09:50:35 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
Dec 17 09:50:35 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1002 (2) for reason APCS_INIT
Dec 17 09:50:36 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:50:36 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:50:36 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:50:36 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Dec 17 09:50:49 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:50:49 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth6: Assoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:51:12 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:51:12 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth6: Assoc C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:51:18 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: 4-way handshake timeout (f)
Dec 17 09:51:18 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth6: Disassoc C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 09:56:38 rc_service: cfg_server 1033:notify_rc restart_wireless
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: COEX: downgraded chanspec 0x1804 to 0x1002: channel 1 used by exiting BSSs
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: selected channel spec: 0x1002 (2)
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0x1002 (2) for reason APCS_INIT
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 09:56:42 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_INIT
Dec 17 09:56:58 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Class 3 frame received from nonassociated station (7)
Dec 17 09:56:58 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:56:58 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(430): eth6: ReAssoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:57:50 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:57:50 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth6: Assoc C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 09:58:50 rc_service: cfg_server 1033:notify_rc restart_usb_idle;restart_time;restart_upnp
Dec 17 09:58:50 kernel: klogd started: BusyBox v1.24.1 (2019-11-09 05:26:25 CST)
Dec 17 09:58:54 nat: apply nat rules (/tmp/nat_rules_eth0_eth0)
Dec 17 09:58:54 miniupnpd[1181]: shutting down MiniUPnPd
Dec 17 09:58:54 hour monitor: daemon is starting
Dec 17 09:58:54 hour monitor: daemon terminates
Dec 17 09:58:54 miniupnpd[2883]: version 1.9 started
Dec 17 09:58:54 miniupnpd[2883]: HTTP listening on port 55677
Dec 17 09:58:54 miniupnpd[2883]: Listening for NAT-PMP/PCP traffic on port 5351
Dec 17 09:58:55 dropbear[2889]: Password auth succeeded for 'yw19820112' from
Dec 17 10:00:53 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Dec 17 10:02:54 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47D, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:02:54 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47D, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:02:59 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47D, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 10:02:59 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47D, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 10:03:02 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47D, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:03:02 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:03:17 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 10:03:17 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 10:03:21 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:03:21 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:03:46 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 10:03:46 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 10:03:49 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:03:49 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:04:25 kernel: eth3 (Ext switch port: 2) (Logical Port: 10) Link DOWN.
Dec 17 10:36:40 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
Dec 17 10:36:40 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth6: Disassoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 10:38:39 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 10:38:39 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(430): eth6: ReAssoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 11:38:36 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
Dec 17 11:38:36 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth6: Disassoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 11:38:52 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 11:38:52 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(430): eth6: ReAssoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 12:52:21 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
Dec 17 12:52:21 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth6: Disassoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 12:56:01 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth6: Auth 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 12:56:01 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(430): eth6: ReAssoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:14:37 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 13:14:37 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 13:14:41 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:14:41 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:14:55 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 13:14:55 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 13:14:59 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:14:59 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:15:12 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 13:15:12 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 13:15:16 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:15:16 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:15:46 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 13:15:46 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 13:15:50 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:15:50 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:16:39 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Deauthenticated because sending station is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS (3)
Dec 17 13:16:39 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 13:16:42 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(420): eth5: Auth 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:16:42 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(449): eth5: Assoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: d11 RC reserved (0)
Dec 17 13:49:01 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth5: Deauth_ind 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
Dec 17 13:49:01 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth5: Disassoc 74:29:AF:B0:47:DD, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 17:34:06 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Unspecified reason (1)
Dec 17 17:34:06 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth6: Disassoc 38:00:25:AC:33:F7, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 17:43:23 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(386): eth6: Deauth_ind C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated due to inactivity (4)
Dec 17 17:43:23 wlceventd: WLCEVENTD wlceventd_proc_event(401): eth6: Disassoc C0:A6:00:7B:02:E0, status: 0, reason: Disassociated because sending station is leaving (or has left) BSS (8)
Dec 17 17:43:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 17:43:24 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 17:43:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 17:58:26 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 17:58:26 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 17:58:26 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:13:28 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:13:28 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:13:28 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:28:29 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:28:29 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:28:29 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:43:31 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:43:31 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:43:31 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:58:32 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:58:32 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 18:58:32 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:13:34 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:13:34 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:13:34 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:28:36 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:28:36 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:28:36 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:43:38 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:43:38 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:43:38 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:58:40 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:58:40 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 19:58:40 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:13:41 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:13:41 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:13:41 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:28:43 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:28:43 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:28:43 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:43:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:43:45 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:43:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:58:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:58:45 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 20:58:45 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:13:47 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:13:47 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:13:47 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:28:48 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:28:48 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:28:48 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:43:50 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:43:50 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:43:50 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:58:50 ntp: start NTP update
Dec 17 21:58:52 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:58:52 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 21:58:52 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:13:54 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe09b (149/80)
Dec 17 22:13:54 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe09b (149/80)
Dec 17 22:13:54 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe09b (149/80)
Dec 17 22:13:54 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe09b (149/80) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
Dec 17 22:28:55 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:28:55 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:28:55 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:28:55 acsd: acs_set_chspec: 0xe39b (161/80) for reason APCS_CSTIMER
Dec 17 22:43:56 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:43:56 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:43:56 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:58:56 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:58:56 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 22:58:56 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:00:53 disk_monitor: Got SIGALRM...
Dec 17 23:13:57 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:13:57 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:13:57 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:28:58 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:28:58 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:28:58 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:44:00 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:44:00 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:44:00 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:59:02 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:59:02 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 17 23:59:02 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:14:03 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:14:03 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:14:03 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:29:05 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:29:05 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:29:05 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:44:06 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:44:06 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:44:06 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:59:07 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:59:07 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 00:59:07 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:14:08 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:14:08 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:14:08 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:29:09 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:29:09 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:29:09 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:44:11 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:44:11 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:44:11 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:59:12 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:59:12 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 01:59:12 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:14:13 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:14:13 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:14:13 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:29:15 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:29:15 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:29:15 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:44:16 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:44:16 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:44:16 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:59:18 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:59:18 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 02:59:18 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:14:19 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:14:19 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:14:19 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:24:14 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6402)]period_retry = 1
Dec 18 03:24:15 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6430)]retrieve firmware information
Dec 18 03:24:15 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6444)]no need to upgrade firmware
Dec 18 03:24:44 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6402)]period_retry = 2
Dec 18 03:24:45 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6430)]retrieve firmware information
Dec 18 03:24:45 WATCHDOG: [FAUPGRADE][auto_firmware_check6444)]no need to upgrade firmware
Dec 18 03:29:21 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:29:21 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:29:21 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:44:22 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:44:22 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:44:22 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:59:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:59:24 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 03:59:24 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:14:25 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:14:25 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:14:25 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:29:26 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:29:26 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:29:26 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:44:28 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:44:28 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:44:28 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:59:29 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:59:29 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 04:59:29 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:14:29 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:14:29 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:14:29 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:29:31 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:29:31 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:29:31 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:44:33 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:44:33 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:44:33 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:59:34 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:59:34 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 05:59:34 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:14:35 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:14:35 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:14:35 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:29:37 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:29:37 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:29:37 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:44:37 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:44:37 acsd: Adjusted channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)
Dec 18 06:44:37 acsd: selected channel spec: 0xe39b (161/80)









Rank: 2

发表于 2019-12-18 09:08:20 | 显示全部楼层








Rank: 1

 楼主| 发表于 2019-12-18 09:23:58 | 显示全部楼层
yxg0120 发表于 2019-12-18 09:08
兄弟,你的2.4GHz断网是某几个设备断,还是全部2.4G的都断?如果是固定几个设备断,可以参考下我的求助帖子,昨 ...



20Mhz 对于密集公寓更好。  发表于 2019-12-18 16:54








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发表于 2019-12-18 10:07:08 | 显示全部楼层
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